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  1. #1
    smeeto's Avatar
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    Complete log of my first cycle. 7 weeks of test prop

    Decided to create a log for my first cycle for anyone who is curious, as well as to make sure everything is going fine and looks normal. Here are my stats at the start:
    Weight-195 lbs
    BF: ~15%
    7 weeks of test prop: 100mg eod
    HCG : 500iu every 6 days (started with 250 2x a week, I'll explain why i switched in a minute)
    Liquidex: .25ml eod, upped if sides appear

    April 1-------------------- 195.3 lbs
    First injection today to my right quad, pretty painless with no issues. I've done IM injections before so I knew the drill, minimal bleeding and pain afterwards.

    I did leg day today and had a great workout with tons of energy, all placebo I'm sure about now being on cycle. I do pretty brutal leg days but mine are used to it, so I usually have very little soreness after a few hours, however my whole upper legs (right and left, but right moreso) were fairly sore, nothing too bad. Not expecting much PIP because its only 100mg and my test has grape-seed oil.

    nothing dramatic as expected

    Lifts for future reference:
    Squat: 405x5 365x7 365x7 365x6
    Lying Leg Curls: 110x12 110x11 110x10 All 3 superset together with no rest
    Leg Extension: 150x10 150x7 150x6 All 3 superset together with no rest
    Extra Deep Squats: 225x11 225x10 225x8 All 3 superset together with no rest

    April 3-------------------- 196.3lbs
    Injection went by without a hitch again, left quad this time. Used HCG for the first time, however i ran into a problem with mine. It only came with 1ml of sodium chloride so it's very concentrated (5000iu in the 1ml) waaay too hard to measure out .05ml, so I'm going to start injecting at .1ml (500iu) every 3 injections (I'm doing it IM with the test)

    Tomorrow is going to be my second time injecting 500iu, and i thought of something the other day. The point of mixing it with sodium chloride/ BAC water is so that it lasts longer right? (yes, i am refrigerating it)
    Is there any problem with mixing it with normal water immediately before injecting, just to that its more than 1ml and i can measure it out easier? I would boil the water and let it cool first.

    Numbers for my lifts the past 2 days as reference:
    Reverse Grip Bench: 95x15 105x15 105x15
    Weighted Dips: 70x7 70x8 70x7
    DB pullovers: 60x15 60x15
    DB curls: 30x14 30x12 30x10
    Hammer curls: 25x11 25x11 20x10
    Standing BB curls: 75x15 75x15

    Flat BB bench: 155x15 155x12 155x11
    Guillotine Press: 135x10 135x11 135x10
    DB flyes: 40x10 40x10 40x8
    Pull ups: bodyweightx9 bodyweightx10 bodyweightx9
    Seated DB press: 60x10 60x10 60x8
    Pulldowns: 160x15 160x14 160x13
    Bent Over Rows: 135x11 135x10 135x9

  2. #2
    smeeto's Avatar
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    April 7------------------ 197.8lbs

    Forgot to mention, im eating at about 3100 cals a day, maitenence for me is ~2500. Clean but not regulated diet, I always eat clean food but loosely count my macros.

    Two things of note today: First, i had an intense pump at the gym today, but really unusual for me since it was in my chest. I rarely feel much in my chest, even on volumous chest days, but after 3 sets it was as pumped as my bi's get. Very slight increase in strength from last chest day, maybe the ability to get one or two more reps out of the same weight.

    Second, injecting today was hell, pure hell. I got in my left quad (I'm alternating between my right and left quad every time) no problem, but aspirated and got some blood so i pulled out and figured bad luck, got a new needle and went for it again. The SECOND i touched that hing to my skin, I started bleeding pretty significantly. Like, i didn't even get the needle in at all, bleeding just started the second i mad contact. It was also mildly painful. I'm thinking what the hell, but move on. Trying a slightly different spot, i stick the needle in with none of the same contact pain, but it was very painful getting it down. Aspirate , ****ing blood again. So i took it out, got another new needle and went back to my left quad. Rinse and repeat, painful getting it down and i got blood for a ts is insanithird time. At this point I'm almost ready to just say *** it, this is insane. I got yet another new pin and went again in the left quad, painful getting it down but i aspirated and finally got no blood, injected and bandaged it with little/no blood coming out after.

    WTF just happened? Was this really just that bad luck? Im writing this on the 11'th and all my injections since have gone smooth, no more blood, nonexistant PIP.

    As far as results, couple pounds gained but could just be waterwight. Very minimal strength, no increase in libido at all. My hunger really tanked for a few days around the second, but I'm pretty ravenous now.

