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Thread: Test cyp cycle

  1. #1
    michaelcganni is offline New Member
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    Test cyp cycle

    Hello everyone, and thanks in advance. I started 500mg of test cyp 3/18. I got an ai and pct on hand and already know how to use it, been researching for years now.

    Test cyp: 250mg Monday 250mg Thursday

    Ai taken e2d .5mg of anastrozol
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    clomid 75/50/50/25
    week 1-12 cycle test cyp, start pct 14-21 days after. (with test c usually 21 days; longer ester I believe)
    21( I know I should've waited until 25, too late now though)
    14%bf(should of been 8-10)
    Working out since I was 14 (seriously the past 2 years)
    Diet: 6-8 Meals spaced out evenly, casein protein before I go to sleep (cottage cheese, with 2tsp of natural pb)
    3200-3500 cals per day (2500-2700 to maintain)
    Carbs: 350g
    fats: 50-75g
    Main source of carbs: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, corn, brocolli, and karobolyn(50g carbs)
    Protein: Baked Chicken, fish(tuna, salmon, trout, and fresh bass(I enjoy fishing in my spare time)
    Fats:Virgin olive oil + what carb's contain
    Looking to be around 185-195 ideally, hopefully I can get 185 at least.
    Going to update log with photos + workout regime.

    Just a few questions now. Is it better to take .5mg of ai e3d? Is 18g pretty bad in glutes? I been pinning with 29g and it is ridiculous hard to draw oil. Does a local cvs or walgreens carry 25g? Can I get them w/o a script? Thanks everyone been looking forward to this for god knows how long lol. Advice and anything else would be greatful. Thanks Brothers! Also heard you can get 22g at Tractor supply stores for animals.

  2. #2
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd go with .5 daily. 18g is ridiculous. They are used for people who are profoundly dehydrated and need a lot of fluids iv immediately. What you do is get 2 boxes of needles. 21g for drawing and 25 or 26g for injections. You also need to be running HCG at 250 i.u.'s twice a week from the beginning, right up to the day before PCT. This will make ALL the difference in how much muscle you retain assuming you can still stomach that baked fresh bass...LOL!! BTW, I hope your fats aren't coming from your carbs!! The other thing is this. Your not really fooling anybody with this diet and training statement. If you were eating what you say and training like you are you wouldn't be 14% BF at 170 lbs.

    PCT is not 14 to 21 days after last injection. That's like saying pre heat the oven to between 150 and 450 degrees. Test cyp is exactly 18 days after last injection. Enth is 14 days and Deca is 21. So much for the years of research. This is where your going to get lucky or completely fvck yourself up, gambling your sex life without a hope in hell of achieving any measurable results. You need to sharpen up on this HCG, PCT business.

    21 is better than 18-19 but keep in mind your gambling with your dick and balls. Think of them laid out on an anvil and you spinning a roulette wheel. At 25 there are 4 options on the wheel. At 21 there are 50. Literally. Hope it all works out for you.

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Agree with Titan above. Only thing I see is the anastrozole is dosed at
    .25 mg eod to start, that is unless you have experience other wise but in this situation it is not the case. You can adjust as needed.

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