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  1. #1
    sonson is offline Junior Member
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    Cycle critique and check before starting next week~

    Age - 25
    Height - 5'5
    Weight - 154lb
    Bf - 10%~

    Previous cycle experience, Trenazone and ultradrol PH cycle, then i did my first test e cycle at 500mg ew for 12 weeks

    Weeks 1-12
    Test E - 200mg EW (might stretch out test an additional 2 weeks since i'll extra left just to strip off excess bf while im on trt dose of test after i finish up the tren @ 10 weeks)
    HCG - 500iu EW

    Weeks 1-10
    Tren A - 200mg EW


    Weeks 1-5
    Clomid - 100/50/50/25/25

    Weeks 1-8
    GHRP-6 100mg split twice a day post workout and before bed on empty stomach
    CJC-1295 w/o DAC 100mg split twice a day post workout and before bed on empty stomach

    Also, what is everyone's thoughts about fats in your diet while on? Im sure we all know the importance of them when we are off, for primarily hormone secretion, but since we are "on", is it beneficial to move calories from fats and fill them in with more carbs for more growth? Or does it not even really matter. Then in PCT, we return to a more traditional 20-30% calories from fats and the rest proteins and carbs. I was looking to drop fats down to trace amounts found in food, so roughly 10%~

    I am aiming to bulk at around 3,500 a day, and i will adjust accordingly to keep the weight scale moving and how ill be looking in the mirror.

    Another question, what is everyones thoughts on training H.I.T. Dorian style while on? As opposed to the more traditional "more sets and volume" approach. I actually want to spend less time in the gym this go around, 3, maybe 4 days a week to give myself more time to rest and eat my ass off. Also I think there would be more benefit as well when one comes off, you're pretty much doing the same thing as you were on, short, high intensity set, and then you go home.

    some b4 pics

    Cycle critique and check before starting next week~-1pic.jpgCycle critique and check before starting next week~-2pic.jpg
    Cycle critique and check before starting next week~-img_20121015_233348.jpg

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sonson View Post
    Age - 25
    Height - 5'5
    Weight - 154lb
    Bf - 10%~

    Previous cycle experience, Trenazone and ultradrol PH cycle, then i did my first test e cycle at 500mg ew for 12 weeks

    Weeks 1-12
    Test E - 200mg EW (might stretch out test an additional 2 weeks since i'll extra left just to strip off excess bf while im on trt dose of test after i finish up the tren @ 10 weeks)
    HCG - 500iu EW

    Weeks 1-10
    Tren A - 200mg EW I would make this Tren E to match up esters with your Test E and run them both E3.5D. But you can use Tren A.


    Weeks 1-5 This begins 14 days after last Test E shot.
    Clomid - 100/50/50/25/25

    Standard PCT;

    Clomid 75/50/50/50 <---- if using tabs, 100mg first wk is fine.
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Weeks 1-8
    GHRP-6 100mg split twice a day post workout and before bed on empty stomach
    CJC-1295 w/o DAC 100mg split twice a day post workout and before bed on empty stomach Never used these.

    Also, what is everyone's thoughts about fats in your diet while on? Im sure we all know the importance of them when we are off, for primarily hormone secretion, but since we are "on", is it beneficial to move calories from fats and fill them in with more carbs for more growth? Or does it not even really matter. Then in PCT, we return to a more traditional 20-30% calories from fats and the rest proteins and carbs. I was looking to drop fats down to trace amounts found in food, so roughly 10%~

    I am aiming to bulk at around 3,500 a day, and i will adjust accordingly to keep the weight scale moving and how ill be looking in the mirror. Thats what i use.

    Another question, what is everyones thoughts on training H.I.T. Dorian style while on? As opposed to the more traditional "more sets and volume" approach. I actually want to spend less time in the gym this go around, 3, maybe 4 days a week to give myself more time to rest and eat my ass off. Also I think there would be more benefit as well when one comes off, you're pretty much doing the same thing as you were on, short, high intensity set, and then you go home. I really like Dorian Yates philosophy. This is what i currently use for a routine;

    Split Workout

    Day one: Delts, triceps, abs
    Day two: Back, traps, rear delts
    Day three: REST
    Day four: Chest, biceps, abs
    Day five: Quads, hams, calves
    Day six: REST

    All movements are performed with PERFECT FORM (this is a must IMO)

    All rest periods are short (60-90 seconds, 90 seconds being only for the BIG LIFTS - Deadlifts, Leg Press etc...)

