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Thread: How Long?

  1. #1
    Beyazit is offline Junior Member
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    How Long?

    Hey Everyone;

    Im' on my 4th week with my 10 week test E cycle (250mg x 2 a week (mon-thurs)) Done 6 shots till now and pretty much nothing till now guys, when will I feel that infamous energy and start to see those gains...

    Some say at the start of week 5 and some aay they start feeling it as the start!!!

    I hate the wait,



  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Haven't you just finished a PCT in February? Apologies if I am mistaken.

  3. #3
    Beyazit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    Haven't you just finished a PCT in February? Apologies if I am mistaken.
    Na m8 you must be confusing :-/

  4. #4
    JoshP8687's Avatar
    JoshP8687 is offline New Member
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    Im on my second shot and I know what you mean man. The wait is killing me. Everywhere I have looked though says the same answer which is anywhere form 4-6 weeks. It varies person to person and also depends on quality of gear.

  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beyazit

    Na m8 you must be confusing :-/
    No worries, what happened to your November cycle then?

  6. #6
    Beyazit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    No worries, what happened to your November cycle then?
    I don't really know if we are talking about the samething but there was this one cycle I was thinking of doing when I've got too many 'don't do it' replies which made me stop thinkin about that cycle and read and research 6 more months before I've started with my first cycle which is this one m8...

    On Week 4

    Week 1-10

    500 mg Test Enenthate (Monday & Thursday 250mg)
    500 iu HCG (Sunday & Wednesday 250iu)
    12.5mg Aromasin (Everyday)

    Week 11-12

    100 mg Test Prop EOD
    500 iu HCG a Week (2 x 250iu)
    12.5mg Aromasin (Everyday)

    PCT (Starting 3 days After Last Shot)

    Week 13
    40 mg Nolvadex 75 mg Clomen ED

    Week 14-16
    20 mg Nolvadex 50 mg Clomen ED



  7. #7
    Beyazit is offline Junior Member
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by JoshP8687
    Im on my second shot and I know what you mean man. The wait is killing me. Everywhere I have looked though says the same answer which is anywhere form 4-6 weeks. It varies person to person and also depends on quality of gear.
    You ask me m8, done with the 6th amp today and nothin yet!

    I'm pretty sure the gear is legit, all the amps the same level, the print not coming off and its' iranian which ain't so popular so not much to fake for...

  8. #8
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    I was on about this one

    Where you were already on your second week.

    No mention of anybody saying don't do it just advice as to how to fine tune it.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You will be running at full blood values around the 5th week but its a build up over the first 5 weeks it doesn't suddenly start on wk 5, its a slow run up to peak blood concentrations. Some start seeing gains around the 5th week and other start seeing than around week 2. Personally I feel long ester faster than most usually around the 2 week mark I start seeing strength and size increases. If you haven't seen anything I would really question your gear and diet because even if you was taking nothing you should be seeing results at such a young age if your training and eating right

  10. #10
    Beyazit is offline Junior Member
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    I was on about this one

    Where you were already on your second week.

    No mention of anybody saying don't do it just advice as to how to fine tune it.
    Yeah that one, I've cut that one on that week m8 when I've realised that I didn't know about HCG and AI's and needed to read much more till I start a correct one so thats' my story about that bad cycle, I wasn't ready in many aspects so I just stopped and started reading...

    P.S. But I did feel that test prop maybe just in 3-4 days m8, I had some amazing strength gains and shit, and it is gona be that vial that I've had left over from that cycle on weeks 11-12 test prop weeks!

  11. #11
    Beyazit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    You will be running at full blood values around the 5th week but its a build up over the first 5 weeks it doesn't suddenly start on wk 5, its a slow run up to peak blood concentrations. Some start seeing gains around the 5th week and other start seeing than around week 2. Personally I feel long ester faster than most usually around the 2 week mark I start seeing strength and size increases. If you haven't seen anything I would really question your gear and diet because even if you was taking nothing you should be seeing results at such a young age if your training and eating right
    Yeah m8 I hear you and ofcourse I've had some gains in strength and body but not like that time I've started out with test prop (was wrong first cycle and stopped at week 2) but I don't know, I maybe a little impatient, I did my 6th shot this morning...

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