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  1. #1
    Super [W]hormone is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle: questions, comments, concerns

    My rabbit, Molli, recently told me of his dream. The details of aforementioned dream are as follows below.

    lifting for ~8 years on/off; about 5.5 years total ACTUALLY lifting
    Age - 23
    height - 5' 10"
    weight (currently) - 181lbs
    fat % - N/A (although i presume around 10%, my abs still show)
    B: 230 -all RAW- for now
    DL: n/a

    [A]CYCLE: 100mg/ED var in the morning for 3 weeks (08 or 09/2011)
    *note* i came down to low, low BF but POST cycle strength stagnated, but fat loss lasted OVER 10 months
    #post cycle, I had full blood test done. Cholesterol was slightly effected and free test was actually higher - presumably due to loss of excess BF. Next cycle, niacin and baby aspirin will be on hand.

    bulk up for 9 weeks (30lbs? keep about 17lb)
    mainly increase strength and LBM in particularly lagging muscle groups
    **gain strength without gaining TOO much muscle**
    nonetheless, i do understand maximal natural strength cannot be achieved without sum gain in weight, for mass moves mass

    2nd cycle:
    *note* Mali has the current rabbit food on hand:
    10mL vial 250mg/ml testE
    countless 10mg Dbol
    20g anavar
    2.5g halotestin
    ad infinitum of Nolvadex (no arimidex or clomid or HCG - I will explain this shortly)

    **Just started 10mg in the morning of dbol - to stay anabolicish - about a week ago; 3/30/13 my anavar and halo arrived in 8 days for a measly three80$**

    [B]CYCLE: approx. 16 weeks

    testE - (frontload) 500mg for first week
    250mg/week for weeks 2-9
    Kickstart cycle with 30-40mg/daily dbol spaced evenly apart for THREE OR FOUR weeks?
    *NOTE* molli may take 10mg/day for another week just to get to about 80% of what I was about 1.5 years ago
    anavar: 50mg/day weeks 10-14
    halo: 20-30mg pre-workout for aggression on heavy.heavy leg days (approximately 2x/week, if that, I do not want to shut my liver down)

    Cycle support
    ALA 600mg/day spaced apart
    grape seed extract
    Whey powder
    Multi vitamin NOT mineral (adult gummies)
    Magnesium glycinate
    Zinc citrate
    Vit. C in the morning for reducing cortisol
    Vit. D 5000iu in morning with calcium
    Niacin in morning

    very complex powerlifting workout so im not posting it; full recovery available

    ? when should my rabbit start nolvadex?

    thanks in advance for all the knowledgeable responses from all your enlightened dreams
    Last edited by Super [W]hormone; 04-03-2013 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Tell your rabbit to sign up for an account! Lol

    Don't run halo and dbol at the same cycle. Halo is VERY toxic. And 2 orals are never a good idea together. Plus halo and dbol are kind of opposite ends of the spectrum. One used for bulking. One used mainly pre contest at super low body fats

  3. #3
    Provita's Avatar
    Provita is offline Associate Member
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    Your best bet is to wait another 2 years. BE SAFE!

    If you are hell bent on doing a cycle, do test only.

  4. #4
    Provita's Avatar
    Provita is offline Associate Member
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    Get some adex and HCG - No excuses!!!!!!!

    Pct 2 weeks after last pin

    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I wouldn't touch either of these cycles. But if your bent on doing another cycle, Test only is ALL you should use at this point. There is NO WAY you grew out of your last cycle.

    Grow Into Your Dose

  6. #6
    Super [W]hormone is offline New Member
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    is 9 weeks not a short cycle for IM "pin" cycle?
    short cycle 5 weeks with 500mg/week - maybe 250mg 2x/week?

    **NOTE** i was thinking of using halo more for the aggression (almost, one could argue, a POWERFUL pseudosupplement) only on a severely taxing rat race

    AFTER 1st cycle my lifts went up although i came out around 156lbs LeanLeanBM - rugby, wrestling, lacrosse, powerlifting, gymnastics 4LIFE
    Last edited by Super [W]hormone; 04-03-2013 at 08:07 PM.

  7. #7
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    You will accomplish nothing pinning for 5 weeks.

    If you insist on a cycle, do it properly and run Test 4-500/wk for 10-12 weeks and have your AIs, HCG and PCT gear all on hand before you start.

  8. #8
    Super [W]hormone is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    You will accomplish nothing pinning for 5 weeks.

    If you insist on a cycle, do it properly and run Test 4-500/wk for 10-12 weeks and have your AIs, HCG and PCT gear all on hand before you start.
    That sounds like great baseline to move forward with, thanks for the advice..I plan on running that next winter; however, would 16 weeks be too long? then maybe a winny, deca , test cyle NEXT summer? thanks for the words of wisdom; all i have is what ive read and thought about!!

  9. #9
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super [W]hormone View Post
    That sounds like great baseline to move forward with, thanks for the advice..I plan on running that next winter; however, would 16 weeks be too long? then maybe a winny, deca , test cyle NEXT summer? thanks for the words of wisdom; all i have is what ive read and thought about!!
    Its good to do this research. You can do serious irreversable damage to yourself if done wrong. Even when doing it "right" there are still risks. This is one of the best sites for knowledge on how to minimze risk and maximise safe gains and a healthy lifestyle...

    Notice no one here throws out ridiculous cycle ideas followed by the reasoning "thats what I do, so it must be right"

    16 weeks is a VERY long time to shut yourself down, HCG or not. Also, the rule of diminishing returns comes into play around the dozen week mark. Eventually your body stops making enough gains to make the risks worth it so why stretch it out another month for dimisnished gains when you could end the cycle, recover easier and get back on another successful cycle.

    that next cycle seems a bit heavy for a 2nd cycle. Dont plan that far ahead. See how a "proper" cycle shapes your body, learn how your body reacts and then alter future cycles to reflect your goals.

    And most importantly, be safe..


  10. #10
    Super [W]hormone is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Its good to do this research. You can do serious irreversable damage to yourself if done wrong. Even when doing it "right" there are still risks. This is one of the best sites for knowledge on how to minimze risk and maximise safe gains and a healthy lifestyle...

    Notice no one here throws out ridiculous cycle ideas followed by the reasoning "thats what I do, so it must be right"

    16 weeks is a VERY long time to shut yourself down, HCG or not. Also, the rule of diminishing returns comes into play around the dozen week mark. Eventually your body stops making enough gains to make the risks worth it so why stretch it out another month for dimisnished gains when you could end the cycle, recover easier and get back on another successful cycle.

    that next cycle seems a bit heavy for a 2nd cycle. Dont plan that far ahead. See how a "proper" cycle shapes your body, learn how your body reacts and then alter future cycles to reflect your goals.

    And most importantly, be safe..

    With the aforementioned gear available, what would be a good cycle for me to do?
    Maybe, 250 T run for 10 weeks with 30-40mg dbol kickstart for first 3-4 weeks? then PCT

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