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Thread: 1st Cycle: Details and Background Inside (Please Critique)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    1st Cycle: Details and Background Inside (Please Critique)


    Age: 25
    Height: 5'8.5
    Weight: 180
    BF: 13-15%

    Full ATG Squat: 245 (3)
    (strict) Deadlift: 315 (1)
    Bench: lol whats that
    OH Press: 135

    I am not a bodybuilder. I train in dance(ballet, modern)/gymnastics here in NYC. Im str8 too .

    My Goals

    Goal 1: Increase Vertical through a 2BW Squat

    I want to have a double body weight by the end of the cycle. Yes, I know, I could do this naturally and I probably should but time is running out for me. "What am I talking about, I'm 25!!," you say. Well, I started dancing late and with each year that goes by, my body gets older, and it becomes harder to get opportunities to perform. I'm also an actor and musician. I've been dedicating an insane amount of time to the Lifts, so much so that it has been taking away from my acting, singing, and even dancing (can't recover).

    Goal 2: STRENGTH

    Wow. I've been training like an Olympic lifter these last 6 weeks ("max" squats and heavy pulls almost everyday, varying volume low-high, varying pounds with upward trend, etc) and I've been responding to the programming tremendously. I was on a starting str, 5x5 type of program but as the weight increased it wasn't feasible given my intense training in dance. I was terrible in class - acting and dancing (over trained). Although I am surviving now, the strength results are amazing for my dance. I have been taking about 50% less dance classes and teachers have been commenting on how my technique has been improving. Its crazy, I've been dancing less and I feel more sturdy, like i have an iron midsection, like I have ****ing tree roots growing into the ground in my balances. All this despite having shittier overall technique and being slightly over trained, and out of shape. Max Strength is KING. David Tate and Louie Simmons speak truth.

    Goal 3: RECOVERY

    I want to train like the energizer bunny and be okay for the next day. I wont be acting or singing in the summer and so have all the time to devote to my sport and I want to grow leaps and bounds in technique, AND, in my gym LIFTS. Its gonna be tough as I will be attempting to do cardio 4-5 times a week (swimming), my lifts in the early afternoon 5-6 times a week, and about 4.5 hours of dance in the afternoon/evening 5-6 times a week. I'll also be stretching for one hour everyday and foam rolling as well. Gonna have to bring my food to the gym. Lots of sleep.

    Goal 4: Not look like an undefined wad of meat

    I need to have a certain look in this field (showbiz, dance, TV) or be able to diet down to it should an audition or performing opportunity arise.

    My Supps

    Fish Oil
    Vitamin K
    Protein (Isopure )

    My Diet

    shitload of more protein
    shiload of more carbs
    shitload of more brocolli, sweet potatoe, avocado, spinach, carrots, peppers, blueberries

    My Cycle
    16 weeks (roughly the length of my summer semester of dance school: May - August)

    1-16: Test Prop 100mg EOD | 56 Shots 5.6g total
    9-16: Anavar 50-75mg ED | 56 Days 2.8g-4.2g total
    1-16: hCG 250iu 2x/wk | 32 Inj. 8000iu total
    1-16: Aromasin 12.5g-25g ED | 112 Days 1.4g-2.8g total
    9-16: UDCA 250mg ED | 56 Days 14g total
    17-21: Clomid 75 50 50 50 50
    17-21: Nolva 40 20 20 20 20

    My Questions

    1) I understand I will be over-training. There is nothing I can do about it - its par for the course. If I weren't on a a cycle, I would be merely replacing the cardio and lifts with more dance classes and begin to feel weak and look like a Somalian come beginning of July. Knees would begin to ache as well. Given my intense training, should I bump up the test and anavar and not worry about "bulk" as my body will be an over burning furnace?

    2) Anavar Pumps. Ballet requires tons of isometric muscle contractions. Is there anything I can do alleviate the insane pumps that might come about with increasing anavar dosages?

