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  1. #1
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Frontload tren e and masteron e

    Hi, just wanted to know if I can frontload that much tren E, so that I have immediate effect like Acetate ester.
    Lets suppose Enanthate ester has only 7 days half life, to make it simple, I want to peak up to 400mg EW.
    so my first week I should load 800mg, and then go on with 400mg EW to maintain peak.
    done like that, would it be the same as acetate???

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Just buy tren a, I wouldn't frontload tren e.

  3. #3
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    that's the point, I won't buy acetate because I'll have to pin enough between sust, tren masteron and hcg . I really don't want to pin twice a day...

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    that's the point, I won't buy acetate because I'll have to pin enough between sust, tren masteron and hcg. I really don't want to pin twice a day...
    why would you be pinning twice a day?

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    why would you be pinning twice a day?
    The 5ml won't fit in the delt

  6. #6
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I only use brown slin pin, 28 gauge. that's max 1ml, and anyways, I don't want to push more than 1ml short ester UGL in a muscle, I'm prone to PIPs, and even if I search for new spots and rotate, I always end up with scartissue and very sore muscles.
    Wanted to try to long esters, and anyways they are "more concentrate", less ml for more mg.

  7. #7
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    How tall are you?

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I don't think cycling is for you,

  9. #9
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I'm 1,85m, but what's the point?
    I made my last cycles with 1-2 pins a day, so I'm not scared of pinning, but I don't want to end up screwing up my muscles.
    So my idea was to frontload, mathematically, it does make sense, but in reality, would it work??

  10. #10
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    You will gyno from that cycle. Better not start

  11. #11
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I'm 1,85m, but what's the point?
    I made my last cycles with 1-2 pins a day, so I'm not scared of pinning, but I don't want to end up screwing up my muscles.
    So my idea was to frontload, mathematically, it does make sense, but in reality, would it work??

    Your not doing something right Thats the point

  12. #12
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    And ur using a slin pin! I could poke those IM a thousand time a day! We have Mosquitos bigger then that here!

    chomp chomp chomp clink clink clink

  13. #13
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Hasn't this guy some crazy threads before and never listens?

  14. #14
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    When are you planning on starting this cycle?

    02-10-2013, 07:13 AM #1
    XxAndreaxX is online now Associate Member

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    testicular pain, should I start HCG

    Hi, I'm in week 4 of 500 sust EW and 50mg tren ED
    I had sometimes pain in my tests for about 30min - 1h, especially my left one.
    but today, my left test is sore the whole day long, what should I do??
    I have 4 weeks left, normally I take HCG at the end, but this time maybe I should start now?
    I only have 2x2000 UI so how can I manage it???

  15. #15
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    He's 26 and bullet proof and ou can't tell him anything almost as thick skulled as me !

    I started Juice in the 1980's and they were easy to get I started in 82 by 88 had to have sever Gyno operation done I mean the glands cut out !

    I wonder if I can still get sore nipples ? I am TRT but the thought of adding later on does interest me when I get my muscles built back up . I think he has been getting bad gear to only weight 167 or smokin crack ? When I juiced I put on 10 to 20 lbs a mth on a bad diet but plain he is not getting enough calories if he is even getting real gear ! I am a newbie to the new gen of gear but I see no way for him to be injecting that many anabolics and not gain weight I am on TRT dose and I have put on 15 good lbs and lost fat

  16. #16
    songdog's Avatar
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    Drop the aas and hit the diet section.Talk to 405 and beg for help! Beacuse you are in big trouble with your diet or you would be bigger.You get that diet worked out you will start to grow.

  17. #17
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    When are you planning on starting this cycle?

    02-10-2013, 07:13 AM #1
    XxAndreaxX is online now Associate Member

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    testicular pain, should I start HCG

    Hi, I'm in week 4 of 500 sust EW and 50mg tren ED
    I had sometimes pain in my tests for about 30min - 1h, especially my left one.
    but today, my left test is sore the whole day long, what should I do??
    I have 4 weeks left, normally I take HCG at the end, but this time maybe I should start now?
    I only have 2x2000 UI so how can I manage it???

