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Thread: List of All Meds Required for 1st Test Only Cycle

  1. #1
    TheS1tch is offline Associate Member
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    List of All Meds Required for 1st Test Only Cycle

    Hey guys, so can someone please list all the items and the total quantities of all meds for a first test only cycle just want to be super safe and easy for my health and everything I need to order including PCT.

  2. #2
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    you have been a member here for over 7 months and you ask for the ancillaries thats used during and after cycle to be safe ?
    you could have got that in 1 hour of research...this spoon feeding method will get in troubles later on in life buddy ....
    but basically you will need an AI like aromaisn, and HCG to prevent testicular atrophy
    PCT you need clomid and tamoxifien
    you are a big boy. im sure you can find doses by your self if you value your health. your health is definitely worth an hour of research
    i would assume your diet and workout all in check ?
    songdog likes this.

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    That's pretty vague.... What type of cycle are up running? Long ester? Or short? Length of time? AI you're planning on using? HCG ?
    Body fat
    Training history

    We kinda need more info bro

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Riceosterone, heavy weights, chickenabol, heavy weights, beefbolone, heavy weights. Repeat

    Mate you really really really need to eat some food. 6'2 and 150-160lbs. Forget about gear else you'll just waste your time and money and put your health at risk.
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  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    You have, of course been told this on many, many occasions. Why do you persist and why are you even considering a cycle if you are going through tests for low T?

  6. #6
    TheS1tch is offline Associate Member
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    Age/weight/bf: 26/160/11%
    Train: 7 month
    Goal: Upper Body bulk up

    Ok so I work out 7 months and I take proteins during my work out and I always eat a lot of chicken during the past 3 month, and I sorta see some improvements but only visible to me if I take off my shirt I need to get really bulked up on my pecs and tric and delts and get bigger arms too so people know I work out even when I have my shirt on.

  7. #7
    diesel101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Riceosterone, heavy weights, chickenabol, heavy weights, beefbolone, heavy weights. Repeat

    Mate you really really really need to eat some food. 6'2 and 150-160lbs. Forget about gear else you'll just waste your time and money and put your health at risk.
    BIB how did you find out about my secret cycle?

  8. #8
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Age/weight/bf: 26/160/11%
    Train: 7 month
    Goal: Upper Body bulk up

    Ok so I work out 7 months and I take proteins during my work out and I always eat a lot of chicken during the past 3 month, and I sorta see some improvements but only visible to me if I take off my shirt I need to get really bulked up on my pecs and tric and delts and get bigger arms too so people know I work out even when I have my shirt on.

    you have been training for 7 months and your goal is upper body bulk
    bro please stay away from AAS before hurting your self
    if you have researched for 1 hr about steroids you would have read that in order to start doing it you are recommended to have atleast 3-4 years of experience with natural bodybuilding and being and have gained some nice size naturally and kept it and strengthen your tendons... with AAS now you will hurt your HPTA, your tendons and you will lose all gains cuz your diet is apperantly bad and cant keep the new made muscle cells....
    eat right and gain weight naturally. you are only 160, you have long way ahead of you... 7 months is nothing.. put in time and effort and patience...

  9. #9
    analovz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Hey guys, so can someone please list all the items and the total quantities of all meds for a first test only cycle just want to be super safe and easy for my health and everything I need to order including PCT.

    Get yourself a place in the cemetery and buy a coffin before you start your first cycle!

  10. #10
    TheS1tch is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    you have been training for 7 months and your goal is upper body bulk
    bro please stay away from AAS before hurting your self
    if you have researched for 1 hr about steroids you would have read that in order to start doing it you are recommended to have atleast 3-4 years of experience with natural bodybuilding and being and have gained some nice size naturally and kept it and strengthen your tendons... with AAS now you will hurt your HPTA, your tendons and you will lose all gains cuz your diet is apperantly bad and cant keep the new made muscle cells....
    eat right and gain weight naturally. you are only 160, you have long way ahead of you... 7 months is nothing.. put in time and effort and patience...
    I'm a hard gainer so it's useless for me I can work out all I won't but it won't grow