    3) Will I recover? 16 weeks is long for a first cycle but I am not doing anything crazy I think. Test and Var.

    4) Is 16 weeks too long to run hCG? I am worried about my leydig cells becoming numb to my natural LH when I'm doing with hCG.

    5) Will my hypothalamus forget to make gNRH? Just my rampant paranoia.

    thanks guys - I guess I need to take the plunge now as any other questions will be hypotheticals and I wont know until I'm in the trenches..
    Last edited by JSumma; 04-12-2013 at 04:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JSumma View Post

    My Diet

    shitload of more protein
    shiload of more carbs
    shitload of more brocolli, sweet potatoe, avocado, spinach, carrots, peppers, blueberries

    I would post up your intended Diet in the Nutritional Forums for a the Pros to look it over. Include your intended goals, but tell anyone in there youre a ballet dancer...haha just kidding!

    My Cycle
    16 weeks (roughly the length of my summer semester of dance school: May - August)

    1-16: Test Prop 100mg EOD | 56 Shots 5.6g total
    9-16: Anavar 50-75mg ED | 56 Days 2.8g-4.2g total
    1-16: hCG 250iu 2x/wk | 32 Inj. 8000iu total
    1-16: Aromasin 12.5g-25g ED | 112 Days 1.4g-2.8g total
    9-16: UDCA 250mg ED | 56 Days 14g total
    17-21: Clomid 75 50 50 50 50
    17-21: Nolva 40 20 20 20 20

    My Questions

    1) I understand I will be over-training. There is nothing I can do about it - its par for the course. If I weren't on a a cycle, I would be merely replacing the cardio and lifts with more dance classes and begin to feel weak and look like a Somalian come beginning of July. Knees would begin to ache as well. Given my intense training, should I bump up the test and anavar and not worry about "bulk" as my body will be an over burning furnace? 60-80mg is fine for first cycle, or any other cycle actually.

    2) Anavar Pumps. Ballet requires tons of isometric muscle contractions. Is there anything I can do alleviate the insane pumps that might come about with increasing anavar dosages? I would look into Taurine.

    3) Will I recover? 16 weeks is long for a first cycle but I am not doing anything crazy I think. Test and Var. 16 wks is VERY long for a short ester. The frequent pinning is unnecessary. I would choose a lone ester over Prop. And your long ester only requires a 12wk cycle really.

    4) Is 16 weeks too long to run hCG? I am worried about my leydig cells becoming numb to my natural LH when I'm doing with hCG. No. Excessive hCG use is typically referred to upwards of a year.

    5) Will my hypothalamus forget to make gNRH? Just my rampant paranoia. This is part of your recovery plan. PCT

    thanks guys - I guess I need to take the plunge now as any other questions will be hypotheticals and I wont know until I'm in the trenches..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I am sure Lunk will help you out.He moon lights as a pole dancer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I am sure Lunk will help you out.He moon lights as a pole dancer.
    Haha! Zing!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Mickey, my idea for running test for 16weeks isn't only to see gains in strength. Inunderstand the test gains will plateau in wks 8-10 but I also want to use it as a recovery aid so my body can withstand the training. I know you are advocating against running test for 16 weeks but is there anything i can take to aid in my recovery and training? I got the idea for running test that long from mma threads

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    why do you need steroids for your goals ??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JSumma View Post
    Mickey, my idea for running test for 16weeks isn't only to see gains in strength. Inunderstand the test gains will plateau in wks 8-10 but I also want to use it as a recovery aid so my body can withstand the training. I know you are advocating against running test for 16 weeks but is there anything i can take to aid in my recovery and training? I got the idea for running test that long from mma threads
    The transparent truth is i have no knowledge on MMA mixed with AAS. So you may have information that supports your ideas. My suggestion is purely based upon stand alone cycles.

    16 wks with long esters is not uncommon but not really necessary for the average AAS user to accomplish typically goals.

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