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Thread: sust tren cycle

  1. #1

    sust tren cycle

    Hi this is my first post on this website but have always read the forrums. my stats are 22 195 about 15%bf 5'11

    ive purchased 20 ml tren ace at /75mg per ml . and sust 250 and going to buy another 20 of each
    my question is im obviously running the tren ace eod at 1cc . origionaly i was going to run the sust 250 twice a week so 500mg a week.
    but i decided if im pinning monday thursday then eod shots of tren its going to be alot of injects . i would rather just do 1cc of each every other day . or 3 a week but that messes up blood levels so say eod ill be doing about 750 mg of sust a week . money is not a issue just do not know if 750 is to high. ive done 750 in past with test e with 1.5 and 1.5 shots twice a week . and have done t400 2cc a week . the question is i know the sides wont be making a difference for me but is it a waste of the sust. everyone i know nowadays say to shoot 500 for 4 weeks till it kicks in then up it not to waste juice... but body builders told me the flucation will cause more sides upping it mid cycle aswell as just jabbing in 750 the short esters gains will kick in early. in the past i have ran 2cc for 4 weeks then upped it to 3 thats why im asking whats better / 750 will kick in sooner obviously right ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    First: I don't agree with you running these compounds at your age.

    Second: If the injection protocal is overwhelming to you, then you have picked the wrong compounds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    ^^^ Agreed

    But what is your cycle history, exactly?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I agree with the above.

  5. #5
    the injection protocall is not overwhelming it is saving unnecessary shots and scar tissue . i would prefer doing as least pins as possible as im sure everyone would. people need to get over the age thing with proper dosing post cycle thereapy i see no harm as im sure everyone is aware most athletes or bbers start at younger ages.
    cycle history was i tryed the basic test e for ten weeeks . then my second cycle ran t400 and dbol liked the gains but gave some back acne . third ran test e again but winstrol for a summer cut . last cycle was test e again 750 mg and 400 deca . great strength gains no sides proper post cycle libido sex drive everything back to normal . reason switching to tren besides the obvious fat burner for summer was my deca like most took along time to kick in and tren will kick in faster . all i was wondering was to pin monday thursday sust then say i did tren mon,wed,fri,sun then sust monday again it would be non stop pins so decided to just go eod . even if i do .8 of a cc it will be 600 mg of sust in 3 shots and be less pins . my main question of wheter or not upping the dose mid cycle has negative effects wasnt awnserd but thanks for the support . i am runnning arimdex and caber during cycle and have my post ready im not like some of the noobs asking the most obvious questions that they could google

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Am i understanding correctly that you are 22 years old on your 5th cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    So lets say he did 4/ 10 week cycles plus and additional 8 weeks between last pin and pct start. So time on = time of.That would be 96 weeks time on and off. Thats 8 years. Hes 22 yrs old. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    So lets say he did 4/ 10 week cycles plus and additional 8 weeks between last pin and pct start. So time on = time of.That would be 96 weeks time on and off. Thats 8 years. Hes 22 yrs old. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?
    Not to mention only being 195lbs at 15% and 5'11!

    OP you should be way more concerned at your dietary habits than cycling AAS.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    So lets say he did 4/ 10 week cycles plus and additional 8 weeks between last pin and pct start. So time on = time of.That would be 96 weeks time on and off. Thats 8 years. Hes 22 yrs old. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?
    Agree 100%
    Age aside..
    Op: you are too focused on the gear being your answer, you need to shift that focus to proper diet and proper training. @5'11 you should have been over 200lbs before running gear.

    I'm not sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, but we're not here to sugercoat everything and give you dosing protocal when it is apparent that you don't understand the basics.
    Last edited by -Ender-; 04-18-2013 at 06:35 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    So lets say he did 4/ 10 week cycles plus and additional 8 weeks between last pin and pct start. So time on = time of.That would be 96 weeks time on and off. Thats 8 years. Hes 22 yrs old. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

    LMFAO STRONG MATH SKILLS 0/10 YOU JUST SAID 96 WEEKS AND SAID 8 YEARS ARE YOU MENTALLY CHALLENGED THEIRS 52 WEEKS IN A YEAR NOT 12. seriously that is the dumbest thing i have ever read on this forum you divided 96 by 12 as in 12 months and = 8 not dividing it by 52 . its been 2 years . go back to school please

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by alphasimz

    LMFAO STRONG MATH SKILLS 0/10 YOU JUST SAID 96 WEEKS AND SAID 8 YEARS ARE YOU MENTALLY CHALLENGED THEIRS 52 WEEKS IN A YEAR NOT 12. seriously that is the dumbest thing i have ever read on this forum you divided 96 by 12 as in 12 months and = 8 not dividing it by 52 . its been 2 years . go back to school please
    No need for the flame mate, he is only here trying to help.
    His obvious concern was there, that you have done a few too many cycles for your age, with lacking results. Something is is key stop trying to rely on steroids to fix your lack of commitment.
    Last edited by auswest; 04-18-2013 at 09:58 PM.

  12. #12
    i understand i need to change up my diet and constantly change my routines at Christmas i was 210 . still low but a majority of missing weight was due to a knee injury so going to focus on my leg mass now that its healed . btw not every persons goal is to be 260 lbs

  13. #13
    its not flaming just people come to this website for advice if your going to offer advice you should have your facts or basic math skills down . some poor calculations on dosages could harm someone physical he can take the little heat

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    While I disagree with being an ass about it.... I was gonna say learn to math

  15. #15
    2 years 35 lbs of pure muscle is not lacking results to many roid munchers assume when they jump up huge on dbol and water weight that those are solid gains. i assume more people offer negative advice on this site then anything positive rather then asking the question at hand .frank zane competed at 185 - 195 a little bit shorter at 5 9 but looked amazing

  16. #16
    i understand maybe over reacted but but common really this is the reason why "juice heads" or "meat heads" "muzzas" get stereo typed as stupid thats seriously grade 4 problem solving math

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Your not going to get anywhere if you don't get serious about your diet.

  18. #18
    yeah its true also sleep patterns . bought a rice cooker . george foreman. trying to change that this cycle and buckle down . i will post progress pics at the end i aprecciate that advice and am not trying to make excuses

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Quote Originally Posted by alphasimz View Post
    yeah its true also sleep patterns . bought a rice cooker . george foreman. trying to change that this cycle and buckle down . i will post progress pics at the end i aprecciate that advice and am not trying to make excuses
    Gl, checkout out nutrition section here. If your just learning how to diet there is a lot of good info in the stickies.

  20. #20
    i will check it out thing is i live on my own and odd working hours so mostly eating out i had no problem cutting .. cutting out all white carbs when i ran the winny and went from 18 % bf to 12 . but i dont like that smaller look ill check the stickies trying to understand time wise to keep anabolic growth rather then 3 meals and snacks. ive tryed protein in the past but switched over to eating just egg creation egg white in milk i found it easier on my stomach . but will probaly grab a protein with more carbs thanks again . after watching kai greenes video on cooking for the full day and how important it is i understand now .

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