My Diet
shitload of more protein
shiload of more carbs
shitload of more brocolli, sweet potatoe, avocado, spinach, carrots, peppers, blueberries
I would post up your intended Diet in the Nutritional Forums for a the Pros to look it over. Include your intended goals, but tell anyone in there youre a ballet dancer...haha just kidding!
My Cycle
16 weeks (roughly the length of my summer semester of dance school: May - August)
1-16: Test Prop 100mg EOD | 56 Shots 5.6g total
9-16: Anavar 50-75mg ED | 56 Days 2.8g-4.2g total
1-16: hCG 250iu 2x/wk | 32 Inj. 8000iu total
1-16: Aromasin 12.5g-25g ED | 112 Days 1.4g-2.8g total
9-16: UDCA 250mg ED | 56 Days 14g total
17-21: Clomid 75 50 50 50 50
17-21: Nolva 40 20 20 20 20
My Questions
1) I understand I will be over-training. There is nothing I can do about it - its par for the course. If I weren't on a a cycle, I would be merely replacing the cardio and lifts with more dance classes and begin to feel weak and look like a Somalian come beginning of July. Knees would begin to ache as well. Given my intense training, should I bump up the test and anavar and not worry about "bulk" as my body will be an over burning furnace?
60-80mg is fine for first cycle, or any other cycle actually.
2) Anavar Pumps. Ballet requires tons of isometric muscle contractions. Is there anything I can do alleviate the insane pumps that might come about with increasing anavar dosages?
I would look into Taurine.
3) Will I recover? 16 weeks is long for a first cycle but I am not doing anything crazy I think. Test and Var.
16 wks is VERY long for a short ester. The frequent pinning is unnecessary. I would choose a lone ester over Prop. And your long ester only requires a 12wk cycle really.
4) Is 16 weeks too long to run hCG? I am worried about my leydig cells becoming numb to my natural LH when I'm doing with hCG.
No. Excessive hCG use is typically referred to upwards of a year.
5) Will my hypothalamus forget to make gNRH? Just my rampant paranoia.
This is part of your recovery plan. PCT
thanks guys - I guess I need to take the plunge now as any other questions will be hypotheticals and I wont know until I'm in the trenches..