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Thread: Question about t3

  1. #1
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Question Question about t3

    As some know my cycle started 4 days ago and it is a bulk cycle. I don't eat very clean, so with the accepted by you all. I have a question regarding the use of t3 with my cycle. The cycle is to just get bigger, just as big as I can get. My history even now is I can bet lean quickly. Not correct thing to do, to put on too much crap that you will just take off in the short of the long.
    So what about me adding t3 with
    test E 500mg wk
    deca 300-400 mg wk
    dbol 50mg wk

    what about t3, I have no experience with this...crazy mike

  2. #2
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    I'm running 150mcg a day, I eat pretty clean (most of the time) but my tdee is around 2800 and I'm eating 4k plus. I feel like I've kept my bf at bay if not loosing some and I still gained 25 pounds total weight on this previous 8 week blast, no doubt not all lbm but a good percentage is. Probably 15-20 pounds. I'd recommend starting low and working ur way up to access tolerance then working like a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off type protocol. You can just jump back on ur dose u worked up to after finding ur tolerance. No need to ramp up or ramp down.

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Well your body produces about 25mcg/ day of it. So anything from 50 and up will be helpful with fat burn. I'm using it in my upcoming cycle at 100mcg/day for the last 4 weeks. As far as I've been able to see, there is no period where it needs to saturate to start seei it work. It should kick fairly quickly.
    Additionally, recovery time for your thyroid to bounce back to producing normal levels of T3 is days. If that. It's really almost negligible, so you can just jump on and off of the dose you plan on running without tapering etc

    As I have no personal experience with the compound yet, this is about the best I can do for ya. Hope it helped

  4. #4
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I'm running 150mcg a day, I eat pretty clean (most of the time) but my tdee is around 2800 and I'm eating 4k plus. I feel like I've kept my bf at bay if not loosing some and I still gained 25 pounds total weight on this previous 8 week blast, no doubt not all lbm but a good percentage is. Probably 15-20 pounds. I'd recommend starting low and working ur way up to access tolerance then working like a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off type protocol. You can just jump back on ur dose u worked up to after finding ur tolerance. No need to ramp up or ramp down.

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    I'm having a hard time eating right now, no appetite and hard to force feed , I'm trying but if my caloric input is lacking then I shouldn't apply t3 until I get up to par with intake. That's my though. two week out from rally pushing hard a$$ with everything so the front load dose and time with this cycle. ,..crazy mike

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike

    I'm having a hard time eating right now, no appetite and hard to force feed , I'm trying but if my caloric input is lacking then I shouldn't apply t3 until I get up to par with intake. That's my though. two week out from rally pushing hard a$$ with everything so the front load dose and time with this cycle. ,..crazy mike
    Well if ur not eating then ur not gonna grow. I did find that the t3 makes me extremely hungry all the time but may not have that effect on u. U could try b12 injections to see if that increases ur appetite. But I wouldn't jump on t3 until u get significant caloric intake, I feel that would b counter productive to ur goals

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  6. #6
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    100mcg/ed of T3 is a pretty healthy dose. Normally, guys take 25mcg/ed of T3 or 100mcg/ed of T4. If you're gonna try to get huge don't worry about the T3. Just work on cleaning up your diet.

  7. #7
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    100mcg/ed of T3 is a pretty healthy dose. Normally, guys take 25mcg/ed of T3 or 100mcg/ed of T4. If you're gonna try to get huge don't worry about the T3. Just work on cleaning up your diet.
    Ur body produces 25-30mcg a day. Why would u take what ur producing already?

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  8. #8
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    100mcg/ed of T3 is a pretty healthy dose. Normally, guys take 25mcg/ed of T3 or 100mcg/ed of T4. If you're gonna try to get huge don't worry about the T3. Just work on cleaning up your diet.
    I hate the truth...but ya know the denial side keeps saying mike just find the medium. Fat chance, ha no pun ...crazy m

  9. #9
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Vitamin b-12 injections make me so hungry I binge eat. Great for bulking.
    The oral supplements do diddly squat for me.

    120+mcg t3 also makes me ravenous. It increases the rate of digestion so that makes it easier to get more food through your body.
    I'm currently running 100mcg/day and combined with the Intermittent Fasting protocol, I'm shedding fat at an exciting rate
    Seems like the traditional bb diet of eating small multiple times per day just makes me fat.

