Well let me begin by saying i made a very big mistake by taking a friends advice before doing my own research. He told me to go with a Test/Tren/Mast stack because thats what he was doing, and i listened. Got my gear in the mail a week ago and on Friday took my first dose of test p 100mg/tren a 100mg/mast p 100mg @ 1cc. Its my first cycle and i want to get ripped and lean not huge.
Ive already got a fitness trainer lined up and a nutritionist who i will be consulting with tommorow. I have Nolv on hand for my PCT. I need help getting a dosing plan together if its ok to continue with this combination for my first cycle.
Age - 29
Height - 5'10
Weight - 205lbs
Bf - 15%+
should i go on with this cycle? I myself think I'm committed enough to start with a cycle and want to know if this will be ok or should i order new gear? last time it took almost 2 weeks to receive my order. take it easy on the bashing I'm already aware of my mistakes. Im finding out that how bad tren is. is it too late? I don't want to deal with ED for the rest of my life. what should i do??