Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Weight: 180
BF%: 6-8% (when i start)
hey guys. ive been training natural for over 4 years now, and have decided i want to start a cycle. im aware of the consequences, and the dangers. but i feel that im ready. id also like to include that i am already naturally infertile, and that risk is not one i need to weigh.
Im currently cutting down for the summer down to 6-8% BF. I plan to maintain that until October 2013, which is when I start my first cycle:
Wk 1-12 test E = 250mg twice/wk e3.5d
Wk 1-12 Aromasin 10mg ED
15 to wk 19
Clomid 75/50/50/50
nolva 40/20/20/20
I was considering switching test E with Cyp, or Prop, and adjust the weeks accordingly. any opinions on which is a best for a first cycle?
should i include aromasin in the PCT as well?
I was considering hCG as well, but I've had people tell me to save it for later cycles. that and, to be honest, temporary testicular atrophy doesnt bother me lol.
this will be a strictly bulking cycle, I want to put on as much mass as I possibly can, and then cut again in Spring 2014. Should I start my second cycle at that point as well? Or just cut naturally?
If I were to do a second, cutting cycle, what would you recommend? I was considering Prop, anavar, and clen.
Im afraid of losing any of my gains from the cycle, especially since Ill be cutting so soon after PCT. But at the same time, I feel like it might be a bit too soon to start a second cycle? Unless I use prop first cycle, in which case my first cycle would have ended earlier.. any opinions? Should I use just clen for next year's cut, will that help me hold onto the muscle i made in the cycle?