  10. #10
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Is the B-12 injectable the methyl type because the oral I get is not doing it but it is cyanocobalmin. I was interested in that. ...crazy mike

  11. #11
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I'm running 150mcg a day, I eat pretty clean (most of the time) but my tdee is around 2800 and I'm eating 4k plus. I feel like I've kept my bf at bay if not loosing some and I still gained 25 pounds total weight on this previous 8 week blast, no doubt not all lbm but a good percentage is. Probably 15-20 pounds. I'd recommend starting low and working ur way up to access tolerance then working like a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off type protocol. You can just jump back on ur dose u worked up to after finding ur tolerance. No need to ramp up or ramp down.

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    you used 150mcg of t3 a day in bulk up cycle and you added 25 lbs in 8 weeks ??? thats crazy!!!!!!!
    did u use ai ?
    also what was the blast ?

  12. #12
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    you used 150mcg of t3 a day in bulk up cycle and you added 25 lbs in 8 weeks ??? thats crazy!!!!!!!
    did u use ai ?
    also what was the blast ?
    Yeah, but I was eating 1000+ over tdee.

    .5 adex ED

    990mg test for 8 weeks
    100mg var ed for first 4 weeks

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  13. #13
    Antonious's Avatar
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    I wouldn't risk running over 100mcg a day, from my research norm is 50-75mcg. Lots of people don't run T3 at all to avoid risk of messing up natural production of thyroid

  14. #14
    lifeofdefiance is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonious View Post
    I wouldn't risk running over 100mcg a day, from my research norm is 50-75mcg. Lots of people don't run T3 at all to avoid risk of messing up natural production of thyroid
    There is virtually no risk. They've done studies of people running high doses for 6-12 months and all of them recovered in a few weeks to a month. Unless you go insanely high for a really long period I would doubt you have anything to worry about.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonious View Post
    I wouldn't risk running over 100mcg a day, from my research norm is 50-75mcg. Lots of people don't run T3 at all to avoid risk of messing up natural production of thyroid
    This myth has been floating around for a long time. Your thyroid will recover within days to weeks, worst case scenario months if you use huge doses.

  16. #16
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Yeah, but I was eating 1000+ over tdee.

    .5 adex ED

    990mg test for 8 weeks
    100mg var ed for first 4 weeks

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    looks great and simple!
    was there HGH involved ?
    cuz those numbers are awesome man

  17. #17
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    looks great and simple!
    was there HGH involved ?
    cuz those numbers are awesome man
    He has a progress thread kicking about somewhere granovich it's a great read
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  18. #18
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    looks great and simple!
    was there HGH involved ?
    cuz those numbers are awesome man
    Nope, just a whole lot of eating and hard work. About to blast again, hoping to get to 240-245.

    Here's a progress pic, I have it in my progress photo but to save u the trouble.

    Top pic is from December 5th

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-687849196.jpg 
Views:	312 
Size:	386.3 KB 
ID:	137255

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  19. #19
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Nope, just a whole lot of eating and hard work. About to blast again, hoping to get to 240-245.

    Here's a progress pic, I have it in my progress photo but to save u the trouble.

    Top pic is from December 5th

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-687849196.jpg 
Views:	312 
Size:	386.3 KB 
ID:	137255

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

    AWESOME PICS MAN!!!!!!!!
    that definitely require alot of hard work because its short time and you did cut really nice and add some mass as well!!!!!
    next time you bulk up you will be a beast
    BTW is your name tron cuz u have beard looks like Jeff Bridges beard from Tron ? LOL

  20. #20
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    AWESOME PICS MAN!!!!!!!!
    that definitely require alot of hard work because its short time and you did cut really nice and add some mass as well!!!!!
    next time you bulk up you will be a beast
    I was a little deflated in the first pic. I was coming off a natural cut, I had cut down from like 223 to 202 I think. My previous bulk had out me at like 17-18% bf (don't do carbs well). So I cut down natty before starting this cycle and ate 4000+ cals with real low carbs. Worked nicely for me. Deloading right now, gonna start back up in about 2 weeks with test/npp(or tren if it gets here)

