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Thread: HGH - TEST CYP - ANAVAR cycle. Need Advice

  1. #1

    HGH - TEST CYP - ANAVAR cycle. Need Advice

    This is my first post! Woo.

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 220lbs
    BF: 16%
    Lifting Experience: 10 years/very fluent

    Gear is somewhat new to me, but I've reached a point where I understand my body so well as it responds to different diets and lifting programs that I am ready to step it up. I've done one cycle in the past but trying something else this time. After much deliberation, I've narrowed down my first cycle back on the grind to:

    GH & AAS:
    GH (Somatropin) - 6 kits/4ius ED (6 months)
    TEST Cyp - 500mg/wk (2 pins of 250mg/wk) (12 wk period)
    ANAVAR - 60mg ED (8 wk period)

    Nolvadex (off cycle pct, starting 3 wks after last pin)
    Arimidex (on hand during cycle, in case its needed)

    That is the "plan." HOWEVER, if you have any advice on cycling or other stacking options, what I want to do is:

    a) Bulk, bulk, bulk... (and of course increase strength)
    b) Manage body fat and/or increase oxidation of visceral/adipose fats
    c) Avoid hair loss "as much as possible" (I know Var is a DHT-derivative, but I heard its the easiest on androgenic sides among cutters).
    d) Avoid liver hypertoxicity "as much as possible"

    Input or ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Skippy's pouch
    What did your first cycle look like?
    have you had blood work since?

  3. #3
    First cycle was 3 years ago, TEST Cyp (400mg/wk)(12/wk period) - DECA (100mg/wk)(12/wk period) - Dianabol (50mg/day for 1 month)(Kickstarter).

    And yeah, about 3 months ago I had elevated liver enzymes due to extended periods of 500g protein/day and excessive creatine use lol. Obviously lowered the protein intake and canned the creatine. Other than that, very healthy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Skippy's pouch
    Any sides from using all those compounds? I'd try getting you bf% down a bit before you start, are you going to use hcg to keep the boys ok?

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Arimadex is to be used for prevention of estrogen sides not to rescue you from them. Run it!! .25 mg eod lots easier than fixing gyno later. Cut var down to 6 weeks. You'll want to run clomid and nolva together for pct. They work well together I feel on this cycle nolva 40/40/20/20 and a lower dose of clomid. Say 50/50/25/25.

    Maybe start a log in the members cycle forum

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Reason for cutting var, Is it that toxic?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900 View Post
    Any sides from using all those compounds? I'd try getting you bf% down a bit before you start, are you going to use hcg to keep the boys ok?
    Aggression + oily skin on cycle, mildly reduced sex drive and energy during pct. Wasn't bad at all though. I considered hCG but this particular cycle is higher in Androgenic ratio, as opposed to adding a nandrolone, so Im assuming the boys can combat 500mg Test/wk and a steady tapering-off plan (thats the theory).

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Arimadex is to be used for prevention of estrogen sides not to rescue you from them. Run it!! .25 mg eod lots easier than fixing gyno later. Cut var down to 6 weeks. You'll want to run clomid and nolva together for pct. They work well together I feel on this cycle nolva 40/40/20/20 and a lower dose of clomid. Say 50/50/25/25.
    The reason I wanted to have it on hand in case I notice adverse effects is because estrogen is anabolic! Last time I cycled I ran the Adex the entire time and, you're right, it did its job in preventing "aromotose." But my theory was to monitor these effects in an effort to create the most optimal growth for the cycle, and/or maybe just go with constant lower dosages and kick it up to full dosages if necessary.

    I'll pick up some clomid too, that information is much appreciated!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Skippy's pouch
    Prevention is better than cure man and your "theory's" might get you into trouble.

  10. #10
    I've been seeing a lot of reputable input on the Adex on-cyle usage and its gone back and forth, so this would probably fall into the "based on experience" category. I guess prevention is the safest way to go about it for a returning cycle instead of risking it, assuming something as bad as gyno is among first signs of aromatase.

    Any suggestions on what to stack with GH and TEST instead of ANAVAR? I'm trying to diversify the stack, increase synergy of compounds, and negotiate a,b,c,d (the list in my post above).

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