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Thread: DNP knowledge needed!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    DNP knowledge needed!

    Hey guys! i've been doing cardio for some time and can't get my hands on anything execpt DNP 200mg caps. I've read quite alot from it and.. well.. i really need help to loose the fat.. How dangerous is it exactly? Anyone experienced an effect on the CNS ? rapid heart beat? When is the best time to take it? Is 200mg a day in the morning at the same time as breakfest okay? Gimme your opinions about DNP plz!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    It is dangerous if not used properly. Make sure to keep low dosages until you feel safe with it and know the sides. Make sure to stay hydrated, NO JOKE!!!! and take anti oxidents. I didn't have any effect on my CNS or rapid heart beat, or noticable at least. Best time is personal preference, depends it has a 1/2 life of 36 hours so once it gets into your system it is there. I took mine at night when only 200mg is taken, I think it helps with the sweets at work. But if you go higher split the dose.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks pain... The sweets don't bother me that much so.. can i take it @ the same time as a meal, one hour before or 2hours after eating? What anti oxidents do you mean? All round vitamins? This is my first time so i won't go over 200mg.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Originally posted by painintheazz
    It is dangerous if not used properly.
    Not to sensantionalize, but when Pain says "dangerous", by that term he means 'can cook your organs from the inside out and even if you catch it happening in time there's not a thing any hosptial on the planet could do to help you' dangerous. Again, not trying to use scare tactics, but you need to have ALL your research in order, particularly as, if i'm recalling correctly (and I know VERY little about this stuff) there are two distinct types of DNP (caps vs. powder, maybe??) or something to that effect which can make for two very different dosing issues? I'm more or less bumping this for those who know, as I clearly don't, but the connotation of your post seems to indicate you're still in the early stages of research (my apologies for jumping the gun if you are not...but better safe than sorry) and DNP isn't somethign you want to elect to use because it's "all you can get your hands on". It's something that should be used only after careful thought and consideration, imo.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    crystal & powder

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Galveston Texas
    Originally posted by BigGreen

    Not to sensantionalize, but when Pain says "dangerous", by that term he means 'can cook your organs from the inside out and even if you catch it happening in time there's not a thing any hosptial on the planet could do to help you' dangerous.
    This is not true and seems to be a common misperception about DNP. DNP will not "cook your organs" even at the most extreme doses. The few people that have died from DNP have died from dehydration, not being "cooked", and there is plenty that a good critical care doc can do to save a person OD'ed on DNP, provided that they know it's DNP they are dealing with.

    I would consider something like yohimbine or ephedrine more deleterious to one's health than DNP.

    DNP can be and is dangerous in the hands of a jackass, and requires careful research and percautions just like every other illicit substance used in bodybuilding.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Originally posted by longhornDr

    This is not true and seems to be a common misperception about DNP. DNP will not "cook your organs" even at the most extreme doses. The few people that have died from DNP have died from dehydration, not being "cooked", and there is plenty that a good critical care doc can do to save a person OD'ed on DNP, provided that they know it's DNP they are dealing with.

    I didn't mean "cook" in the sense of "will heat them to 350 degrees", but, nevertheless, was under the impression that this "cooking" (extreme dehydration of the organs) of the organs was one of the outcomes. Additionally, I thought it was virtually all but irreversible. It's interesting to see that this is not the case. If this is in fact true (meaning the reversibility) I apologize for spreading erroneous's just that everything I've EVER been told seemed to indicate that once you OD'ed (so to speak) there was nothing that could be done.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    12,000 feet above it all
    Originally posted by dizzle
    crystal & powder
    Yup, that's exactly what I was thinking of....though I'm sure it's been done before, could you, for purposes of this thread, elaborate on the difference as to which is the potentially more dangerous or wrongly used version.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Just my two cents

    DNP is not a miracle drug. Having done several cycles, it still boils down to diet and exercise. You will loose weight on DNP, but you can also loose weight doing cardio and altering your diet. Basically it boils down to if you eat like shit before doing dnp, then you do dnp, loose the weight, and then start to eat like shit afterwards, guess what? You'll get fat again, dnp is not a miracle drug, and it does have a lot of sides.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    what type of sides did you experience???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Hot as hell all the time, it wasnt too bad when sitting still, but who can sit still all day and not move. I got hives on my upper back which itched like hell, aside from that it wasnt too bad, but I didnt go over 200-400mg per day, and I took all of my vitamins and minerals, and drank plenty of water and glycerol.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    SOuthern Cali
    if your talking about meth and coke...then umm..they are both pretty dangerous, meth is made from shit..thats why its called shit, and coke is from a can lose alot of weight from both but, most people tend to use meth for the purposes of WEIGHT LOSE or thats what my female friends use as an excuse, and they do lose wieght,,but its from not eating and you not only lose fat but muscle too..not to exclude your pride and integrity which is also flushed....just my 2 cents..and if anybody else has a flame about this opinion please feel free....we are all knowledgable on some different ends of the spectrum.

    Originally posted by dizzle
    crystal & powder

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