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  21. #21
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I was a little deflated in the first pic. I was coming off a natural cut, I had cut down from like 223 to 202 I think. My previous bulk had out me at like 17-18% bf (don't do carbs well). So I cut down natty before starting this cycle and ate 4000+ cals with real low carbs. Worked nicely for me. Deloading right now, gonna start back up in about 2 weeks with test/npp(or tren if it gets here)

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    nice man!!!
    if you can please keep a log with 1-2 updates weekly. it would be really beneficial to alot of members to read it

  22. #22
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    nice man!!!
    if you can please keep a log with 1-2 updates weekly. it would be really beneficial to alot of members to read it
    I try, I'm just not that good at logging lol mainly because my diet doesn't really fluctuate and I do the same "type" of workout, only vary the exercises from time to time. I'm no expert but if u har any questions feel free to ask them in my thread and I'll help out best I can. It's in the most improved forum. Trons get big or die trying log. I update pics from time to time. And just general updates more or less. A lot of bs haha

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  23. #23
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I try, I'm just not that good at logging lol mainly because my diet doesn't really fluctuate and I do the same "type" of workout, only vary the exercises from time to time. I'm no expert but if u har any questions feel free to ask them in my thread and I'll help out best I can. It's in the most improved forum. Trons get big or die trying log. I update pics from time to time. And just general updates more or less. A lot of bs haha

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    LOL thanx man i appreciate it
    good luck on that cycle bro!!!

  24. #24
    lifeofdefiance is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Nope, just a whole lot of eating and hard work. About to blast again, hoping to get to 240-245.

    Here's a progress pic, I have it in my progress photo but to save u the trouble.

    Top pic is from December 5th

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-687849196.jpg 
Views:	312 
Size:	386.3 KB 
ID:	137255

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    Damn man you look like a beast in that second pic. Awesome traps!

  25. #25
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifeofdefiance View Post
    Damn man you look like a beast in that second pic. Awesome traps!
    Yea you do look great , awesome good in that pic. Hard, tight and for me man great size. Well I'll be soon working hard again here.
    Now the question for me is just this, will t3 help my appetite to kick in so I will not be eating at my muscle tissue. I have it sitting here with my entire cycle, I'm starting back training but my appetite is not getting it, and that will bring my demise. ...crazy mike

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike

    Yea you do look good in that pic. Hard, tight and for me man great size. Well I'll be soon working hard again here.
    T\Now the question for me is just this, will t3 help my appetite to kick in so I will not be eating at my muscle tissue. I have it sitting here with my entire cycle, I'm starting back training but my appetite is not getting it, and that will bring my demise. ...crazy mike
    U can try it, I get crazy hungry on it. Just make sure ur monitoring urself well on it to not be counter productive

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  27. #27
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    U can try it, I get crazy hungry on it. Just make sure ur monitoring urself well on it to not be counter productive

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    Ok, so what is my protocol. Dose and frequency.

  28. #28
    redz's Avatar
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    Running 120mcg of T3 right now and feeling great. Also on albuterol at 12mg ed and on cycle

  29. #29
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    Start with 50 and work ur way up to assess ur tolerance. 100-150mcg prolly b good. Once in the morning is good for t3

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  30. #30
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    OK guys I got it. I tell you I am just freaked about this appetite thing. I'm set up were ever I go to eat every 2 hours. If I can get it down. So we will see. Thx again....crazy mike

  31. #31
    lifeofdefiance is offline Associate Member
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    Do you guys find t3 to not be too catabolic on cycle? I'm running 525 mg a week of tren right now and I have been doing 75 mcg of t3 a day, thinking about upping it though, but since I'm not cutting (just trying to put on pure lean mass), I don't want to cut into gains too much.

  32. #32
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    I dont find it catabolic at all while on cycle even at 120mcg.

  33. #33
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I dont find it catabolic at all while on cycle even at 120mcg.
    Great input on this

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    I dont find it catabolic at all while on cycle even at 120mcg.
    I don't either in 150...

    Bare in mind that u need to eat more then ur 500 over tdee to gain. And if ur not eating it will b pretty counterproductive

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  35. #35
    lifeofdefiance is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I don't either in 150...

    Bare in mind that u need to eat more then ur 500 over tdee to gain. And if ur not eating it will b pretty counterproductive

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    I eat a lot. That's part of the reason I'm on it. I like to be able to eat a ton without gaining too much fat.

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