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Thread: Pin question

  1. #1

    Pin question

    I did my first injection about 5 days ago 300mg test e with a 1 in needle in the booty and its kind of swollen is the 1in needle ok to use

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Normally use a 1.5. 1 is fine and your issues should subside. If not see a doctor right away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Nasty NAATE
    I did my first injection about 5 days ago 300mg test e with a 1 in needle in the booty and its kind of swollen is the 1in needle ok to use
    Swelling is a common reaction. It could be a local immune response to the oil base or minor trauma to the underlying fascia.

    PIP (post injection pain) is common for virgin (new) muscles. It should subside. If its been 5 days and there is no indication of an infection or pocketed abscess (swelling, hardness, tissue is hot, fevers, chills, appetite changes) applying a warm compress (not hot) to the area and a light massage can help alleviate the pain.

    Welcome to steroids! PIP is one of many artifacts to deal with.


  4. #4
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    May 2011
    Ya as mentioned that's normal. What's your bf% at? I use 1.5 for the glutes. Are you just doing glutes or alternating?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    How much weight have you gained naturally since you joined?
    Age 22 - 23 now?
    Height- 5'9

    I hope you are up to at least 180 lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    How much weight have you gained naturally since you joined?
    Age 22 - 23 now?
    Height- 5'9
    Weight-160 lbs

    I hope you are up to at least 180 lbs.
    Lol - wont matter. Any gains will disappear in 6 months.


  7. #7
    I'm 22 175 and thanks muscleink for the great information makes me feel better and it's not so painful anymore and still a little swelling.

    And before you try and attack about my diet cause you think I don't weight enough I'm eating around 3600 cals a day stuffing my face with clean foods

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Nasty NAATE View Post
    I'm 22 175 and thanks muscleink for the great information makes me feel better and it's not so painful anymore and still a little swelling.

    And before you try and attack about my diet cause you think I don't weight enough I'm eating around 3600 cals a day stuffing my face with clean foods
    yah you should have waited bro... not to look like an asshole but its your first injection , i would stop and just workout naturally for the next 2 years. you dont want to mess with this , SERIOUSLY
    im not a parrot repeating what more experienced people saying of you shouldnt use till 25
    it happened to me when i did some stuff when i was 23 and it was a nightmare
    ED and loss of energy for over a year! even with alot of hcg and PCT i never got back to where i was before.... i would really stop for a minute and think about health.. you dont want to end up on TRT bro...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    What is your planned cycle, on cycle support and PCT?

  10. #10
    First cycle 300mg 10 weeks arimidex .25 every other day then clomid for pct

  11. #11
    Day then clomid pct

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