    With the amount of AAR you are on IMO you should be on an AI and HCG .25 mL EOD of 5000 iu;s Reconstituted with 2 mL of Bac water. If you are 26 getting no gains and injecting that much AAR Something ain't right and I am not an experienced member I just read the post you might consider reading as opposed to asking these pros to spoon feed you ? You could probably read and find the answer to half you questions and these guys still get on me about questions . You will figure this out when you post and nobody answers even simple questions , that is bad because these guys are sharp but do get tired of same question day after day and you don't even do as recommended ? Hey are they going to take money out of your bank account like they did in Cypress ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 04-05-2013 at 11:12 AM.

  18. #18
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I' m 28, in my first hdrol cycle I went from 73kg to 79, then I lost everything and went back to 73. started test tren cycle, and gained 3 lean kg bringing me to 76kg. in PCT I gained 3,5kg of fat that brought me to stable 79,5kg. I did this last test tren cycle, that brought me to 85.6kg, then started to cut, and now 3 weeks in PCT I'm at 82kg lean.
    I think that's good for an ectomorph, my stock weight is 65-68kg, even if I'm tall, 6ft. and btw, its 10kg pure muscle in less than 10 months.
    ok its 3 cycles in less than 10 months, ehm....
    Last edited by XxAndreaxX; 04-02-2013 at 03:35 PM.

  19. #19
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Ectomorph is a fantasy. There are people who will eat enough and those who won't.

  20. #20
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    lmao ! To young ! doesn't know how to eat and doesn't know how to train LMAO again !

  21. #21
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    Ectomorph is a fantasy. There are people who will eat enough and those who won't.
    Damn, these guys are so thick headed. Diet is 80% of success and all too often they blow it off like it doesn't matter what you eat. His admission that he lost his gains from the PH cycle should be obvious that he isn't eating they way he should. Pin trenE, trenA or WTH he wants. If he's not going to eat his gains will fade just like his PH cycle.

    All these kids want to skip the basics and run to the finish. If they only knew the pro BBs they aspire to be, eat more in a day than these kids do in a week.


  22. #22
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I may improve my diet, shure I could, but really don't have the time.
    With that, I'm not saying that my diet is bad, its still good, only fresh food, and controlled proteins, carbs and fats.
    Anyways, IMO diet is not 80%, or not in every case.
    For example, a hardgainer, its more or less the same if he only eats mcdonald, or full checked diet, he needs AAS to tell his body to build muscles and not to eat them. so I'd say 80% AAS and the rest is between food and workout.
    an Endomorph, has naturally bigger muscles, so he shouldn't even need AAS, he should diet like crazy and cardio. so yes in that case 80% diet could be ok.
    this is only my opinion

  23. #23
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!!!!!!

  24. #24
    emp is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I may improve my diet, shure I could, but really don't have the time.
    With that, I'm not saying that my diet is bad, its still good, only fresh food, and controlled proteins, carbs and fats.
    Anyways, IMO diet is not 80%, or not in every case.
    For example, a hardgainer, its more or less the same if he only eats mcdonald, or full checked diet, he needs AAS to tell his body to build muscles and not to eat them. so I'd say 80% AAS and the rest is between food and workout.
    an Endomorph, has naturally bigger muscles, so he shouldn't even need AAS, he should diet like crazy and cardio. so yes in that case 80% diet could be ok.
    this is only my opinion
    this :O

  25. #25
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Frontload tren e and masteron e-star-trek-facepalm-patrick-stewart.jpg Diet is alot more important than youre making it out to be. Sheesh!

  26. #26
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Ya cant make this shyt up.......

