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  1. #1
    nickpark is offline Banned
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    1st cycle question

    Hi guys I just started my first cycle. Seems real short and low compared to what I've read. I'm only doing this to try and heal an injury. I'm doing a 5 week cycle. 200mg test enathate and 200mg decca. 1 shot first week is what I was told then 2 shots weeks 2-5. With such a low dose will I need pct? I've been told probably not since it's only a month. Any help would be great. Thanks

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Very bad idea.
    You should stop cycle now. Whoever gave you that weak ass advice needs punched in the mouth.

    How many shots have you done?

  3. #3
    nickpark is offline Banned
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    Why bad idea. Just 1 shot.

  4. #4
    nickpark is offline Banned
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    to be clear it's 1 shot(200 of decca and 200 test) first week. Then second week 2-5 400mg of each. Again this is just to try and heal a tear, not looking for real gains beyond that.

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Test E won't even start giving you results until week 4 or 5... Your wk 2-5 dose should be your wk 1-12 dose. Are you taking an AI? HCG ? YES YOU NEED TO PCT

  6. #6
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickpark View Post
    to be clear it's 1 shot(200 of decca and 200 test) first week. Then second week 2-5 400mg of each. Again this is just to try and heal a tear, not looking for real gains beyond that.
    What did you tear? And think about it. It's not magic muscle. It's adding muscle through hard work which is only going to aggravate it more anyway. Plus the stress of extra muscle and weight in it? There's a reason why professional rehab isn't just throw steroids at it and everything is all better...

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickpark View Post
    Why bad idea. Just 1 shot.
    You have no clue what you're doing or the compounds you are putting in your body do you? If so, tell me this, is your test a long ester or short ester? Very elementary question. And something you should know befor you start Google right now.

  8. #8
    nickpark is offline Banned
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    No I'm not taking a AI or HCG . I was told Nolvadex for after cycle and was just reading about how to cycle but again I'm only doing a 5 week cycle. I won't be hitting 12. Doc said possibly 8-9 weeks for the tear, I'll be happy if I get that cut in half. Healing is all I care about. Will 5 weeks be a waste of time then?

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You're not listening. Just stop your dumbass cycle. Heal naturally. Where did you hear that steroids will "automatically" heal everything? And who is your Doc?

  10. #10
    nickpark is offline Banned
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    serratus muscle. I didn't claim to know. I'll say I don't know. I was told but do not remember. I have friends who use and they explained it to me.. I know they've told me they've healed from muscle tears, strains a lot faster so I thought wth. My friend has been on and off since he was 18. He's 32 now. Just trusting him. Figured I've spent more money on protein and doctors before so why not. This is why I'm posting here. I was also told if I were doing it for 12 weeks then worry about PCT. 4-5 weeks probably won't matter. This is why I'm posting here to get more opinions.

  11. #11
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Like i said, stop your idiotic cycle. We have people come here all the time that says "my friend said this." Well then why the hell you here asking questions if he's such a good friend? I'll tell you why, it's cause you're full of shit. Now, if you want to save your HPTA stop your cycle now. If not, take the risk of ED, depression and other sides that will accomodate.

    Just trying to help my friend.

  12. #12
    nickpark is offline Banned
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    exercise stresses/damages muscle right? And steriods help you recover from that faster right? I'm not lifting heavy or anything I am rehabing my injury..just hoping this would give a boost to my body to recover fast.

  13. #13
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickpark View Post
    exercise stresses/damages muscle right? And steriods help you recover from that faster right? I'm not lifting heavy or anything I am rehabing my injury..just hoping this would give a boost to my body to recover fast.
    I have tried to help.

  14. #14
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Stop the cycle it is stupid like Stpete said. You have no clue as to what your are doing and neither does your friend. aas does not do what you think. Diet, rest, therapy etc then some light work when the time comes. Be patient not stupid. ...crazy mike

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No need to be on cycle. It will cause you more harm than good.

  16. #16
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickpark View Post
    serratus muscle. I didn't claim to know. I'll say I don't know. I was told but do not remember. I have friends who use and they explained it to me.. I know they've told me they've healed from muscle tears, strains a lot faster so I thought wth. My friend has been on and off since he was 18. He's 32 now. Just trusting him. Figured I've spent more money on protein and doctors before so why not. This is why I'm posting here. I was also told if I were doing it for 12 weeks then worry about PCT. 4-5 weeks probably won't matter. This is why I'm posting here to get more opinions.
    You're going to shut yourself down. Of course you would need a PCT. Deca is temporary relief anyway. How exactly was this diagnosed? This should heal faster than 12 weeks anyway, without gear. Did the doc give you anything? Anti-inflammatory and heat is all you need and don't aggravate the area.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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