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Thread: Important glute pin question

  1. #1
    inklife's Avatar
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    Exclamation Important glute pin question

    I've been pinning glutes with 1" needle it's all I have for now. It seems less pain full in the glutes so I've stick withit and am on my second week. My glutes are killing me and I'm thinking that it's not long enough? I do t want this to be a bad injection and have further problems?!? What can you guys give me for info! It's killing me and seems to stay sore for awhile. I'm almost injecting test prop and don't wanna be waisting my gear
    Kalau429 likes this.

  2. #2
    frank13's Avatar
    frank13 is offline "AR's Official Turkey Bacon Expert"
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    stats? cycle experience?? do u know proper injection techniques

  3. #3
    inklife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank13 View Post
    stats? cycle experience?? do u know proper injection techniques
    Yes sir, first cycle. I inject properly each time I've gone over injection 101 countless # of times now. I'm just wondering if this 1" pin is not doing the Job and I'm causing myself problems?

  4. #4
    frank13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inklife View Post
    Yes sir, first cycle. I inject properly each time I've gone over injection 101 countless # of times now. I'm just wondering if this 1" pin is not doing the Job and I'm causing myself problems?

    if we rule out what your inj and your technique causing problem i would say yea 1in maybe to short u maybe giving yourself a small abscess witch is causing you pain being that your not hitting the muscle properly i would say with the 1in pin try the arm probably the deltoid muscle maybe easiest for you inj and see if you still have pain remember new muscles that have not been inj before will hurt
    Last edited by frank13; 04-17-2013 at 09:01 PM.
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  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    What exactly are you pinning? Prop? You said "almost prop." What is that?

    Either way, if you're using a short ester like prop you need to use more injection sites. Your chances of getting scar tissue has risen dramatically by using the same spot(s).

  6. #6
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    What exactly are you pinning? Prop? You said "almost prop." What is that?

    Either way, if you're using a short ester like prop you need to use more injection sites. Your chances of getting scar tissue has risen dramatically by using the same spot(s).
    Yep, I agree with this ^^. But I have never ever, in many years have had a problem with 1". the longer 1-1/2" is better but really, if you stick the needle straight in all the way, push the syringe tight to the cheek and you WILL NOT have a problem and 1" is very acceptable. More sites is all he needs. Sorry to much made up about all this. Stick it stab it, push it plunge it and get out. Wpe off with alcohol, blood or no blood. NOT crazy mike
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  7. #7
    miner1 is offline Junior Member
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    Use 1.5 and try to keep a steady hand, but since this is your first cycle your not used to it. Give it a few weeks and you wont notice a thing!

  8. #8
    inklife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    What exactly are you pinning? Prop? You said "almost prop." What is that?

    Either way, if you're using a short ester like prop you need to use more injection sites. Your chances of getting scar tissue has risen dramatically by using the same spot(s).
    Sorry sir
    That was auto correct. On the almost I meant I'm using test prop

  9. #9
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by miner1 View Post
    Use 1.5 and try to keep a steady hand, but since this is your first cycle your not used to it. Give it a few weeks and you wont notice a thing!
    I should just stop but come on. With prop and eod or ed he will notice a lot. It aint going to be nothing and he'll probably have to hit shoulders and or thighs before it's over. WE don't even know if has some strong concentrate or what ever. But it is what it is and 1" is not his problem or shaking. IMOP ! That all I got now. ...crazy mike again

    It's the nature of the beast and he is not seasoned. Doing it correctly from what I've found out, Thanks again ....crazy
    Last edited by crazy mike; 04-17-2013 at 09:52 PM.
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  10. #10
    inklife's Avatar
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    With the scar tissue issue thing here is this always then into a bad issue??