  3. #3
    smeeto's Avatar
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    April 11------------- 200.8 lbs

    Nothing too notable as of yet, which is starting to irk me a bit. 10 days in, weight gain yes but I've been eating alot. I think for sure I'm already loosing a tiny bit of definition, although vascularity is up for sure (maybe because of the carbs, i was carb cycling to cut for awhile before starting so haven't had this many carbs in a long time)
    Definitely no visual gains which i wasn't expecting this early though, and no significant libido increase. Acne on back of my neck is flaring up a tiny bit, I've had very trace amounts there forever just flared up in the last few days though. I've been taking an antiobiotic and topical medicine for acne for a few months which have worked reasonably well, so I'm not expecting big flare ups even though I've historically been acne prone.

    Also no gyno or puffyness that I've noticed, even with such a low AI.

    Lifts are up slightly from one week ago, I can get 1 or 2 more reps out of the same weight for most things.

  4. #4
    smeeto's Avatar
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    April 12--------- 201lbs

    average workout today, nothing of note. Starting to get somewhat worried as I've seen no sure signs of it kicking in yet. Libido is still very normal, strength gains are minimal and absolutely no PIP. My gear does have grape seed oil in it, but from everything that I've read even with grape seed oil test prop should still be painful, i thought for sure I would have to start pinning in more than just quads now. Any input?

    I feel like my boys might have shrank a tiny bit, but that might just be me looking for signs as I've been on the hcg the entire time also. Appetite is up though.

  5. #5
    Granovich's Avatar
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    what happened with the quad is awkward...
    hopefully it wont happen again
    maybe try new spots ?
    delts and glutes ( thats 4 more spots)... gives more resting time for quads

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Just wanted to pipe in say good luck bro.

    And a big X2 on including other injection sites. This is imperative, especially if you've chosen quads only.

  7. #7
    bdos's Avatar
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    Pin glutes its awkward at first but you get the hang of it quick, good luck.

  8. #8
    smeeto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Just wanted to pipe in say good luck bro.

    And a big X2 on including other injection sites. This is imperative, especially if you've chosen quads only.
    I was under the impression that the only reason for alternating injection sites was to deal with PIP, and since I wasn't experiencing any that just going with quads was fine. Is this not true?

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smeeto View Post
    I was under the impression that the only reason for alternating injection sites was to deal with PIP, and since I wasn't experiencing any that just going with quads was fine. Is this not true? mainly rotate sites to avoid rapid buildup of scar tissue from multiple injections

  10. #10
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    More vascular legs will show veins better. Try and find veins before you jab, so you know where to avoid.

    I used to hit veins all the time and gave up on quads until recently. Learned to look closer at the skin and see em. I'm about 15% at the moment as well

  11. #11
    smeeto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    More vascular legs will show veins better. Try and find veins before you jab, so you know where to avoid.

    I used to hit veins all the time and gave up on quads until recently. Learned to look closer at the skin and see em. I'm about 15% at the moment as well
    I'm about at 15% now also, but my quads are monstrous in proportion to everything else in my body to the point where it's almost scary so i figured since they are so large they would take the injections well. My legs don't get vascular at all however, even at -10% bf. I have some decent vascularity in my arms/shoulder but that's it. Even so, i usually don't have problems with veins in the leg. I definitley hit them a decent amount, but i usually slide past them and get a clear shot.

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smeeto View Post
    I'm about at 15% now also, but my quads are monstrous in proportion to everything else in my body to the point where it's almost scary so i figured since they are so large they would take the injections well. My legs don't get vascular at all however, even at -10% bf. I have some decent vascularity in my arms/shoulder but that's it. Even so, i usually don't have problems with veins in the leg. I definitley hit them a decent amount, but i usually slide past them and get a clear shot.
    There are plenty of blood vessels and nerves you could strike even if you avoid the noticeable veins. It's hit and miss...rotate spots so you can pin the quads in the years to come as well

  13. #13
    smeeto's Avatar
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    April 16--------- 198.4 lbs

    I feel like I'm starting to see some visual gains, and all going good except one thing is really bugging me. I was going to do a cyclical ketogenic diet for 2 weeks to get some cutting in, so i started last night. When i lifted earlier today, i weighed myself and I was down a full 6 pounds from two days earlier. I know you lose waterweight at first on keto, but with those 6lbs lost that puts me at only 3 lbs more than then i started two weeks ago. Should i be worried about that?

    I decided to put off the keto though and keep lean bulking, I can normally deal with the low energy level but I've got finals coming up and I can't deal with that, combined with the hunger and low energy at the same time so I'm waiting to cut after that.

    Apart from that, I did leg day today and I never increase the weight past 405 on legs due to lower back issues, so I'm not sure how that compares to my earlier leg days but my other bodyparts lifts are continuing to increase, albeit slower than i expected. My bench is up ~10-15 lbs, I use it as my strength indicator as i notice differences in my bench more than anything else. Also, still no gyno or PIP, no bloating that I've noticed. Going to do glute injections next time.

  14. #14
    smeeto's Avatar
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    double post

  15. #15
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Don't know if you addressed this after the first post but do not use regular water to mix HCG .

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