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  1. #1
    Thoroughbred72 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

    No Accutane if I take TESTOSTERONE!

    Looking for advice;

    I was diagnosed and was prescribed T, last year. After about first six months of T injections, which consisted of 250 mg's (200 was cyp & 50 prop.), along with .5 mg's of anas, every day, and 2-3 injections of HCG a week, I started to develop some small acne on my back (I an now approved for 300mg if I want it). With the 8th month of TRT, I developed a lot of acne all over my back, shoulders, and chest. This acne is painful and skin scaring. Now seeing Derm for this.

    HOWEVER, my Derm told me on the first appointment, that they WILL NOT treat me with accutane while I take my T injections, and they will not treat me if I restart my TRT. I told them that I had every intention to resume my T injections (I stopped 2 months ago due to the acne), once we treat the acne, but Derm said, "I'm not giving you accutane then."

    Anybody have any advice as to how to keep the acne away, or what I should do to solve this problem?

  2. #2
    taaa is offline Junior Member
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    go get your accutane somewherelse then? lol

  3. #3
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoroughbred72
    Looking for advice;

    I was diagnosed and was prescribed T, last year. After about first six months of T injections, which consisted of 250 mg's (200 was cyp & 50 prop.), along with .5 mg's of anas, every day, and 2-3 injections of HCG a week, I started to develop some small acne on my back (I an now approved for 300mg if I want it). With the 8th month of TRT, I developed a lot of acne all over my back, shoulders, and chest. This acne is painful and skin scaring. Now seeing Derm for this.

    HOWEVER, my Derm told me on the first appointment, that they WILL NOT treat me with accutane while I take my T injections, and they will not treat me if I restart my TRT. I told them that I had every intention to resume my T injections (I stopped 2 months ago due to the acne), once we treat the acne, but Derm said, "I'm not giving you accutane then."

    Anybody have any advice as to how to keep the acne away, or what I should do to solve this problem?
    That's bull, I also broke out like you an the Derm knew i was on trt and prescribed me accutane with no questions asked. Just monthly blood work

  4. #4
    Thoroughbred72 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    FONZY007---I agree that it's bull, but bull or not, that's the way our last appointment ended. She put me on Doxycyline for 30 days, and then I go back. Don't know if she will change her mind or not, but she seemed pretty clear. She stated that treating me, if I return to my T injections, is like treating a lung cancer patient, while they still smoke cigarettes. She seemed to imply, that she only wanted to treat me with Accutane for about 6-7 months, and then our dermatology relationship would be over and I would not need to return--------IF I don't start up my "steroids " (as she like to call it) again.

    What is the dosage of your accutane prescript? Do you take it year round? Do you cycle off of it? How do you get new prescripts? Do you say, I need some more Doc? Just trying to see how it works, cuz this Doc was pretty strict--'either you never go back to T injections, or I won't treat you.'

  5. #5
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    OPs TRT dosing is too high which surely isnt helping the acne problem. The .5mgs ed of Anastrazole is also over dosed. Are you under a Docs care for the TRT? Regardless of the acne, why would you stop TRT as stated? Once started, TRT is for life. Wasnt this explained by your Doc?

  6. #6
    D7X is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013
    In my opinon, you should change your derm. I have taken accutane while on cycle with no issues. A high-dose of accutane treatment for 6 months probably would be good for you, but be careful with this stuff. I have taken accutane on a 60mg dose per month for the last 3 months and experienced social withdrawal and slight depression. You have to know your head in order to be on such a high dose, but for me it is worth it.

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