  27. #27
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX
    I may improve my diet, shure I could, but really don't have the time.
    With that, I'm not saying that my diet is bad, its still good, only fresh food, and controlled proteins, carbs and fats.
    Anyways, IMO diet is not 80%, or not in every case.
    For example, a hardgainer, its more or less the same if he only eats mcdonald, or full checked diet, he needs AAS to tell his body to build muscles and not to eat them. so I'd say 80% AAS and the rest is between food and workout.
    an Endomorph, has naturally bigger muscles, so he shouldn't even need AAS, he should diet like crazy and cardio. so yes in that case 80% diet could be ok.
    this is only my opinion
    I love your posts lol without fail they make me laugh

  28. #28
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX
    I' m 28, in my first hdrol cycle I went from 73kg to 79, then I lost everything and went back to 73. started test tren cycle, and gained 3 lean kg bringing me to 76kg. in PCT I gained 3.5KG OF FAT that brought me to stable 79,5kg.
    3.5kg of fat in pct!!!!!!!!
    Your diet isn't fresh good food at all its rubbish pure rubbish
    7.7lbs of fat 3.5 bags of sugar weight of fat!
    That's not obtained from eating good food

    Could you post up your day diet or exactly what you ate yesterday?

    Your abusing steroids and in turn your body you need to stop and learn the basics before you really hurt yourself

  29. #29
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Please stop cycling and using steroids and learn how to eat and train correctly, this is going to take you a long time but these first two stages need to be implements first well before any steroids are and from looking at your stats etc. and the level you are things are going to be a slow ride, best of luck but please do not disregard the above advice

  30. #30
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    ok, I'll look at my diet again, but I know my Protein intake is in check, proteins every 2-3 hours from different sources.
    Fats are very low, and carbs, its a daily game, I try to adjust the carbs to maintain my BF.
    when I gained the 3,5kg, I was very very lean, much below 10% BF, so even with 3,5kg fat, I'd have been at 12-14%
    But I gained an incredible amount of strenght, and I think I maintained muscle mass. And yes, I wasn't taking any supplements, no protein, no creatine, nothing, only food (and yes junk food too), and guess what, I got bigger, exactly what I wanted even if I stored some fat. this cycle was to bulk muscle, and lean out, and I did it, now in PCT I'm 6kg heavier than this summer, and I'm lean.
    now I'm searching for a strategy, to remain lean, maintain muscle till my next cyce in june, I'll keep proteins very high, keep carbs moderate and fats low.
    I'll go on work out max power 10-8-6 rep for multipower and 12-10-8 for concentrate, to maintain strenght as much as possible.
    I'll try to stay lean without cardio, cause cardio made me loose all my gains after h-drol cycle.
    What do you think?? is it a good approach?
    or how would you work to avoid catabolism and keep it lean?

  31. #31
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Go eat 4 Big Macs everynight 20 minutes before you go to sleep ! That sould help

  32. #32
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Uff, ok, I try to keep proteins high, I'm at nearly 1,5gr x pound per day.
    sometimes I reach 2gr but its very difficult.
    Carbs are set medium-low at maintenance level, and mainly in the morning and lunch, and pre-workout.
    I eat very much watermelon at night, I love it, although I know I shouldn't cause of shugars.
    Proteins are split in 8 meals, inclusive 3 Pro Complex shakes and 1 core24 (high protein gainer) before workout. so I really do 4 natural sources protein meals.
    should I go up to 2gr x pound or wait until the next cycle and then up?

  33. #33
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    1) All you want is calories so have 3 sausage mc cheeses at Macky D's for Breakfast and a protein shake, the next day have a double order of pancakes with lots of Syrup and real butter not marigin at least 6 pats of butter with each pancake and 1 container of syrup on each pancake + 5 or 6 sausage patties with a bottomless OJ and drink 1/2 a gal of OJ to start the day healthy carbs and plenty there for anyones am needs , remember that important protein.

    2) Then go back to Macky D's and eat 4 1/4 pounders with double Cheese, next day 4 big mac with that special sauce : Why do you think they call it special sauce it is special and get the extra lg soft drink if you want to cut back a little have a diet soda but amake sure to drink lots of soft drinks the acid in them eat out things in your belly and make sure to have another protein shake important !

    3) Then before you go work out have an extra large bananna smootie with Chocolate chips a double scoop of Protein and a double scoop of energy powder then real cream Ice Cream with whipped cream on it !

