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Thread: Cutting cycle - Tren A + Omnadren + Winstrol

  1. #1
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    Jan 2013

    Cutting cycle - Tren A + Omnadren + Winstrol

    Need thoughts on my cutting cycle which I'm planning to start next month. I'm 25 years old with a few other cycles on my back.

    All the stuff I got is: Tren Ace 4800mg, Stanabolic Inj 1500mg, stanabol tablets 3000mg. Is there any problem switching from injectable winny to oral? The reason is that I already got my stuff prepared and 1500mg of my stuff is injectable. I have never taken winny before but on my previous cycles I have used tren and omnadren. I also got some anadrol left but I guess it won't be a good idea for a cutting cycle, not mentioning the heavy effect it will have on the liver as I'm planning to take winstrol as well.

    Week 1-12 Omnadren 250mg EOD
    Week 1-9 Tren Ace 75mg ED
    Week 3-9 80mg Winstrol ED
    Week 10 60mg Winstrol ED
    Week 11 40mg Winstrol ED

    After the injectable winstrol is depleted I plan on switching to oral immediately. Is this a good idea (winstrol suspension)? If I keep on these dosages there should be no more injectable by the 18th day after starting it. My next question is as there will be some winstrol left, is it better to keep on a steady dosage of 80mg until week 11 or tamper them down. As previously said I have never taken winstrol before so my guess is it would be better not to quit suddenly. For reducing side effects I'm planning to take tamoxifen as an anti-aromatize, bromocriptine and vitamine B6 for the progesteronic effects of the tren and the winny. Waiting for your critics and recommendations

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    25 years old 171cm tall weight 82kg Have no idea about current BF but it is above 12% and under 16-17%. I started trainning in my late teens (10th grade I think) and haven't stopped since then except for several pauses of up to 5 months. My first cycle was test only, one with deca & test and one with deca, test, and dbol for kickstart. One more with a low dose of tren (including test of course, don't remember the exact dosage of tren but it was under 300mg/week, may be about 180-200). I plan to combine this cycle with a low-carb diet. So Any advice on the cycle? Thanks.
    Last edited by D7X; 04-07-2013 at 07:59 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Just curious, is the Omnadren in 1ml amp form?

  5. #5
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    Yes. But what difference does it make? I have written it in mg

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Why so much test? Why tapering with winny? Just curious...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7X View Post
    Yes. But what difference does it make? I have written it in mg
    Because I haven't seen any 10-20 viles of Omnadren, so I was just wondering. Good stuff

  8. #8
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    Just seems like high dosages . Did you come up with these cycles on your own or getting advice. When did you start cycling? ...crazy mike

    PS : also Ironbeck has a good question, no reason to taper

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    too much testosterone
    read Atomini sticky!

  10. #10
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    everyone's "just curious" lol
    austinite I do not consider 250mg of test EOD much. I have taken it in almost every cycle I had and a lower dose would barely have any effect on me (at least I think so based on previous experience, as you know everyone's different). Tapering winny is for "milder" stopping effect of the cycle. That was one of my question if you have read my post. I have no idea if it makes any difference to taper it or not, as far as I know on bigger doses it is better taper the dosage down before stopping the compound. Of course I could be wrong, that raised my question regarding this. As I said I have never taken winny before, it just looks safer to me to reduce it than to stop it while on 80 mg ED.
    Is that you on the pic? just curious like everyone seems to be here lol

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7X View Post
    everyone's "just curious" lol
    austinite I do not consider 250mg of test EOD much. I have taken it in almost every cycle I had and a lower dose would barely have any effect on me (at least I think so based on previous experience, as you know everyone's different). Tapering winny is for "milder" stopping effect of the cycle. That was one of my question if you have read my post. I have no idea if it makes any difference to taper it or not, as far as I know on bigger doses it is better taper the dosage down before stopping the compound. Of course I could be wrong, that raised my question regarding this. As I said I have never taken winny before, it just looks safer to me to reduce it than to stop it while on 80 mg ED.
    Is that you on the pic? just curious like everyone seems to be here lol
    again .. you are running tren
    read Atomini sticky... you need only TRT dose of testosterone while on tren especially if you are cutting...

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    ^ I did read your post. Your post doesn't make sense, so follow up questions are necessary.

    If you need that much test then you are suffering from a very poor diet.

    There is no need to taper with winny, there is no need to take it for that long. Just drink it instead of injecting.

    Tamox for PCT along with Clomid, Adex on cycle. B6 wont do much for progesterone.

