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Thread: Planning next cycle thinking about tren

  1. #1
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Planning next cycle thinking about tren

    I finished my last cycle a while back (test and deca ). All went as planned had some great gains that I kept, diet was spot on. Blood work came back spot on yesterday. I want to start preparing for my next cycle: Test and Tren . This will be my third cycle. Stats 33 yr. old 6'3' 247lb. 9.9% Bodyfat. I've been weight training for 5 years. Also I am on TRT. What are you guys thoughts or questions?

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    I finished my last cycle a while back (test and deca). All went as planned had some great gains that I kept, diet was spot on. Blood work came back spot on yesterday. I want to start preparing for my next cycle: Test and Tren. This will be my third cycle. Stats 33 yr. old 6'3' 247lb. 9.9% Bodyfat. I've been weight training for 5 years. Also I am on TRT. What are you guys thoughts or questions?
    You know the basics man...
    Propose a cycle and we will give it a once over. Otherwise you will get advice from one end of the spectrum to the other.
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  3. #3
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Yeah I was going to do test c 500 a week for 12 weeks and tren acetate. Not sure how much for first time use? What are your thoughts on mg per week on tren A? I have no experience with tren.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Yeah I was going to do test c 500 a week for 12 weeks and tren acetate. Not sure how much for first time use? What are your thoughts on mg per week on tren A? I have no experience with tren.
    I really enjoy the low test protocal along side tren myself..there are a few that disagree. Entirely up to you. I would consider 350-400mg EW. If I saty below 400 the sides are much less pronounced and the gains are still very strong

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Have you ran Tren before?

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    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    I really enjoy the low test protocal along side tren myself..there are a few that disagree. Entirely up to you. I would consider 350-400mg EW. If I saty below 400 the sides are much less pronounced and the gains are still very strong
    Yeah that sounds about right. I was thinking test 500 and tren 300 per week. I can definitely lower the test though, it just worked good on the last cycle. The tren does mike me slightly nervous that's why I was thinking a lower dose. What do you think? I have respond well with few side effects to the test and deca but I know tren is a whole other animal altogether.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    I finished my last cycle a while back (test and deca). All went as planned had some great gains that I kept, diet was spot on. Blood work came back spot on yesterday. I want to start preparing for my next cycle: Test and Tren. This will be my third cycle. Stats 33 yr. old 6'3' 247lb. 9.9% Bodyfat. I've been weight training for 5 years. Also I am on TRT. What are you guys thoughts or questions?
    Tren is hardcore for a third cycle IMO.
    I'd just research the crap out of it, and you'll know what to expect if/when you cycle.

  8. #8
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027
    Have you ran Tren before?
    No never. Any advice is helpful

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    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProStatus

    Tren is hardcore for a third cycle IMO.
    I'd just research the crap out of it, and you'll know what to expect if/when you cycle.
    Yeah I am in no hurry and I might not do it yet. It is very tempting though

  10. #10
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    What is your TRT dose and ar you using an AI and HCG with TRT?

  11. #11
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79

    No never. Any advice is helpful
    Start low and see how you react. Make sure you have the needed ancillary s on hand in case sides arise from prolactin. I would advise running an AI as well
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  12. #12
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    What is your TRT dose and ar you using an AI and HCG with TRT?
    I just use a AI on TRT and my dose is test c 150 per week

  13. #13
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    Start low and see how you react. Make sure you have the needed ancillary s on hand in case sides arise from prolactin. I would advise running an AI as well
    Yeah def. I always run a AI

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I would leave your test at 150mg and run tren at 300-350 per week for 8 weeks. Have your Caber/Prami on hand

  15. #15
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    I would leave your test at 150mg and run tren at 300-350 per week for 8 weeks. Have your Caber/Prami on hand
    What are your goals of the cycle?

  16. #16
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    I would leave your test at 150mg and run tren at 300-350 per week for 8 weeks. Have your Caber/Prami on hand
    Yeah. Sounds easy enough. Just let the tren do all the work?

  17. #17
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    What are your goals of the cycle?
    Stay same weight or put on a few lbs. but lean out more.

  18. #18
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79

    Stay same weight or put on a few lbs. but lean out more.
    Then I suggest you take lunks advice and run lower test and higher tren

  19. #19
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    Then I suggest you take links advice and run lower test and higher tren
    Yeah I am happy with my size, I just want that super dry look.

  20. #20
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Yeah. Sounds easy enough. Just let the tren do all the work?
    Amen..I ahve found the biigest benifit to increasing test is to fight of lithargy and help a bit with appetite (never been an issue for me lol). Marcus and a cpl others believe that test and tren will have a more synergistic effect and increase muscle tissue more yet.

