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Thread: Acne faurrrrk

  1. #1
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Acne faurrrrk

    STarted first cycle of test e and have gotten major acne all over my back little on chest and a fair bit on face? What to do?

    Any help of lowering it?

  2. #2
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Skip showers after you workout and put on moisturizer

  3. #3
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Srs? I have been scrubbing them with a brush thing and using soap? And ok I'll try moisturiser

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Need more info.

    What is your cycle?

    Did you include an AI?

    Acne before this?

    First cycle?

    Most Acne is hormone (DHT) related and can be prevented when managed properly.

  5. #5
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah View Post
    Srs? I have been scrubbing them with a brush thing and using soap? And ok I'll try moisturiser
    Total sarcasm. Do the opposite of that. Acne body wash, avoid moisturizers. Multiple showers a day. What's your cycle and ancillary use?

  6. #6
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Test e 260 twice a week
    Armosasin 10g
    Hcg 250iu twice wk

    First cycle age 21

    Been lifting 3 years 170lbs and have stopped making gains so I have started the cycle it's jus over 1st week

  7. #7
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah View Post
    Test e 260 twice a week
    Armosasin 10g
    Hcg 250iu twice wk

    First cycle age 21

    Been lifting 3 years 170lbs and have stopped making gains so I have started the cycle it's jus over 1st week

    Acne is going to be the least of your worries, but thats a whole nother story, I will leave that to some of the vets..

    First off, up your armoasin dose to at least 12.5, it has actually come out that even 12.5 is underdosed and we should be doing 25 ED, which i have been doing the past week with surprisingly accurate results.

    On to your topic:

    Healthy Solutions:
    -2% + Salicylic Acid Body Wash OR 2.5% Benzyl Peroxide Body Wash (Whichever works best for you, personally Salicylic Acid makes mine worse...)
    -Make sure you shower immediately after workouts
    -Wash your sheets and clothes often with *sensitive* detergent and fabric softener
    -Wash your sheets every few days, if you are like me and sweat like crazy in your sleep when on cycle that's some quick dirty sheets, keep them clean
    -Shower 2x a day, don't do it too much, too much showering is just as bad as too little
    -**Most importantly, go to the store and buy some Apple Cider Vinegar, make sure it is pure, and some Aloe Vera lotion(with no crazy additives. Mix a solution of 1/2 Water, 1/2 Apple Cider Vinegar and apply to your problem spots with a paper towel. Let it dry then apply a thin layer of Aloe Vera Lotion, do this 2x a day after your shower

    Not so healthy:

    Hope this helps...

  8. #8
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogtags


    Acne is going to be the least of your worries, but thats a whole nother story, I will leave that to some of the vets..

    First off, up your armoasin dose to at least 12.5, it has actually come out that even 12.5 is underdosed and we should be doing 25 ED, which i have been doing the past week with surprisingly accurate results.

    On to your topic:

    Healthy Solutions:
    -2% + Salicylic Acid Body Wash OR 2.5% Benzyl Peroxide Body Wash (Whichever works best for you, personally Salicylic Acid makes mine worse...)
    -Make sure you shower immediately after workouts
    -Wash your sheets and clothes often with *sensitive* detergent and fabric softener
    -Wash your sheets every few days, if you are like me and sweat like crazy in your sleep when on cycle that's some quick dirty sheets, keep them clean
    -Shower 2x a day, don't do it too much, too much showering is just as bad as too little
    -**Most importantly, go to the store and buy some Apple Cider Vinegar, make sure it is pure, and some Aloe Vera lotion(with no crazy additives. Mix a solution of 1/2 Water, 1/2 Apple Cider Vinegar and apply to your problem spots with a paper towel. Let it dry then apply a thin layer of Aloe Vera Lotion, do this 2x a day after your shower

    Not so healthy:

    Hope this helps...
    Thanks heaps I'll defiantly try this! Reason why jabbing at young age cause I am an aspiring model and need to take my body to next level!