    All movements are performed as follows with a few obvious exceptions where it is not safe/ possible to do easily;

    Set 1 - Warm up/ Feel Set
    Set 2 - Feel Set / Close to failure
    Set 3 - Working set (To failure and beyond, including forced reps, negatives, force negatives, static pauses)

    *One thing to note is that you CANNOT REST DURING YOUR WORKING SET! You go to failure and then you carry on with the help of a spotter (still you must keep tight form as your spotter does the cheating for you), you do not stop and allow the muscle to rest and recover. Your tempo needs to remain there all the way to the death, DO NOT PAUSE AND ALLOW RECOVERY

    Progressive Tension Overload

    Progressive - Adding weight/ reps/ extra stimulus
    Tension - Where that weight is going - on the muscle as tension.
    Overload - Taking a muscle to failure - overloading the muscle with something it has not before experienced.

    Progressive Tension Overload creates adaptation.

    some b4 pics

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  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Test is barely TRT level. Hcg 250iu 2x week. Tren A needs to be pinned eod. You will need an AI from the start like adex .25mg eod. You pct is light add nolva 40/40/20/20.

    Do some more research and repost a revised cycle with all doses and injection schedule. AI. PCT.

  4. #4
    sonson is offline Junior Member
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    That is my fault, i am aware about tren a is shot eod and that HCG is twice a week, what i meant by what i posted was total amounts per week, im trying to avoid using an AI while on unless needed, but i am not very prone to gyno on any of my past cycles. However i do have adex on hand, caber as well, but i also figure that if my estrogen is under control while one, prolactin sides shouldnt be and issue. I could add nolva as well to pct.

    Guess i should have proofread before i hit submit. Lol@ my PCT in weeks 1-5 hahaha.

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Test is barely TRT level. Hcg 250iu 2x week. Tren A needs to be pinned eod. You will need an AI from the start like adex .25mg eod. You pct is light add nolva 40/40/20/20.

    Do some more research and repost a revised cycle with all doses and injection schedule. AI. PCT.
    I missed the AI, thought his hCG was twice a wk, and his Tren was 2/wk as well. ?? Time for bed, the sleeping meds are kicking in. Good night bro.

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    You really need to be running the AIfrom the start especially when running a 19nor like tren . Tren will drive your estrogen real quick. Better then a gyno thread in 4 weeks because you chose not to listen.

  7. #7
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    THAT. Is 154lbs? Because I'm doing something seriously wrong at 186 13%bf

  8. #8
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    THAT. Is 154lbs? Because I'm doing something seriously wrong at 186 13%bf
    He's half your height at 5'5" looks real good right chive

  9. #9
    sonson is offline Junior Member
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    Gotcha, your right, prevention is better rather than waiting for the symptoms to start .25 adex eod.

    Thanks for the replies guys

  10. #10
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    I guess so. Hard to see that I've got more LBM than he has weight and I don't look this good just because I've got more than half a foot on him lol

  11. #11
    sonson is offline Junior Member
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    If its anything chive, i have very small ankle and wrist measurements as well as im sure my skeleton itself is light, so i look a lot bigger than i actually am. Sucks for looking big in clothes, but when i wear a tank at the gym or say im at the beach, people always think im 170lbs not 150~.

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Hey Sonson,

    What do you thionk of the Split Workout i put up? Its a Dorian Yates improvised version. The Progressive Tension Overload is great for building strength and mass.

    And yeah a big times 2 with Fit2bOld on prevention vs treatment.

  13. #13
    sonson is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Hey Sonson,

    What do you thionk of the Split Workout i put up? Its a Dorian Yates improvised version. The Progressive Tension Overload is great for building strength and mass.

    And yeah a big times 2 with Fit2bOld on prevention vs treatment.
    That is pretty much my current split, well actually, almost exactly how it is now. However when I am on, I am going to defeintly increase the volume, as well as the poundages accordingly, then when PCT time rolls around, I will drop all the excess volume and sets. I really like DY training philosophy, ive been doing it almost exclusively with some tweaks for more strength. I am really excited on how moderate to high volume will do for me size wise while on, since i have never really done it that way.

  14. #14
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Its my goto routine when im on.

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