    4) Before work out eat 3 big oranges and after work

    5) 3 big oranges and after work out do the same this way you will be sure to get plenty of carbs and have a protein shake !

    6) Right before bed about 20 minutes before you hit the bed 4 big macks or whoppers and go to sleep as soon as you can this will show you quick results and you will not loose any weight at all See if you go to sleep quick enough all that protein will just make magic muscles !

    7) Some people don't know that I just wanted you to know the simple secret !

    8) Oh by the way have you considered starting smoking ? Not only is it really kewl looking but it does all types of things to your body !

    (FOR REAL MUSCLE GAIN) Oh and for a morning booster eat about 4 jelly filled do-nuts this will give you plenty of carbs for the beginning of the day !

    (REQUIRED) Make sure to drink an extra large soft drink with each Macky D's meal

    Now me since I am old and like 53 old 2000 calories a day is about all I can handle and I have to stay away from dairy products, red meat, fried foods simple carbs, includng fruits and veggies if simple carbs and little if any bread

    But none of this matters to you becaquse you are young and you got it going on Diet doesn't matter just if you see it eat it ! Even if you get hunger pain during the day grab a candy bar !
    You eat this way and I promise in 3 mths you will be amazed at the way you look !

    These guys that have been working -out 20 + years and weight 240 lbs to 275 lbs . They don't know what they are talking about they got to be huge and vascular just because they are old and out dated . . . . . . . . So like you say eat up and if doesn't eat you 1st eat it ! If you follow this diet in 3 mths you will look like a different man and probably gain 30 lbs

    Here in the USA they are called the golden arches Just think in 3 mths you can have your pic taken under the arches and say I owe this huge body to Macky D's Go get'um there tiger !
    If you think this diet is a joke read on OP already tried it and gained 0 fat or weight ! I proclaim he is from another planet !

    OH ! PS. LMFAO

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    I did the Mc Donald diet once, and didn't notice any big changes.... I wanted to bulk, but did not get much bigger or fatter. [/

    Last edited by XxAndreaxX; 04-05-2013 at 03:49 AM.
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-18-2013 at 01:41 PM.

  34. #34
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper
    All you want is calories so have 3 sausage mc cheeses at Macky D's for Breakfast and a protein shake, the next day have a double order of pancakes with lots of Syrup and real butter not marigin at least 6 pats of butter with each pancake and 1 container of syrup on each pancake + 5 or 6 sausage patties with a bottomless OJ and drink 1/2 a gal of OJ to start the day healthy cards and pleenty there for anyones am needs , remember that important protein then go back to Macky D's and eat 4 1/4 pounders with double Cheese, next dqay 4 big mac with that special sauce : Why do you think they call it special sauce it is special and get the extra lg soft drink if you want to cut back a little have a diet soda but amake sure to drink lots of soft drinks the acid in them eat uou things in your belly and make sure to have another protein shake important ! Then before you go work out have an extra large bananna smootie with Chocolate chips a double scoop of Protein and a double scoop of energy powder then real cream Ice Cream with whipped cream on it before work out eat 3 big oranges and after work out do the same this way you will be sure to get plenty of carbs and have a protein shake and 4 big macks or whoppers and go to sleep as soon as you can this will show you quick results and you will not loose any weight at all See if you go to sleep quick enough all that protein will just make magic muscles ! Some people don't know that I just wanted you to know the simple secret ! Oh by the way have you considered starting smoking ? Not only is it really kewl looking but it does all types of things to your body !

    Oh and for a morning booster eat about 4 jelly filled do-nuts this will give you plenty of carbs for the beginning of the day !

    Make sure to drink an extra large soft drink with each Macky D's meal

    Now me sinc I am old and like 53 old 2000 calories a day is about all I can handle and I have to stay away from dairy products, red meat, fried foods simple carbs, includng fruits and viggies if simple and little if any bread

    But none of this matters to you becaquse you are young and you got it going on Diet doesn't matter just if you see it eat it !Even if you get hunger pain during the day grab a candy bar ! You eat this way and I promise in 3 mths you will be amazed at the way you look !

