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    Drachenfells's Avatar
    Drachenfells is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012

    Stacking & AI questions.

    Hey guys

    Not to long ago, i was out with a herniated disc. I took my punishment and bided my time before i could be back in the gym.

    After my full recovery i was back to free-weight training in Jan. No pain, full movement and 70% of my original strength.

    This is when i decided to do my fist cycle. My stats were [at that time] 6'5", 108kg [17 stone], 22% bf.

    I took a blood-test, prior to starting anything:

    HAEMOGLOBIN 15.0 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0
    HCT 0.418 0.37 - 0.50
    RED CELL COUNT 4.94 x10^12/L 4.40 - 5.80
    MCV 84.6 fL 80 - 99
    MCH 30.4 pg 26.0 - 33.5
    MCHC *35.9 g/dL 30 - 35
    RDW 11.9 11.5 - 15.0
    PLATELET COUNT 152 x10^9/L 150 - 400
    MPV 10.6 fL 7 - 13
    WHITE CELL COUNT 3.77 x10^9/L 3.0 - 10.0
    Neutrophils *1.63 x10^9/L 2.0 - 7.5
    Lymphocytes 1.58 x10^9/L 1.2 - 3.65
    Monocytes 0.32 x10^9/L 0.2 - 1.0
    Eosinophils 0.23 x10^9/L 0.0 - 0.4
    Basophils 0.01 x10^9/L 0.0 - 0.1
    ESR 5 mm/hr 1 - 10

    Spoke to my GP [i live in the uk] and everything is normal, even with the 2 red-highlights.

    I got my hands on SUS-250mg and Dbol 10mg pills - both by Balkan Pharmaceuticals. My cycle was 10 weeks x 1ml of Sus 250 a week & 30mg daily [starting on week 3] of Dbol and increasing to 40mg daily from week 5. My training program is "Big Beyond Belief - Serious Growth 3, by Leo Costa" - old school. The training program i ran was the 6 days a week / once a day training. It focus on growth in size, more than growth in strength.

    I am currently at the beginning of week 8 [so 3 injections of Sus left] and same for Dbol. I check my stats / result today - 124kg [19.5 stone] & 23% bf - an increase of 16kgs [2.5 stone] & 1% bf in 8 weeks. I trained more for size then strength, but my bench went from 120kgs x5 reps to 160kgs x5 reps. i know not everything was from the Sus & Dbol - there was at least 20-30kgs to muscle memory, since i was coming back form the injury.

    I am also daily on 5000mg of decent quality fish oil / 500mg of kril oil / 1000mg of Flaxseed oil / 1000mg of Milk thistle / 2x Liv 52 Double Strength - and a few other normal supplements like HMB / BCAA / ....

    I have a blood test booked this week.

    NOW - my next step is, since my first cycle went so well so far - clean, no issues and very productive [i do not have any AI's or HGC in my current cycle] and was originally planning to come back naturally - no PTC - trying to keep my body as clean as i could - so no Clomid / Tax / Nolva; but I have just got 9 weeks of Test-Prop [1ml every other day] & 8 weeks of Stanozolol [2 weeks x30mg & 6x40mg - 200pills basically, have not done the exact maths yet] to help me drop a bit of body fat, solidify my muscle and keep my weight around the 120kg.
    The test-propr is Malay Tiger and Stanozolol is Biosira.

    My question is:
    1- should i try and stay away from AI's, to stay clean as possible [since the quantities i am taking at 30-40% of what i should be taking for a man of my size and weight]?
    2- should i jump on only a simple Ai [better safe then sorry]?
    3- should i do a PTC cycle [think i have to now] and if so what’s the minimum recommendation/combination i should take?
    4- and im always interested in peoples option of my extension of my first cycle - the stack off sus / dbol / test-p / stanoz and any advice - good & bad i should keep my eyes open for.

    Hope i didn’t waffle too much - trying to pain a clear picture [so many posts are just a single line - pointless].

    All the help is appreciated.

    Last edited by Drachenfells; 04-14-2013 at 06:33 PM.

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