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Thread: Am i ready?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Am i ready?

    I think I'm ready for gear as I'm 27, 6'0 205 lbs 10%BF train and diet are on spot but the gains have come to a stand still for the last year. Judging by my pic does it look like I've gained my max or close to it naturally? I don't gain weight real easy btw high metabolism and used to be 6'0 150

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron View Post
    I think I'm ready for gear as I'm 27, 6'0 205 lbs 10%BF train and diet are on spot but the gains have come to a stand still for the last year. Judging by my pic does it look like I've gained my max or close to it naturally? I don't gain weight real easy btw high metabolism and used to be 6'0 150
    Need to take the shirt off but your no where near your genetic potential

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    What makes you say that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Btw I am not flexing in that picture fyi

  5. #5
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    No offense, but I look just as big as you in your pic (if thats you)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron View Post
    I think I'm ready for gear as I'm 27, 6'0 205 lbs 10%BF train and diet are on spot but the gains have come to a stand still for the last year. Judging by my pic does it look like I've gained my max or close to it naturally? I don't gain weight real easy btw high metabolism and used to be 6'0 150
    have you researched anything about AAS??

  7. #7
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    Yes. Yes I have. U can only do so much research.Was just simply asking for experienced input. That's all. Approx 1 1/2 years of research 5 hrs a week minimum. No need to be a snob around here.

  8. #8
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    Attitude wise, no your not ready. And how do you guys get that your anywhere near your natural potential at 5'10" 205 is beyond me. You can to 230 naturally if you have the guts and the dedication.

  9. #9
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    just asking....

    whats your proposed cycle?

  10. #10
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    I 200% disagree with this. You can't tell me everyone out there has the genetic potential to be 5'10 230. No way jose.

  11. #11
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    Test C 500 mg/wk 1-15
    Anastrozole .25mg eod 1-17
    Nolva 40/20/20/20 18-21

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron View Post
    Test C 500 mg/wk 1-15
    Anastrozole .25mg eod 1-17
    Nolva 40/20/20/20 18-21
    and thats what 1 1/2 years of 5 hours/week of research yeilds.... pfft..

  13. #13
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    You're basically going to hate on me bc I make less than 30,000 a yr and can't afford to run hcg and clomid also? Not everyone cam affor every ancillary although in a perfect world that would be fantastic!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron View Post
    You're basically going to hate on me bc I make less than 30,000 a yr and can't afford to run hcg and clomid also? Not everyone cam affor every ancillary although in a perfect world that would be fantastic!
    if you can't afford it, don't do it...

    what about all the food you'll be eating (well should be eating..)??? the food will cost more than the gear...

  15. #15
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    Yes I know most recommend 5000 IU's of hcg ew and clomid 100/50/50/50. So don't act like o know nothing I do. And I have access to hcg and bac water the whole 9 yards. It's not my knowledge or access as u previously thought......

  16. #16
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    get a better job, or a second job..

    where there's a will, there is a way.

  17. #17
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    500* and really? You're gonna try to critique my life? **** off! Disrespectful AF....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron
    Yes I know most recommend 5000 IU's of hcg ew and clomid 100/50/50/50. So don't act like o know nothing I do. And I have access to hcg and bac water the whole 9 yards. It's not my knowledge or access as u previously thought......
    U can get hcg for less then 20 bucks. wait for, if its not right now, clomid to go on sale at ar-r.. Piece it together...THEN get a second job for the 4000 clean cals ur gonna need lol

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  19. #19
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    im over this clown, im out

    good luck guys

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    HCG at 5000iu a week? Surely you meant 500 lol. I agree that genetic potential differs largely from person to person and 5'10 230 seems a bit rediculous. I also like to pct with nolva only due to cost and having no issues with it this far, but I will still suggest to everyone to use both nolva and clomid. The rest is your choice
    As for your cycle, it's a pretty standard starting point. If you feel you've trained to the point where you want to cycle, I would say you're fine to start IMO
    We're not haters and assholes, but were going to suggest everything be used all the time to minimize any harm from coming from AAS use... We see a lot of stupid and stubborn people on a daily basis here. It's hard to not come off like a dbag sometimes lol

  21. #21
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    Yeah I corrected the 5000 if u look up above. Lol. And yeah I know. I love help, but when ppl try to tell me how to live my life I get very offended. But I'm gonna go ahead with the nolva for pct

  22. #22
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    @kronik420 (*Not angry, just being honest) you are seriously the most arrogant member I've came acrossed on here. Only encounter I've had with someone so cocky and disrespectful. Maybe u should join another forum where u fit in a little better with a holes. *just my two cents
    Last edited by pumping_iron; 04-06-2013 at 09:59 PM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron View Post
    Btw I am not flexing in that picture fyi
    Yes we can tell.But with proper diet and the right training you can easily get much bigger.

  24. #24
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    Yeah, idk how much bigger. Honestly feeling out my gains/progress my body, I would say 5 lbs more of muscle. 10 at the highest.

  25. #25
    Your cycle looks fine bud. Might be a little long so if you stop making gains and you're diet/training is on point just come off sooner.

    I'd add hcg at 250iu 3 times a week and ideally you'd add torem or clomid to pct but you seem to already know this. If you were running a shorter cycle these wouldn't be as important but at 15 weeks it's just not worth the risk IMO.

    Natural genetic potential is a farse.....who cares.

    Good luck and enjoy.

