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Thread: Tren usage for first cycle???

  1. #1

    Tren usage for first cycle???

    I'm another young user. I'm looking at pinning tren ace, this would be my first cycle and I'm more or less wondering if there are any other things out there that will give me the results of tren I'm a athlete, and I wanna be able to run a short cycle. With lasting results. I don't really need size or weight but some added strength and "cut" would be nice. I still wanna do tren bet almost all the the research I've done has deterred me from trying it. Do to the first cycle subject. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Athlete? How old are you ? You seem to in-experienced to be considering tren, and depending on your age, AAS all together.

    What are your stats ?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cj111 View Post
    Athlete? How old are you ? You seem to in-experienced to be considering tren, and depending on your age, AAS all together.

    What are your stats ?
    Wrestler(cardio is important, although this is my offseason)
    Diet stays pretty healthy as of now no junk other than a soda here or there

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New York, New York
    WHY? Can't say this enough times....stay away from it unless you have an overwhelming desire to shut your s@#t down for a long time. I and many others have suffered at the hands of this compound without proper education. Please beware of the long term

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    No reason to cycle at 19 years old. You will mess yourself up especially with such a dumb cycle.

  6. #6
    What were some of the long term effects that you suffered, I haven't found many actual discussions on the long term effects. And if there so bad is there another compound that does the same as tren? I can't gain much weight and need to keep most of my results.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    No reason to cycle at 19 years old. You will mess yourself up especially with such a dumb cycle.
    Can you help me out with "mess up" and "dumb cycle" what are the risks and lasting effects. I need advancements and I'm not getting them. And I lift and workout with an intensity way above all my workout partners, two of my personal friends one 19 the other 20 both started cycles and have sky rocketed past me in weights. And look over all way better. I'm not doing this as a "I wanna look better, so I can go get laid" I'm doing this as a strictly performance booster to take my self to the next level

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Hi, and welcome. It's hard to keep telling young guys like you to not do Tren for their first cycle because there are so many valid reasons. Also and most importantly it is not good to do any steroid at your age. In easy terms you might never get you balls back again. That is true and no joke. You probably will or can get hurt on Tren and you definitely will not understand what your body is doing and going thru. To the inexperienced young man it can be down right scary. The sides are tough. Read up on some of the sticky's about the young and steroids as well as listen close as to what all these guys say to you. Good luck and try to get more educated before you take that step. ...crazy mike

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Tren can kill your cardio. So say goodbye to even training normal in the offseason. DO NOT run tren alone if you to run it(need test base). Also if you do run it keep is low dosage and short ester so you can stop if it's messing you up.

    That said....for an athlete at 19 I'd only say use drugs if it push you to the top level of the pros...not just to try and get in you in some amateur league. I have a feeling you aren't even close to please stay away from AAS until you think it will give the boost needed to make you the $$$$$(is there money in wrestling? lol) or wait until you are older and more years training/dieting correctly.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bigred1561 View Post
    Can you help me out with "mess up" and "dumb cycle" what are the risks and lasting effects. I need advancements and I'm not getting them. And I lift and workout with an intensity way above all my workout partners, two of my personal friends one 19 the other 20 both started cycles and have sky rocketed past me in weights. And look over all way better. I'm not doing this as a "I wanna look better, so I can go get laid" I'm doing this as a strictly performance booster to take my self to the next level
    I would read atominis thread on tren bro, it tells you all you need to know.

    I would not recommend doing this as a first cycle m8. I would always use test as a first cycle and then see your results from there. Tren is a great steroid, but it is really powerful ( 5 times more potent than test) U wouldnt jump into a formula 1 car straight after passing your driving test. So I wouldnt use tren as a first cycle bro.

    Work your way up, grow into your dosage and youll learn alot along the way. Just because your buddies are getting bigger doesnt mean you will on the same dosage bro, everyone different some are more reponsive to the steroid in there system, some are more susceptible to gyno problems. Start off slowly would be my advice to you bro

    Good luck

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