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Thread: Eq and test?

  1. #1
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    Eq and test?

    Hi Everyone

    Looking to start my fourth cycle soon and want to try out eq. I am going to be doing my first cut so wish to use eq and stretch out a nice long cycle of 18 to 20 weeks. I have done a previous cycle of test hep which caused me to have a bad issue with seb derm on the face (only test has caused this isue so far). This drove me mental for several months until it calmed down. Because of this i want to use test e at a maintenance dose but i am unsure of a couple of things.

    I wish to run

    600mg eq
    250mg test

    Usual ai's and pct on hand.

    What i am questioning is whether to start the test e from the start or is a 18/20 week cycle too long as i would run the test a bit longer than eq?

    Is it a worthwhile cycle in the first place as i hear mixed reviews about eq?

    Any Help much apprecated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You are 6ft and only weigh 160? And you been lifting seriously for a year and a half.And now you are on your 4th cycle! Bro you dont need aas you need to learn how to eat so you can build a base.

  3. #3
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You are 6ft and only weigh 160? And you been lifting seriously for a year and a half.And now you are on your 4th cycle! Bro you dont need aas you need to learn how to eat so you can build a base.
    Lol that is my stats from joining many years ago things have changed somewhat i weight just shy of 200lbs at around 12% bodyfat.

    I need to change my bloody profile.

  4. #4
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by learnerdriver View Post
    Lol that is my stats from joining many years ago things have changed somewhat i weight just shy of 200lbs at around 12% bodyfat.

    I need to change my bloody profile.
    Can't believe you posted old stats. You can't get help if you mislead us. Also I didn't catch your age, I missed that but I agree with Songdog. Aslo where did you come up with 18-20 week cycle. Hold off on those long cycles until you are older and have more experience. You seem, in my opinion to just want to load up on aas. I'm just saying. Give us more info ...crazy mike

  5. #5
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    I think there is some confusion here i did not post up old stats. My proflie states that i am 160lb but that is from 2009. I did not state my stats until after questioned.

    Height : 6ft
    Age : 31
    Weight : 198lbs

    Through research i have come to understand that eq is not worthwhile unless run for long cycles. I do not wish to load up on aas, if i did i would be doing a completely different cycle. Eq is rather mild and 600mg is often stated as minimum, the test i stated is at closer to trt dose so i believe this is a rather mild cycle.

  6. #6
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    I have updated my stats now but this must happen quite often. Surely i am not the only lazy member. I would be worried if my stats had not changed since 2009.

  7. #7
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    What were your past cycles and what were the gains made from them?

  8. #8
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    1. Tbol only. Started this one too early really but still had a good cycle. gained about 10lbs and kept most of it.
    2. 300mg test hep and anavar . loved it and put on about 15lbs and kept about 10lbs

    3. Bought some hdrol ages ago and decided to try it out. Ran it by itself and put on a few pounds but nothing special.

    While running hdrol though I noticed the dramatic difference without test and do not want to run a cycle without it now. My only issue is that test at 300mg caused me to have seb derm on my face. I would like to avoid this hence the maintenance dose. No other cycle has caused this.

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by learnerdriver View Post
    Lol that is my stats from joining many years ago things have changed somewhat i weight just shy of 200lbs at around 12% bodyfat.

    I need to change my bloody profile.
    I would do that asap.

    Quote Originally Posted by learnerdriver View Post
    1. Tbol only. Started this one too early really but still had a good cycle. gained about 10lbs and kept most of it.
    2. 300mg test hep and anavar . loved it and put on about 15lbs and kept about 10lbs

    3. Bought some hdrol ages ago and decided to try it out. Ran it by itself and put on a few pounds but nothing special.

    While running hdrol though I noticed the dramatic difference without test and do not want to run a cycle without it now. My only issue is that test at 300mg caused me to have seb derm on my face. I would like to avoid this hence the maintenance dose. No other cycle has caused this.
    Is that the only areas on your body and only side you experienced?

    You cycle looks good. You'll have to run that EQ out past the usual 12 wks - 16 would be best, imho.

  10. #10
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    I would do that asap.

    Is that the only areas on your body and only side you experienced?

    You cycle looks good. You'll have to run that EQ out past the usual 12 wks - 16 would be best, imho.
    Thanks for responding.

    I also experienced a fair bit of acne on the face. Not so much on the body though, got some on the back. The acne did not bother me so much though just the seb derm as it stuck around for a fair while. I still have some symptoms now but nothing much.

  11. #11
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    Yes only on the face.

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Any current bloodwork?

    For me, acne is usually an indicator of high E2 or an imbalance of hormones.

  13. #13
    cfelite is offline New Member
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    Maybe this cycle layout can help. This is the exact cycle I'm about to do. I'm not a body builder, but a strength, power, and endurance athlete. This is my 3rd Cycle. I've ran my last cycle similar to this with a lower dose of eq, and no prop for 20 weeks and had awesome results.

    Stats: 5’9”, 190-195lbs, 31yrs old, BF 13%
    Week 1-4: Test Prop - .35cc ED - .50cc Day 1.
    Week 1-16: Test E 250 - .50cc Tues/Thurs
    Week 1-15: EQ 300 – 1cc Tues/Thurs
    **1 pin will be used for all compounds**
    Week 1-16: Adex – 0.25mg EOD
    Week 1-9: Tues/Thurs – 250ius HCG – Both Days.
    Week 12-15: Tues/Thurs – 250ius HCG – Both Days.
    Week 16-18: Tues/Thurs – 500ius HCG – Both Days.
    **PCT Begins below**
    Week 19: Every Day – Clomiphene 100mg
    Every Day – Tamoxifen 40mg
    Week 20: Every Day – Clomiphene 50mg
    Every Day – Tamoxifen 20mg
    Week 21-26: Every Day – Clomiphene 25mg
    Every Day – Tamoxifen 20mg
    Week 1-26: Every Day – Vitamin C – 2grams on rest days
    3 grams on workout days (2g in morning, 1g
    Before workout)

  14. #14
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    ^^ This thread is old. I'm sure the original poster has made a decision by now.

    Welcome to the board.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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