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Thread: First cycle help!

  1. #1

    First cycle help!

    Ok guys, so the time has come for me to start considering my first cycle. My source is saying I should start out with test cyp, eq, and MAYBE dbol. Then for pct use clomid and nolvadex. Does this sound about right? Or should I only do test cyp and dbol? I have been reading up on each of them indivudually, but not so much about how they should all be stacked. (once again I'm new to this) Also all of them would be IM not orals.
    Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    What are your complete Stats?

    Body Fat %
    Previous AAS exp.
    Lifting Exp

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BF Men.jpg 
Views:	12846 
Size:	322.4 KB 
ID:	137199

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Eq is worthless.

  4. #4
    Age 25
    Height 5"11-6ft
    Weight 200
    Body Fat % around 15-20
    Previous AAS exp. None
    Lifting Exp: been lifting for about 1.5-2 years. I have a pretty solid workout routine, and my diet is alright. Mornings eat White rice, spinach, egg. Then a little while after I go to the gym, come home drink a protein shake and eat a banana, then after I shower up etc I usually eat tuna. Then during class (At the university) I will eat a meal with sugar, some fat, and carbs. Then lunch: usually a green vegetable and grilled chicken. Then later on I will have fruits and nuts. Then go home and eat more grilled chicken and vegetables or whatever else I prepared.
    (I am 100% willing to change up my diet etc for the AAS) I just need to know what more to add or take away.
    I would also like to know about cardio while on AAS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hit the Nutritional Forum and dial in your diet to reduce your BF to as close to 15% or less, but will also maintain your current LBM as much as possible. You will benefit greatly if you do.

    The check out this thread on Cycles and familiarize yourself with the different compounds that are typically used and why they are used. Pay particular attention to the associated sides and how to manage them properly and effectively. Also, please read the links at the bottom of the first page on the Beginners Cycle page. The will help you understand AI's, SERM's, hCG, and PCT.

    Nutritional Forum

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Almost forgot, this is my opinion on EQ. Like Redz, i do not recommend it BUT, i do NOT think it's useless when used properly. My opinion only.

    EQ is a solid steroid but there several caveats that are important know.

    First of all, it's necessary to run higher amounts than usual - around 600mg or more. I ran 250mg EOD plus a TRT dose. I kept my Testosterone dose low on purpose so that i could clearly tell the difference between the EQ and previous Test cycle, and record any gains i made. It’s also necessary to run this compound out to about 15wks or more. The gains are sloooow, but they are steady.

    You will gain strength, but nothing earth shattering like Tren or a solid dose of Test, and your muscles will be full. Also you will see a change in your vascular appearance that will be noticeable in the first 4wks. Blood Pressure may increase, but mine stayed true all the way through (16wks). You will likely also see an increased appetite and although my diet was ok, it was not dialed in. I began my cycle at 191lbs and "shot up" to 213. I am now maintaining 208lbs easily.

    For some people, it doesn't work and they feel EQ is best to oil up hinges and bicycle chains. Although I disagree, it’s important to note that i do NOT recommend this compound to anyone. Simply because the transparent truth is, it requires too much of it to produce results - and it requires a lengthy cycle. It’s just not worth it, imho. For the same amount of money i can do a Test only cycle or add an oral kicker and achieve the same, if not more results, in a much shorter period of time with less compound.

    But, for me it worked well. And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so!

  7. #7
    Ok so right now I'm for sure sticking with test cyp, nolva, clomid. I do not know if I am able to get arimidex or hcg though. Would it be a problem if I didnt use those? Would this be good for a first cycle: Test cyp, with/without dbol(thoughts), and *maybe hcg. Then nolva nd clomid for pct? Would that be a decent cycle?
    P.S. Thanks for those links! Very helpful!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Trmn8r View Post
    Ok so right now I'm for sure sticking with test cyp, nolva, clomid. I do not know if I am able to get arimidex or hcg though. Would it be a problem if I didnt use those? Would this be good for a first cycle: Test cyp, with/without dbol(thoughts), and *maybe hcg. Then nolva nd clomid for pct? Would that be a decent cycle?
    P.S. Thanks for those links! Very helpful!
    Not having an AI included in your cycle IS a serious problem, and can really mess you up bad. I wouldn't even dream of cycling without an AI. Seriously.

    Check out this thread.

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

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