    Prami on hand.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  13. #13
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    everyone's "just curious" lol
    austinite I do not consider 250mg of test EOD much. I have taken it in almost every cycle I had and a lower dose would barely have any effect on me (at least I think so based on previous experience, as you know everyone's different). Tapering winny is for "milder" stopping effect of the cycle. That was one of my question if you have read my post. I have no idea if it makes any difference to taper it or not, as far as I know on bigger doses it is better taper the dosage down before stopping the compound. Of course I could be wrong, that raised my question regarding this. As I said I have never taken winny before, it just looks safer to me to reduce it than to stop it while on 80 mg ED.
    Is that you on the pic? just curious like everyone seems to be here lol

    crazy mike: I came up with all my previous cycles after reading tons of information on the internet including this forum. Mainly came up with this by myself but I'm willing to take opinions. I started earlier than I should have.
    Granovich: Thanks, I'll take a look.

    I know the dosages may look a little high, I just want a basic change in myself. I'm aiming for vascularity and clean, hard muscular look. A clear easy to view 6-pack would be nice too (of course I know this will take some time). So far from your opinions I get it that I should reduce test. What about the winny? As already said, everyone's different and I think that dose of test would be fine for me, but if all of you think that it's too much I will consider reducing it. And as far as I get it the answer to my question regarding the winny tapering it does not make sense and a steady dose from week 3 to 11 would be fine?

  14. #14
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    austinite's haven't build up my PCT yet. Unfortunately I have no source for arimidex and even if I could find it in my country which would be hard to achieve it would be quite expensive. Is there any alternative? Yes I know I should take tamoxifen while on cycle as well. Clomid, tamoxifen, bromocriptine/cabergoline and vit. B6 is what I can easily find, arimidex would be a painful thing to search for and quite expensive where I live.
    Last edited by D7X; 04-07-2013 at 08:53 AM.

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Where do you live? AR-R ships internationally.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  16. #16
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    Also just to add regarding austinite's comment on my diet, I will be consulting a professional trainer regarding my diet and training schedule before starting this cycle.

  17. #17
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    I guess you're from Poland
    100mg of anavar instead of winny? save your joints

  18. #18
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    Sorry but I already got the stuff prepared, anavar is expensive and I already have the winny prepared, taking your advice into action would mean I have just to throw the winstrol into the trash.
    Last edited by D7X; 04-07-2013 at 09:15 AM.

  19. #19
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    Ok, again no need to taper a compound such as Wini. Also Austinite is right on length of time. If you are building lean mass (cutting) then you have the test way to high with the Tren, You will defeat the purpose in my op. Keep that test as a base not a primary. So enough about the test everyone told you so you will do what you will do. If you get your diet right and train like a beast, promote the sweating as Tren will you will get hard and vascular, says my experience with specifically Tren and Wini and test I did just what I advised you. Don't go by my pic. ...crazy mike

  20. #20
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    Okay guys I read the sticky thread and there's something that brought my attention. The diminished cardiovascular ability does leave with the discontinuation of trenbolone.
    Can someone tell from experience that this is 100% true? Oops sorry, I thought it says does NOT leave:\
    Last edited by D7X; 04-07-2013 at 10:12 AM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7X View Post
    Okay guys I read the sticky thread and there's something that brought my attention. The diminished cardiovascular ability does leave with the discontinuation of trenbolone.
    Can someone tell from experience that this is 100% true? Oops sorry, I thought it says does NOT leave:\
    I can tell you by my experience that I would get very short of breath while training on Tren. Sometimes after big sets I would sort of gag a little to catch my breath as sweat would pour out of me. As far as lasting I don't know about that. But there is a difference in ones breathing, so I've experienced. Also I got some chills at night with the sweating. It can be a rough cycle when you are not used to it. ...that's just my experience. ...crazy old mike

    I have no problems now.

  22. #22
    wow good luck !

  23. #23
    Very good cycle I did a cycle of omna tren a and dbol last year and loved it

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Ok, again no need to taper a compound such as Wini. Also Austinite is right on length of time. If you are building lean mass (cutting) then you have the test way to high with the Tren, You will defeat the purpose in my op. Keep that test as a base not a primary. So enough about the test everyone told you so you will do what you will do. If you get your diet right and train like a beast, promote the sweating as Tren will you will get hard and vascular, says my experience with specifically Tren and Wini and test I did just what I advised you. Don't go by my pic. ...crazy mike
    X2 thats exactly what im trying to say

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommygunn1980 View Post
    Very good cycle I did a cycle of omna tren a and dbol last year and loved it
    Please, maybe you didn't read all of this. His test is just way too high, out of proportion for what wants to do. But not a good cycle at the dosages. I hope you got that straight. Watch how you put things and how it might come off, Please, I'm saying. ...crazy mike

  26. #26
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    Thank you guys. I have one more question - austinite said that I can drink the injectable winny instead of injecting it. I have read on some post that I shouldn't do this. Can someone clarify what would be the advantage since it will still pass through the liver and will be liver toxic. As far as I know injecting is better. What would be the purpose of this?

  27. #27
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    Yes the tren will start killing your ability to breath by week 5-6 and only get worse from then on.

  28. #28
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  29. #29
    Join Date
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    man run tren 6-8 weeks tops
    no need for more
    its harsh

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