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  26. #26
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    I forgot to mention this too. I don't think ill run cycles longer than 8-10 wks again. I just seem to drop off on good gains after this point. Everyone is different

  27. #27
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    Yeah. My plan was obviously to make this an experimental cycle. I'm gonna log it and see where my gains drop off and if I need more ancillaries for next time.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Need to take the shirt off but your no where near your genetic potential
    Why do you need to be near your genetic potential to cycle? It kind of irks me when people say this. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I just feel that part of the fun in taking steroids is reaching your genetic potential faster. Also assuming you're coming off, it'll be hard to retain as much of your gains once you pass your genetic potential and damn near impossible to make any gains when you're off AAS, compared to the user who still has some room to go and then when they come off they can still continue making more progress natty. That being said I wouldn't suggest someone who's a stick using AAS, but OP has a solid base. But to wait till you reach near your genetic potential could easily take a decade or more. A lot of us just can't wait that long haha. As long as you have a solid base, good diet, and good training, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to jump on. It's your own personal choice and it's always nice to see the additional gains once you become a semi-advanced lifter and your progress begins slowing down.
    Last edited by lifeofdefiance; 04-06-2013 at 10:19 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    if you can't afford it, don't do it...

    what about all the food you'll be eating (well should be eating..)??? the food will cost more than the gear...
    No offense to you OP, but I kind of do agree with this. If moneys an issue, you really shouldn't be hopping on cycle. You should be saving/investing and trying to find a better job if ends aren't meeting.

  30. #30
    don't let the haters get you man!!!

    i think you look just as big if not bigger than that fit dude when you're not flexing and he is

    not sure if hes taken anything or what but yeah!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeus009 View Post
    don't let the haters get you man!!!

    i think you look just as big if not bigger than that fit dude when you're not flexing and he is

    not sure if hes taken anything or what but yeah!
    Keep in mind..Fit is over 50 y.o.! I got $ says you dont look that good at his age! The only thing I see on the OP is a delt and a tri. Everyone puts up a pic that makes them look the best.

  32. #32
    Pumping iron and zeuce I dont think Fit Be Old was doing anything other than answering the OP. You may be as big as him but he is a very HELPFUL member here so Id be careful with your approach. Also I think his size at 50+ is more impresssive than a guy the same size in his prime. Not trying to be a d bag just stating my opinion.

    You prob are not near genetic potential (not even sure how to tell other that keep training natty) but you look like you have a very solid base to start.

    It would be a good idea to make sure you can afford the food you need to grow and maintain new muscle. I would recomend shortening the length of that cycle to 12 weeks tho. Seems that most people stop gaining at about 8 weeks but the last 4 start to lean up so its kinda nice too.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumping_iron View Post
    No offense, but I look just as big as you in your pic (if thats you)
    And I'm over 50, 2" shorter and weigh 5 lbs less and definitely more cut up,looks like your sporting a bit of body fat. but what will you look like at my age.

    You could easily hold another 20 pounds naturally, speaking from experience!
    Last edited by fit2bOld; 04-07-2013 at 06:44 AM.

  34. #34
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    Remember guys this guy Zeus is the 19yo first cycle tren/test the other day. That aged 6 years in between pics. Wouldn't listen to anything he has to say.

    Wouldn't go bashing vets that are here to help you guys. It's for your best.

  35. #35
    Just offering my 2 cents... To me, once a person has reached the "appropriate" age bracket (late 20's give or take), THE main thing that I'd look for to determine if they are ready to take the next step into gear would be this: have they developed and consistently demonstrated the best gym and diet habits for an extended period of time? If the answer to that is yes, and they have fully done their research and understand the risks, etc etc... then I personally think that they are indeed ready to give gear a try. Pumping_iron - to me it does seem like you have very good habits in those regards, and it frankly it shows in my opinion because you have some pretty decent stats for all-natural. And despite what some other replies have stated, it seems to me that what you are proposing for a first cycle is pretty standard fare... pretty much exactly what everyone seems to recommend for a first timer. I think you would probably be pretty pleased, and you would learn a lot.

    As far as research goes, it seems like you have done a fair amount, and to be honest, once you have one simple basic cycle under your belt, if you are like me, that is going to be one THE biggest learning experiences you will have... and will fuel and direct further research if you decide to keep going.

    I agree with other though... HCG isn't that expensive or hard to obtain... I would definitely add that to your cycle... but otherwise, if I were you... full speed ahead my friend. Good luck!

  36. #36
    dude i didnt age 6 years

    the only thing that happened if i grew a beard

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Attitude wise, no your not ready. And how do you guys get that your anywhere near your natural potential at 5'10" 205 is beyond me. You can to 230 naturally if you have the guts and the dedication.
    do you realize how ridiculous you sound ??
    5'10 230 naturally with low bf ?
    wtf are you the incredible hulk ?
    if people can reach 230 naturally at <10% BF
    there wont be use for AAS
    get real

  38. #38
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    Thank you! Good lord. Arnold was 6'2, 235 I'm his prime.. I don't see too many 5'10 230 lb natural gods around. There's a guy at my gym that's 6'3 240 all natural at probably 15-17% bf and he looks like a freak. He's def genetically gifted and admits it. These guys ares saying everyone can be 5'10 230 10%bf....natural. lmfao. Get real. And you're supposed to hw "vets"! Hysterical! And I'm nim only calling out the ones in this thread who said such garbage. No disrespect to other vets.

  39. #39
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    Can u tell me how u mix the bac water and the hcg? And u don't inject the hcg just a dropper like nolva right?

  40. #40
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    mix 5ml of bac water in 5000iu hCG (if that's what you have) you get 1000iu per 1ml. store in fridge
    inject with slin pin

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