    I would prefer to keep the estrogen sides down by keeping test low.

    To each their own to decide

  21. #21
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    I am currently running 250 test e
    400 tren e per week

    Only sides are:
    a little bloatfrom time to time, but I just take a dose of dex and it subsides.
    BP was 120/74 at doctor today

    I have not gained a pound, but have leaned out a lot and my strength has incresed greatly, I almost get a little nervous putting up the weight that I do.

    A few zits on back and chest, but just a couple
    My cardio is in the toilet. Sweat a lot, and sleep is on and off all night, with a lot of sweating.

    The tren is amazing. Do not have a lot of energy like a test only cycle, but the changes in my body are pretty significant. I will probably up the test and tren dose next go around.

    Go for it dude, you are obviously in great shape. I do not reconmend tren for inexperienced folks, but I havent found it to be "harsh" at all.

  22. #22
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    I am also thinking about upping the test for the remainder, for energy reasons.

    Go for it dude, and enjoy!

  23. #23
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    ^^^^Idf you are not USING your Adex routinely then you are NOT an experienced user. You are running the risk of serious estrogen related sides not to mention high PRL from not managing your E2
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  24. #24
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    so even if i do not have any e2 related sides i should still dose everyday?

    I have only taken 3 doses @12.5 over the oast 6-7 weeks, when i felt bloated, or I had swellin in my ankles and it worked

  25. #25
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    The only reason to not run an AI is if you have labs to support your e is in range. Just because you are not experiencing sides does not mean that you don't have elevated e

  26. #26
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    so even if i do not have any e2 related sides i should still dose everyday?

    I have only taken 3 doses @12.5 over the oast 6-7 weeks, when i felt bloated, or I had swellin in my ankles and it worked
    Absolutely...there are a number of elevated E2 related sides that are not often recognized such as high cholesterol for example.

    Bloat and gyno are far from your only reason to take AI's on AAS...

  27. #27
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    Not to mention if you are a 49'rs fan you may experience elevated E2 symptoms like crying ALOT

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    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Are there not negatives to dosing everyday, or every other day of the AI?

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    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Unforunately Im a Jaguars fan.

  30. #30
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    I run a AI everyday of the year. I found that sweet spot of .25 mg a day. The blood tests never lie! No zits, no bloat, no emotional BS! IMO consistency is the key.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Not to mention if you are a 49'rs fan you may experience elevated E2 symptoms like crying ALOT
    For the record I never cried once hope there better next year bro picked up some pretty good players

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    Are there not negatives to dosing everyday, or every other day of the AI?
    Just want to be careful not to over do it and crash your E2. EOD is normally fine for most!

  33. #33
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    I run a AI everyday of the year. I found that sweet spot of .25 mg a day. The blood tests never lie! No zits, no bloat, no emotional BS! IMO consistency is the key.
    Just watch the BP on Tren biggest issue

  34. #34
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    Much better to take care of the AI while ON than having to do this at a later date while OFF.
    (Many reasons, including sexual drive)

  35. #35
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    I will start every other day. My BP was slightly elevated for a couple of weeks @ 135-140/ 71-84.

    CHX you will love the tren . Im amazed how my weight hasnt changed at all but my BF has gone down significantly. We are about the same stats. Im 34 230lbs but my bf is higher at probably 15-16% can see my top abs. Today is the start back of cardio

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    Sex drive is and has always been through the roof on or off aas. It is actually becoming a problem with the wife. But she hopefully will get there with the anavar she is about to start.

  37. #37
    Chx beach 79's Avatar
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    You can always look at a guy in the gym and tell if he is taking a AI or not. Greasy, zitty, swollen cheeks, no vascularity! It almost makes it seem not worth it to take the compound they are on.

  38. #38
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Im never greesey and i usually only get 3-5 zits randomly on my back or chest. Even at 16% BF estiomate I have tons of vascularity. Arms, traps, calves quads. I just have a little spare tire arond my waist but not for long

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    You can always look at a guy in the gym and tell if he is taking a AI or not. Greasy, zitty, swollen cheeks, no vascularity! It almost makes it seem not worth it to take the compound they are on.
    Some would argue that the best treatment is prevention.

  40. #40
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78
    so even if i do not have any e2 related sides i should still dose everyday?

    I have only taken 3 doses @12.5 over the oast 6-7 weeks, when i felt bloated, or I had swellin in my ankles and it worked
    I hope it is aromasin you're dosing at 12.5mg and not adex as you previously stated, an ai should be ran through out not randomly at a drop of a hat when you notice estrogen related sides, your levels will be going all over the place.

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