    These guys that have been working -out 20 + years and weight 240 lbs to 275 lbs . They don't know what they are talking about they got to be huge and vascular just because they are old and out dated . . . . . . . . So like you say eat up and if doesn't eat you 1st eat it ! If you follow this diet in 3 mths you will look like a different man and probably gain 30 lbs

    Here in the USA they are called the golden arches Just think in 3 mths you can have your pic taken under the arches and say I owe this huge body to Macky D's Go get'um there tiger !
    Does that really work? ..........ha ha ha I'm starving

  35. #35
    miboleron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Just buy tren a, I wouldn't frontload tren e.
    Why not frontload tren e with ace?

  36. #36
    ReverendNewman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    Your not doing something right Thats the point
    HAHAHAHAHA !!! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    All you want is calories so have 3 sausage mc cheeses at Macky D's for Breakfast and a protein shake, the next day have a double order of pancakes with lots of Syrup and real butter not marigin at least 6 pats of butter with each pancake and 1 container of syrup on each pancake + 5 or 6 sausage patties with a bottomless OJ and drink 1/2 a gal of OJ to start the day healthy cards and pleenty there for anyones am needs , remember that important protein then go back to Macky D's and eat 4 1/4 pounders with double Cheese, next dqay 4 big mac with that special sauce : Why do you think they call it special sauce it is special and get the extra lg soft drink if you want to cut back a little have a diet soda but amake sure to drink lots of soft drinks the acid in them eat uou things in your belly and make sure to have another protein shake important ! Then before you go work out have an extra large bananna smootie with Chocolate chips a double scoop of Protein and a double scoop of energy powder then real cream Ice Cream with whipped cream on it before work out eat 3 big oranges and after work out do the same this way you will be sure to get plenty of carbs and have a protein shake and 4 big macks or whoppers and go to sleep as soon as you can this will show you quick results and you will not loose any weight at all See if you go to sleep quick enough all that protein will just make magic muscles ! Some people don't know that I just wanted you to know the simple secret ! Oh by the way have you considered starting smoking ? Not only is it really kewl looking but it does all types of things to your body !

    Oh and for a morning booster eat about 4 jelly filled do-nuts this will give you plenty of carbs for the beginning of the day !

    Make sure to drink an extra large soft drink with each Macky D's meal

    Now me sinc I am old and like 53 old 2000 calories a day is about all I can handle and I have to stay away from dairy products, red meat, fried foods simple carbs, includng fruits and viggies if simple and little if any bread

    But none of this matters to you becaquse you are young and you got it going on Diet doesn't matter just if you see it eat it !Even if you get hunger pain during the day grab a candy bar ! You eat this way and I promise in 3 mths you will be amazed at the way you look !

    These guys that have been working -out 20 + years and weight 240 lbs to 275 lbs . They don't know what they are talking about they got to be huge and vascular just because they are old and out dated . . . . . . . . So like you say eat up and if doesn't eat you 1st eat it ! If you follow this diet in 3 mths you will look like a different man and probably gain 30 lbs

    Here in the USA they are called the golden arches Just think in 3 mths you can have your pic taken under the arches and say I owe this huge body to Macky D's Go get'um there tiger !
    Man Buzzard. I hate u !!!! I'm starving now for a Big Mac and Fries. LOL

  38. #38
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Hey that is the truth if you follow that diet in 3 months you will look like a different person

    Possible needs to be a stickiy in diet section
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 04-04-2013 at 05:50 PM.

  39. #39
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I did the Mc Donald diet once, and didn't notice any big changes....
    I wanted to bulk, but did not get much bigger or fatter.
    Last edited by XxAndreaxX; 04-05-2013 at 01:49 AM.

  40. #40
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by miboleron View Post
    Why not frontload tren e with ace?
    I only want to frontload to spot in time if gear is underdosed or not. If I frontload it with ace, it'd be the same as without frontload. the only thing I could do is to try some tritren, but don't know.

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