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Thread: 3rd cycle stack advice

  1. #1
    Rookie75's Avatar
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    3rd cycle stack advice


    I am about to embark on my 3rd cycle and I am ramping it up a bit from my last test cycle by adding some more ingredients. I would like advice on how I should stack and if I should add/subtract anything.

    My 1st cycle was T400, Anadrol , pct novaldex

    My second cycle T400, equipoise , enthanate, proponate, pct noveldex

    I have purchased the following goods for 3rd cycle,

    Anavar 20mg x 50
    winstrol 50mg x 50
    HGH Kit

    I am 38, 217 (today), 6', 16% BF

    My goal is to bulk up some more lean muscle mass and cut before summer months...of course.

    My diet is a work in progress but I am getting better by the day. Having a hard time eating all the time though.

    If any experienced members can give me some sound advice that would be cool!

  2. #2
    dumpslugzz's Avatar
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    holy! its the vinny the chin "p ussycycle" lol cuz you just go on it and you get the p ussy

  3. #3
    Rookie75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dumpslugzz View Post
    holy! its the vinny the chin "p ussycycle" lol cuz you just go on it and you get the p ussy
    not the type of advice I was looking for, lol. But still funny!

  4. #4
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    AAS journey is not a cooking school experience where you receive some ''goods'' and then mix up the ''ingredients''; ''baam!'' you have a cycle proposal!

    No, no, no!

    You don't really need anything but Test as for your 3rd cycle.

    Run an 8 week Test Prop only cycle, either 50mg-75mg ED or 100-150mg EOD. Both will work. You certainly don't need a higher dose either.

    If you want to ''cut'' and look ''ripped'' for the summer, you need to pay much more attention to nutrition and cardio as opposed to AAS itself.
    kronik420 likes this.

  5. #5
    jdubb1977 is offline New Member
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    Like Turk said, sometimes simple cycles can be the best cycles.

  6. #6
    Rookie75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    AAS journey is not a cooking school experience where you receive some ''goods'' and then mix up the ''ingredients''; ''baam!'' you have a cycle proposal!

    No, no, no!

    You don't really need anything but Test as for your 3rd cycle.

    Run an 8 week Test Prop only cycle, either 50mg-75mg ED or 100-150mg EOD. Both will work. You certainly don't need a higher dose either.

    If you want to ''cut'' and look ''ripped'' for the summer, you need to pay much more attention to nutrition and cardio as opposed to AAS itself.
    Thanks Turk,

    I want to be healthy while going down this path. My last blood work all levels were normal. I think my cardio is good 40-60min 5-6 days a week but getting this diet sorted out has been more challenging then going to the gym. I realise AAS isn't magic and I will still have to work for it but is there no benefit included a small dose of HGH at this time?

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    grillin chicken
    The small dose of Hgh is worthless unless the commitment is 6 months to a year. Other than that you wasted your money and should have used it to buy chicken and fish.

  8. #8
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    Post some pics

  9. #9
    Rookie75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    The small dose of Hgh is worthless unless the commitment is 6 months to a year. Other than that you wasted your money and should have used it to buy chicken and fish.
    Mmmmmm chicken and fish, I can do both

  10. #10
    Rookie75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    The small dose of Hgh is worthless unless the commitment is 6 months to a year. Other than that you wasted your money and should have used it to buy chicken and fish.
    The good news is I haven't started this cycle so I can adjust based on info provided. These supplements are easy to unload where I am at so I can get my dollar back and start small and work on diet. Dudes here are jacked on all the items I listed right from the 1st cycle on. After a bit of research and the few comments from this one question I am seriously questioning the education of my "friendly" sources.

  11. #11
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie75 View Post
    Thanks Turk,

    I want to be healthy while going down this path. My last blood work all levels were normal. I think my cardio is good 40-60min 5-6 days a week but getting this diet sorted out has been more challenging then going to the gym. I realise AAS isn't magic and I will still have to work for it but is there no benefit included a small dose of HGH at this time?
    If you want your moneys worth regarding HGH, make sure you have enough of legit HGH that would last you for at least 6 months.

    2iu is a good starting dose and you can quickly increment your daily dose to 4iu, where you split your total daily dose into 2 daily injections (2iu x 2, AM and PM).

    In fact, you can go up to 6iu in about two-three months, without having to bring insulin into the game and stay on that dose for as long as you want.

    Beware HGH and AAS are completely different compounds and both have their pros as well as cons, depending on who uses it and how.

    Again, if you are a health conscious AAS user, which you seem to be one, you really need to figure out how your body responds to Testosterone by running BW in every and each Test cycle before jumping on a multiple-compound cycle. AAS journey is a marathon, not a sprint, just like the BB experience itself, which is something many AAS users seem not to be aware of.

    Lastly, make sure your nutrition comes first and foremost, whether you are on cycle or not. Try to perfect your injection technique, estrogen management, PCT and so forth before starting to run multiple-compound mega cycles.
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  12. #12
    Rookie75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    If you want your moneys worth regarding HGH, make sure you have enough of legit HGH that would last you for at least 6 months.

    2iu is a good starting dose and you can quickly increment your daily dose to 4iu, where you split your total daily dose into 2 daily injections (2iu x 2, AM and PM).

    In fact, you can go up to 6iu in about two-three months, without having to bring insulin into the game and stay on that dose for as long as you want.

    Beware HGH and AAS are completely different compounds and both have their pros as well as cons, depending on who uses it and how.

    Again, if you are a health conscious AAS user, which you seem to be one, you really need to figure out how your body responds to Testosterone by running BW in every and each Test cycle before jumping on a multiple-compound cycle. AAS journey is a marathon, not a sprint, just like the BB experience itself, which is something many AAS users seem not to be aware of.

    Lastly, make sure your nutrition comes first and foremost, whether you are on cycle or not. Try to perfect your injection technique, estrogen management, PCT and so forth before starting to run multiple-compound mega cycles.

    I will take my time. The marathon comment clicked with me right away. My goal all along has been to be in the best shape of my life going into my 40's. I just turned 38 and I am 1yr into this journey and have made some good progress so far. I will proceed with caution, I can achieve this goal if I break it down into little goals instead of just 1 big end game. Diet, Diet, Diet. I know where I will be asking my next questions for the foreseeable future - nutrition forum. I will include AAS in this plan along the way but with more caution and discipline.

  13. #13
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    My diet is a work in progress but I am getting better by the day. Having a hard time eating all the time though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rookie75 View Post
    but getting this diet sorted out has been more challenging then going to the gym.
    16% bodyfat after 2 cycles? Why are you not posting your diet, what you eat and drink, and asking for advice on it?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    16% bodyfat after 2 cycles? Why are you not posting your diet, what you eat and drink, and asking for advice on it?
    I will get to the nutrition forums as I stated last comment. As far as the 16% BF I started with some major diet mistakes during the 1st cycle and I also started with a very high BF content. I cant comment on what I was for BF before I started but I can imagine it was way to high like in the 99%, lol. Unfortunately I made a few errors and started researching after the fact during the early stages on second cycle after I questioned my "friends" knowledge. So I have made a couple mistakes and I am hoping not to make too many more.

    As far as I can tell I also have mostly bulked by the cycles I have taken no real hard cutting with AAS or diet. please correct me if I am wrong as the cycles are posted at beginning of thread.

  15. #15
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    ^^^ First couple of cycles should ideally be bulking cycles at any rate.

    You need to initially establish a base where your muscles are relatively mature and hence the thick & hard look is finally present, holding on to this for a few years and then starting to cut is a much better idea than the other way around.
    Rookie75 likes this.

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