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  1. #1
    usmc1371 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

    NEW MEMBER need help!

    whats up guys and gals heres some info on me,

    Im 26 about to be 27 im 6'3 used to be 200 lbs but ever since i quit smoking cigs i lost 25 lbs (backwards i know) I spent 6 years in the marine corps and weighed 216 but i ran 4 times a week lifted every day and was fed well. after the marines i was a personal trainer and i couldnt gain any weight no matter how hard i lifted but im pretty sure its because im just a skinny framed guy to begin with. its been a few years since i was in a gym but i just started doing mma (muay thai, bjj) mostly to get back in shape and its humbling getting the shit kicked out of you.

    I always contemplated doing a cycle just do get past my plateau because no matter how hard i tried i couldnt get past a certain size but i never went through with it mainly because i am ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of losing my hair lol and another when i think of steroids i think of science and i am completely ignorant on the subject.

    keep in mind its going to be a couple of months since i join a conventional gym and start hitting weights and this cycle is going to be for kettle bell workouts, burpees ect.

    now here are my questions and when you answer keep in mind i would like to know what else i should take during,after ect.

    what cycle should i start for this type of training considering i want to weigh around 215-230?

    what cycles will not make me start balding?

    what should i take with any particular cycle?

    what is testosterone treatment compared to steroids and is it more or less expensive?

    where can i get the stuff?

    any other input from anyone is really appreciated!

    thanks guys.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome and thank you for your services.

    A former marine afraid of losing hair? Come on brother! - It's not as common as you think. Besides, it only speeds up the process if you were going to lose it anyway. Otherwise no worries.

    First thing, you should have your diet evaluated by our pro's in the nutrition section. If you can't gain some weight naturally, there is something wrong with your TDEE calculation and intake. You also want to spend a lot more time in the gym than 2 months (unless I misunderstood), cycling after being out of the gym for so long could result in injury.

    Testosterone treatment is not comparable to cycling.

    ~ No price discussion.
    ~ No Source talk.
    ~ Read the rules please.

    Best of luck.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by usmc1371 View Post

    whats up guys and gals heres some info on me,

    Im 26 about to be 27 im 6'3 used to be 200 lbs but ever since i quit smoking cigs i lost 25 lbs (backwards i know) I spent 6 years in the marine corps and weighed 216 but i ran 4 times a week lifted every day and was fed well. after the marines i was a personal trainer and i couldnt gain any weight no matter how hard i lifted but im pretty sure its because im just a skinny framed guy to begin with. its been a few years since i was in a gym but i just started doing mma (muay thai, bjj) mostly to get back in shape and its humbling getting the shit kicked out of you.

    I always contemplated doing a cycle just do get past my plateau because no matter how hard i tried i couldnt get past a certain size but i never went through with it mainly because i am ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of losing my hair lol and another when i think of steroids i think of science and i am completely ignorant on the subject.

    keep in mind its going to be a couple of months since i join a conventional gym and start hitting weights and this cycle is going to be for kettle bell workouts, burpees ect.

    now here are my questions and when you answer keep in mind i would like to know what else i should take during,after ect.

    what cycle should i start for this type of training considering i want to weigh around 215-230?

    what cycles will not make me start balding?

    what should i take with any particular cycle?

    what is testosterone treatment compared to steroids and is it more or less expensive?

    where can i get the stuff?

    any other input from anyone is really appreciated!

    thanks guys.
    We're not a source board. This smacks of phishing.

    As to the remainder of your queries, they are rather basic. I would suggest that you take some time and do some of your own research regarding the rather potentially dangerous compounds you're considering putting into you body. Here is an an excellent place to get started...

    Most Common Beginners Cycles - Look here..

    My $0.02

  4. #4
    usmc1371 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    i wouldnt look good with a bald spot or shaved head and i have an awesome head of hair! lol my diet varies because of my line of work and idk if its because of my metabolism or just my frame but there was a point where i just couldn't put on a single pound. i was in the gym for about 4 years then i just stopped but im doing mma now so its not conventional weight training.

  5. #5
    usmc1371 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    phishing? and thanks for the link ill check it out.

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    And Burpees are for girls!! haha, jk. no really.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
    usmc1371 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    idk about that!! fast forward to 4:15 and all our workouts are just different variants of burpees like that. (military stuff)

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