  11. #11
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by inklife View Post
    With the scar tissue issue thing here is this always then into a bad issue??
    You don't have scare tissue yet. Just tender irritated tissue, ...issues.
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  12. #12
    inklife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    You don't have scare tissue yet. Just tender irritated tissue, ...issues.
    Thanks mike

  13. #13
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by inklife View Post
    Sorry sir
    That was auto correct. On the almost I meant I'm using test prop
    Please don't call Sir. Name's stpete. Prop, good choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by inklife View Post
    With the scar tissue issue thing here is this always then into a bad issue??
    When using a short ester like prop i suggest at least 4 body parts for injection and relocating equally. Believe me, scar tissue can hurt at times.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Please don't call Sir. Name's stpete. Prop, good choice.

    When using a short ester like prop i suggest at least 4 body parts for injection and relocating equally. Believe me, scar tissue can hurt at times.
    Stpete thanks for the info I just didn't wanna be sub q injections and cause problems

  15. #15
    mrmida is offline Junior Member
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    OP, do you have muscular glutes? Or are soft and fat? This is serious and ill explain why I am asking

    My friend was shooting his quads for first 3 weeks of a cycle with no PIP and switched to his glutes and had enormous PIP and a golf ball sized lump for 7 days after

    He had very little muscle in his glutes and I feel like this is why he had an issue... Plus, this was his first cycle so he was new to pinning as well

  16. #16
    inklife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmida View Post
    OP, do you have muscular glutes? Or are soft and fat? This is serious and ill explain why I am asking

    My friend was shooting his quads for first 3 weeks of a cycle with no PIP and switched to his glutes and had enormous PIP and a golf ball sized lump for 7 days after

    He had very little muscle in his glutes and I feel like this is why he had an issue... Plus, this was his first cycle so he was new to pinning as well
    My glutes are softer not very muscular does that go away

  17. #17
    Brick's Avatar
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    Can't believe no one question this yet...

    What gauge needle are you using. 25 you won't feel 27 you shouldn't even know you injected.

    On the other hand 18 and you will cry like a little gjrl

  18. #18
    inklife's Avatar
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    23 guage

  19. #19
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    I use 25 or 23 ...and barely feel it

  20. #20
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by inklife View Post
    Stpete thanks for the info I just didn't wanna be sub q injections and cause problems
    Nah, you're fine buddy. I use 1' for everything. Just keep a steady hand as best you can.

  21. #21
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Gonna agree with st Pete and the crazy old man...he's jabbin the same cheek every 4 ass would b sore too....
    Try the quads, I prefer more toward the side sector of the quad (be sure to aspirate on the quads, they're veiny). But delts my fav...idk something bout seeing the needle slide in, up close and personal.

    But yeah...let ur ass heal from the jabs it's been takin

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  22. #22
    inklife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    Gonna agree with st Pete and the crazy old man...he's jabbin the same cheek every 4 ass would b sore too....
    Try the quads, I prefer more toward the side sector of the quad (be sure to aspirate on the quads, they're veiny). But delts my fav...idk something bout seeing the needle slide in, up close and personal.

    But yeah...let ur ass heal from the jabs it's been takin

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    Thanks brother.
    To all In that area there's a little what seems to be knot and ill push on it and it hurts that's where most the pain is subsiding from

  23. #23
    mrmida is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219
    Gonna agree with st Pete and the crazy old man...he's jabbin the same cheek every 4 ass would b sore too....
    Try the quads, I prefer more toward the side sector of the quad (be sure to aspirate on the quads, they're veiny). But delts my fav...idk something bout seeing the needle slide in, up close and personal.

    But yeah...let ur ass heal from the jabs it's been takin

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-
    This is what i suggest also... Quads are easy because you can sit down, relax the muscle and have a steady hand the entire time your shooting..

    MUST ASPIRATE... You know what that means i hope... Although its hard to be directly in a vein it certainly is possible and you don't want to inject a vein

    Also shoot slow.. Sometimes with 23g, depending on how thick the oil is, you can shoot the gear very fast... Take your time and inject slowly and steadily (remember to keep you muscle relaxed)

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