32 years old
BF 15-20%
Training regularly for fitness and conditioning for 10+ years, bodybuilding and physique for last 8-12months. Spent last 5 months cutting and loosing fat/increasing strength and endurance dropping from 230-current 200lbs
Healthy diet recent focus on intaking more cal/protien.
First cycle was test 400 only for 12 weeks @ 400mg/wk. no pct.. Fortunate no bad sides gained aprox 20lbs kept about 15lbs. (This was a couple years ago before I quit smoking and became a bit heavy at 230lbs)
Purposed 2nd cycle.... (Novice cycle 1 as found on this site with slight modifications)????
Week 1-6 dbol undecided either 25 or 40mg ED
Week 1-12 Test 400 either 400 or 500mg once per week
Week 1-12 Arimidex .25md EOD
Weeks 15-17 Nolvadex 40/40/20mg ED
Would appreciate any suggestions on purposed dosages and/or constructive crit.