  9. #9
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    You need more food. 170lbs is light. Assuming you aren't 5'6 or something

  10. #10
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588
    You need more food. 170lbs is light. Assuming you aren't 5'6 or something
    I'm 5'7 lol I'm like Babo bra

  11. #11
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah View Post
    Thanks heaps I'll defiantly try this! Reason why jabbing at young age cause I am an aspiring model and need to take my body to next level!
    Have you looked into the risks? I'll tell you, a career in modeling is a very short one assuming you even made it and with what you are doing it could leave you with a lifetime irreversible consequences.

  12. #12
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogtags

    Have you looked into the risks? I'll tell you, a career in modeling is a very short one assuming you even made it and with what you are doing it could leave you with a lifetime irreversible consequences.
    A lot of the pro body builders like lee priest started jabbing at age 17 and they are fine the risks are minimal if your smart and do not abuse the substance!

  13. #13
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah View Post
    A lot of the pro body builders like lee priest started jabbing at age 17 and they are fine the risks are minimal if your smart and do not abuse the substance!
    A lot of them are on a plethora of cholesterol and hormone medications... Hell look up ronnie on youtube and look at his Breakfast, im not talking about his eggs and grits, im talking about his first meal, a plate full of pills lol... Im not here to tell you how to live your life, but what you are doing is dangerous on its own, but you have decided to do it when your system is still producing awesome amounts of natural testosterone and is still developing.. IMO stop now before you do more harm than you have already done... All I will say on it.

  14. #14
    snowblowjoe's Avatar
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    Your way too short to be a model. You gonna be modeling for dwarfs weekly? MQ? Midgets quarterly?

  15. #15
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe
    Your way too short to be a model. You gonna be modeling for dwarfs weekly? MQ? Midgets quarterly?
    Nah buddy bonds model minimum requirement is 5'6 so I'm fine and I am not producing awsome amounts because if I was I wouldn't need this shit, an exactly it's a short career that why I'm doing it in my 20's not 30's I'm also studying bachelor of science so I have got something to fall back on.

  16. #16
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I would have increased my AI. But check out this thread, it may help you as well.

    Relief From Steroid Induced Acne

    Relief from steroi-induced acne

  17. #17
    mrmida is offline Junior Member
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    Your best bet is to go see a Dermatogist immediately....
    Body washes and OTC skin products will only help minimally with cystic acne... Those pimples are the large ones that form under the skin and usually don't come to a head...
    I had the same problem and was prescribed doxycycline which is an antibiotic and it worked wonders... The scars take a few months to go away and I found that vitamin e lotion helped with the healing process and taking away the scars

    Trust me man, from experience.. This is your best bet

  18. #18
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmida
    Your best bet is to go see a Dermatogist immediately....
    Body washes and OTC skin products will only help minimally with cystic acne... Those pimples are the large ones that form under the skin and usually don't come to a head...
    I had the same problem and was prescribed doxycycline which is an antibiotic and it worked wonders... The scars take a few months to go away and I found that vitamin e lotion helped with the healing process and taking away the scars

    Trust me man, from experience.. This is your best bet
    Thanks mate! Will do! I hope that gains are worth it!

  19. #19
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah

    Thanks mate! Will do! I hope that gains are worth it!
    They won't be. Your diet is substandard and you are suffering from a medical condition.

    You should strongly consider stopping your cycle and saving it for when you are ready.

    Oh, and another 'brah'. You kids know a bra is something a woman wears to hold her breast in font you?

  20. #20
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    They won't be. Your diet is substandard and you are suffering from a medical condition.

    You should strongly consider stopping your cycle and saving it for when you are ready.

    Oh, and another 'brah'. You kids know a bra is something a woman wears to hold her breast in font you?
    Hmm yeah I guess so, so should I stop and run pct after a week? Doctor has advised me against it but i said it was my own decision to make pretty arrogant I know lol.

  21. #21
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    They won't be. Your diet is substandard and you are suffering from a medical condition.

    You should strongly consider stopping your cycle and saving it for when you are ready.

    Oh, and another 'brah'. You kids know a bra is something a woman wears to hold her breast in font you?
    And lol I know but you know I'm a **** fan and all

    ^^^^^ did that rustle any jimmies? Lol

  22. #22
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah

    And lol I know but you know I'm a **** fan and all

    ^^^^^ did that rustle any jimmies? Lol
    Lol I'm meant. Z Y Z Z

  23. #23
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    That rent boys name is banned here hence the ****. People blindly looking up to him and trying to emulate him will be the cause of so many future problems for young men in Australia it is untrue.

