This is my first post! Woo.
Age: 28
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220lbs
BF: 16%
Lifting Experience: 10 years/very fluent
Gear is somewhat new to me, but I've reached a point where I understand my body so well as it responds to different diets and lifting programs that I am ready to step it up. I've done one cycle in the past but trying something else this time. After much deliberation, I've narrowed down my first cycle back on the grind to:
GH (Somatropin) - 6 kits/4ius ED (6 months)
TEST Cyp - 500mg/wk (2 pins of 250mg/wk) (12 wk period)
ANAVAR - 60mg ED (8 wk period)
Nolvadex (off cycle pct, starting 3 wks after last pin)
Arimidex (on hand during cycle, in case its needed)
That is the "plan." HOWEVER, if you have any advice on cycling or other stacking options, what I want to do is:
a) Bulk, bulk, bulk... (and of course increase strength)
b) Manage body fat and/or increase oxidation of visceral/adipose fats
c) Avoid hair loss "as much as possible" (I know Var is a DHT-derivative, but I heard its the easiest on androgenic sides among cutters).
d) Avoid liver hypertoxicity "as much as possible"
Input or ideas?