  11. #11
    3day's Avatar
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    Gotta be a troll. If not my apologies.If you are a hard gainer post up your diet for today.
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  12. #12
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    I'm a hard gainer so it's useless for me I can work out all I won't but it won't grow
    " hard gainer " drive me crazy
    man i got like 140 IGF in range of 100-600
    im 24 and i got horrible igf and lower end HGH and i grow slow as shit... people started years after me are bigger but you do it the right way and work on it...
    try new ways of working out. try new machines and eat right. eat 6 meals with high protein and moderate fats and carbs..
    if you eat bad food you wont grow..
    write your diet for me ( if you have one ) and dont tell me whatever mom makes ! and i will check if its suffecient or not
    cuz if you dont have right diet you wont grow not 1 lb.even on 1000mg of testosterone weekly

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    I'm a hard gainer so it's useless for me I can work out all I won't but it won't grow
    BS with the hard gainer stuff. No one gains much in 7 months especially when starting out. Give us a shout after 4 or 5 years of good old fashioned hard work.

    You probably expect a 10% pay raise after 2 or 3 months of hard work? Expect a promotion to VIP in 8-12 moths?

    What ever happened to working for what you get? You must be part of the entitlement generation where you think and believe what the government it telling you and there is no need to earn anything anymore; it will just be given to you.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. If you want something try working for it. 6 moths is NOTHING, 1 year is very little. 3-4 years you are just learning how to do it right and what you have been doing wrong for the first 2 years.

    Get your azz in the gym and the diet section and stop being a pvssy and lift some weights if you want to get big.
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  14. #14
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    BS with the hard gainer stuff. No one gains much in 7 months especially when starting out. Give us a shout after 4 or 5 years of good old fashioned hard work.

    You probably expect a 10% pay raise after 2 or 3 months of hard work? Expect a promotion to VIP in 8-12 moths?

    What ever happened to working for what you get? You must be part of the entitlement generation where you think and believe what the government it telling you and there is no need to earn anything anymore; it will just be given to you.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. If you want something try working for it. 6 moths is NOTHING, 1 year is very little. 3-4 years you are just learning how to do it right and what you have been doing wrong for the first 2 years.

    Get your azz in the gym and the diet section and stop being a pvssy and lift some weights if you want to get big.
    its summer lovbyts.. you will see alot of people <21 asking for cycles and they have no idea what are they doing or how to do it. they think they will put 40 lbs muscle and cut to 5% BF in 1 cycle... they dont even eat and just want to do it for beach!
    its stupid

  15. #15
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    Yeah I know, thats why I call BS on post like this and the hard gainer stuff.

  16. #16
    TheS1tch is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Riceosterone, heavy weights, chickenabol, heavy weights, beefbolone, heavy weights. Repeat

    Mate you really really really need to eat some food. 6'2 and 150-160lbs. Forget about gear else you'll just waste your time and money and put your health at risk.
    hey what's that beefbolone I couldn't find any info on it?

  17. #17
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch

    hey what's that beefbolone I couldn't find any info on it?
    I hope ur joking lol

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  18. #18
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch

    hey what's that beefbolone I couldn't find any info on it?
    You'll find it on the same website that you found riceosterone and chickenabol. Also look into brocovar.

  19. #19
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    You will need Food food food mate and weights

  20. #20
    diesel101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tron3219 View Post

    i hope ur joking lol

    -chomp chomp chomp-clink clink clink-

  21. #21
    kaiblade is offline New Member
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    Riceosterone, heavy weights, chickenabol, heavy weights, beefbolone, heavy weights. Repeat
    lol i loved this one. there is no such thing as a hardgainer unless if you have hyperthyroidism or some tissue wasting disease. I used to think I was a hard gainer too until i decided to eat a little more. And every single person I met in person who says that tell me they're a hardgainer, I find out they aren't even eating enough in the first place(which they claimed they actually eat alot)... comeon... hitting 4k calories is easy, dont eat like a girl and expect to get bigger.

  22. #22
    TheS1tch is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    You'll find it on the same website that you found riceosterone and chickenabol. Also look into brocovar.
    whats the website for ricosterone?

  23. #23
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch

    whats the website for ricosterone?
    Love it love it love it
    Why don't you want to train your legs?

  24. #24
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post

    whats the website for ricosterone?
    Hello leatherdady

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