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Thread: Cycle question

  1. #1
    slicknspade is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

    Cool Cycle question

    This is my first cycle and I have a lot of questions because I want to know exactly what I'm doing! I'm 5'11 and weigh about 198lb I have been training on and off for 4 years but consistently for the last year. I train about 5-6 times a week doing cardio 3-4 times a week. I train one muscle group a day. i do about 6 trisets each triset is with 3 sets for 10 reps with a good heavy is about 2000-2100 calories a day not really counting macros but still conscious of fats carbs and protein!I'm running a cutting cycle of Test Prop, Tren Ace, and Clen for about 10 weeks my PCT is Tamoxifen and I have Anastrozole just in case! I have Finasteride for balding because I want my hair, but I'm not going to use it because I read its not good to use it with test p!

    Ok so here are my questions:
    1) How should I cycle this safely and effectively?(how much of what should I take and when)
    2)what supps should i take? (I'm taking a multi, fishoil, I will take taurine for the clen)
    3)How many calories should I intake while on this type of cycle?
    4) any advice for the hair loss? (I'm 21 and want to keep my hair and I think my moms dad was bald)
    5) any other good cycles?
    6)is my way of training good for cycling?
    7) should I get blood work done before and after the cycle? What is that for anyways!
    any other advice or just knowledge I can learn would be really appreciated I want to Learn as much as I can

    This is not only my first cycle but first post here on the site, I just joined today, so if you guys think I should post this somewhere else just let me know! Just thought since my questions are about everything I should post here! Thanks in advanced for everything

  2. #2
    slicknspade is offline New Member
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    If there's any more info needed just let me know

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by slicknspade View Post
    This is my first cycle and I have a lot of questions because I want to know exactly what I'm doing! I'm 5'11 and weigh about 198lb I have been training on and off for 4 years but consistently for the last year. I train about 5-6 times a week doing cardio 3-4 times a week. I train one muscle group a day. i do about 6 trisets each triset is with 3 sets for 10 reps with a good heavy is about 2000-2100 calories a day not really counting macros but still conscious of fats carbs and protein!I'm running a cutting cycle of Test Prop, Tren Ace, and Clen for about 10 weeks my PCT is Tamoxifen and I have Anastrozole just in case! I have Finasteride for balding because I want my hair, but I'm not going to use it because I read its not good to use it with test p!

    Ok so here are my questions:
    1) How should I cycle this safely and effectively?(how much of what should I take and when)
    This is your first cycle so drop everything but the Test. You don't know how your body will react to Tren. It's pretty heavy duty stuff. I don't recommend it on your first cycle. BTW, how old are you? 1st cycle Test Prop is normally 500mg/wk for 8 weeks. One shot every other day.
    2)what supps should i take? (I'm taking a multi, fishoil, I will take taurine for the clen)
    Take multi-vitamins, protein and BCAA. Other than that, it's up to you.
    3)How many calories should I intake while on this type of cycle?
    You have to determine that on your own. Let's say your TDEE is 2500 calories and you want to gain weight. Then eat 2500+ calories a day. If you want to lose fat then do more cardio.
    4) any advice for the hair loss? (I'm 21 and want to keep my hair and I think my moms dad was bald)
    21? Hmmm, I'd recommend you read If you're gonna lose hair, you'll lose it. I don't have a lot of confidence in finestride or any other hair medication.
    5) any other good cycles?
    6)is my way of training good for cycling?
    7) should I get blood work done before and after the cycle? What is that for anyways!
    any other advice or just knowledge I can learn would be really appreciated I want to Learn as much as I can

    This is not only my first cycle but first post here on the site, I just joined today, so if you guys think I should post this somewhere else just let me know! Just thought since my questions are about everything I should post here! Thanks in advanced for everything
    First, welcome to the board. Read before you start your cycle.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    1st cycles bro are test only.Tren isnt for beginners and you really have no need for it.Also at your age you risk doing serious damage to your endo system.You may suffer from Ed no libdo and depression.So losing your hair will be the least of your worries.At your age all you need is a good diet.Hit the diet section and they will help you out.

  5. #5
    slicknspade is offline New Member
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    So one cycle will mess me
    Up?! O.o

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yes 1 cycle can and will no matter wat you use.Just not a real smart choice at your age bro.

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by slicknspade View Post
    This is my first cycle and I have a lot of questions because I want to know exactly what I'm doing! I'm 5'11 and weigh about 198lb I have been training on and off for 4 years but consistently for the last year. I train about 5-6 times a week doing cardio 3-4 times a week. I train one muscle group a day. i do about 6 trisets each triset is with 3 sets for 10 reps with a good heavy is about 2000-2100 calories a day not really counting macros but still conscious of fats carbs and protein!I'm running a cutting cycle of Test Prop, Tren Ace, and Clen for about 10 weeks my PCT is Tamoxifen and I have Anastrozole just in case! I have Finasteride for balding because I want my hair, but I'm not going to use it because I read its not good to use it with test p!

    Ok so here are my questions:
    1) How should I cycle this safely and effectively?(how much of what should I take and when)
    2)what supps should i take? (I'm taking a multi, fishoil, I will take taurine for the clen)
    3)How many calories should I intake while on this type of cycle?
    4) any advice for the hair loss? (I'm 21 and want to keep my hair and I think my moms dad was bald)
    5) any other good cycles?
    6)is my way of training good for cycling?
    7) should I get blood work done before and after the cycle? What is that for anyways!
    any other advice or just knowledge I can learn would be really appreciated I want to Learn as much as I can

    This is not only my first cycle but first post here on the site, I just joined today, so if you guys think I should post this somewhere else just let me know! Just thought since my questions are about everything I should post here! Thanks in advanced for everything
    You're too young. And your questions are very elementary. Not trying to sound like a dick, but you need to do more homework and stay natural for a bit.

  8. #8
    mrmida is offline Junior Member
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    ^^^ agreed with this... It doesn't seem like you have done any homework at all... Yes you're young as well, but I'd be a hypocrite to tell you not to use aas that young...

    However, you MUST do your research... I spent 8 months researching, studying, and reading about aas (before my first pin 7yrs ago) and I STILL am no expert by any means... Steroids are no joke! Research, research research!!!!

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