    Yes, stop your cycle, no real need to run a PCT after only 2 pins.

    Resolve your diet issues and have your workouts reviewed too.

    Best of luck.

  24. #24
    Battleplan's Avatar
    Battleplan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah View Post
    Lol I'm meant. Z Y Z Z
    Typical retarded aussie kid. Have a look at where your idols lifestyle got him. Also lol at being a model at 5'7''

  25. #25
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    They won't be. Your diet is substandard and you are suffering from a medical condition.

    You should strongly consider stopping your cycle and saving it for when you are ready.

    Oh, and another 'brah'. You kids know a bra is something a woman wears to hold her breast in font you?
    ^^^ agree 100%
    Bra is such a Ghetto word and about as bad as the saggy pants.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah View Post
    Hmm yeah I guess so, so should I stop and run pct after a week? Doctor has advised me against it but i said it was my own decision to make pretty arrogant I know lol.
    You told your doctor you are taking aas? Are you in the states (US)? You may have just screwed your future health insurance or job opportunities for life because that sh*t will never come out of your file and could/will have life altering consequences.

    So how is this well thought out cycle with the acne sides working out on helping your modeling career? I'm sure everyone is looking for a zit faced young model now days.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah View Post
    And lol I know but you know I'm a **** fan and all

    ^^^^^ did that rustle any jimmies? Lol
    Fvkn retard he was. As said, look where it got him? Very healthy lifestyle and long lived.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-15-2013 at 04:29 AM.

  26. #26
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    ^^^ agree 100%
    Bra is such a Ghetto word and about as bad as the saggy pants.

    You told your doctor you are taking aas? Are you in the states (US)? You may have just screwed your future health insurance or job opportunities for life because that sh*t will never come out of your file and could/will have life altering consequences.

    So how is this well thought out cycle with the acne sides working out on helping your modeling career? I'm sure everyone is looking for a zit faced young model now days.

    Fvkn retard he was. As said, look where it got him? Very healthy lifestyle and long lived.
    Come on guys no hate just advice plz, and u realise I was joking he is not my idol if you actually looked at the way I said it. You could tell I'm clearly joking? Nah Australia so it's all good.

  27. #27
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    Yes, stop your cycle, no real need to run a PCT after only 2 pins.

    Resolve your diet issues and have your workouts reviewed too.

    Best of luck.
    This is your advice.

  28. #28
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrJabsBrah

    And lol I know but you know I'm a **** fan and all

    ^^^^^ did that rustle any jimmies? Lol
    The only jimmy that can't go up will be yours lol

  29. #29
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Why are you taking steroids to look like a bonds model.....they don't even lift..?

  30. #30
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest
    Why are you taking steroids to look like a bonds model.....they don't even lift..?
    To have a leaner and more ripped look don't say you can natural, because natural lifters always have a less aesthetic body then those on gear. I can do what I want and I have chosen to stop because of my condition right now.

  31. #31
    auswest is offline Banned
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    These are the bonds male models.......are you telling me you need steroids to achieve this?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-2899118809.jpg 
Views:	1351 
Size:	198.5 KB 
ID:	137342

  32. #32
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Lol no not them

  33. #33
    mrmida is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    ^^^ agree 100%
    Bra is such a Ghetto word and about as bad as the saggy pants.

    You told your doctor you are taking aas? Are you in the states (US)? You may have just screwed your future health insurance or job opportunities for life because that sh*t will never come out of your file and could/will have life altering consequences.

    So how is this well thought out cycle with the acne sides working out on helping your modeling career? I'm sure everyone is looking for a zit faced young model now days.

    Fvkn retard he was. As said, look where it got him? Very healthy lifestyle and long lived.
    I'm pretty sure his future job opportunities won't be altered considering doctor/patient confidentiality laws ...

  34. #34
    MrJabsBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmida

    I'm pretty sure his future job opportunities won't be altered considering doctor/patient confidentiality laws ...

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