Hi this is my first post on this website but have always read the forrums. my stats are 22 195 about 15%bf 5'11
ive purchased 20 ml tren ace at /75mg per ml . and sust 250 and going to buy another 20 of each
my question is im obviously running the tren ace eod at 1cc . origionaly i was going to run the sust 250 twice a week so 500mg a week.
but i decided if im pinning monday thursday then eod shots of tren its going to be alot of injects . i would rather just do 1cc of each every other day . or 3 a week but that messes up blood levels so say eod ill be doing about 750 mg of sust a week . money is not a issue just do not know if 750 is to high. ive done 750 in past with test e with 1.5 and 1.5 shots twice a week . and have done t400 2cc a week . the question is i know the sides wont be making a difference for me but is it a waste of the sust. everyone i know nowadays say to shoot 500 for 4 weeks till it kicks in then up it not to waste juice... but body builders told me the flucation will cause more sides upping it mid cycle aswell as just jabbing in 750 the short esters gains will kick in early. in the past i have ran 2cc for 4 weeks then upped it to 3 thats why im asking whats better / 750 will kick in sooner obviously right ?