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  1. #1
    xaxe is offline New Member
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    Test e/anavar second cycle

    I'd appreciate some thoughts on my idea for a second cycle; I have done such a copious amount of reading that I find myself becoming less and less decisive and more ambivalent about what to run for my second cycle. Alas, I think I might just keep it simple.

    I'm looking to do a nice lean bulk in a few months. Here's a rough outline:

    Weeks 1-12 test e at 600 mg per week
    Weeks 7-12 anavar 40mg Ed

    Pct at week 14: nolva 40/30/20/20

    Pretty basic, I know. I was thinking of running dbol 30mg Ed for the first four weeks and running Adex throughout but I'm still on the fence. What do you think?

    And as for those pertinent questions: I am 5' 9", 200 lbs at about 15% bf. I am currently cutting down in preparation for my cycle. I've 8 years of experience in the weight room. My first cycle was test e at 500 mg per week for 12 weeks with a standard nolva pct.

    Thanks in advance gents

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011

    No need to increase second cycle to 600mg if your first was 500mg.

    Add Clomid 75/50/50/50 to your PCT.

    Definitely include an AI like Adex @ .25mg EOD on cycle to begin - titrate up form there if necessary.

    I would run your Var or your Dbol the first 4wks (Var up to 6wks) to pick up the slack of the long ester.

    Include hCG on cycle @ 250iu 2/wk.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree with the above.

  4. #4
    harley121's Avatar
    harley121 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post

    No need to increase second cycle to 600mg if your first was 500mg.

    Add Clomid 75/50/50/50 to your PCT.

    Definitely include an AI like Adex @ .25mg EOD on cycle to begin - titrate up form there if necessary.

    I would run your Var or your Dbol the first 4wks (Var up to 6wks) to pick up the slack of the long ester.

    Include hCG on cycle @ 250iu 2/wk.
    Hey Mickey, I get what you are saying about running the var 1st- to pick up slack till the long ester kicks in. Whats the reason others recommend running the Var the last 6 weeks to "finish up" the cycle?

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by harley121 View Post
    Hey Mickey, I get what you are saying about running the var 1st- to pick up slack till the long ester kicks in. Whats the reason others recommend running the Var the last 6 weeks to "finish up" the cycle?
    Depends on your preference..many like it on the back side for the extra "dry leaning out effect"

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    That ^^

  7. #7
    xaxe is offline New Member
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    Yeah, this was my sentiment too-running the var last would pick up the slack at the end of my cycle and also help me lean out. But I get the point about running it first to kickstart the cycle. I'm somewhat content with waiting for the test to kick in though. Thanks for the responses, guys. I will be sure to run an AI and do more reading into hcg .

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by xaxe View Post
    Yeah, this was my sentiment too-running the var last would pick up the slack at the end of my cycle and also help me lean out. But I get the point about running it first to kickstart the cycle. I'm somewhat content with waiting for the test to kick in though. Thanks for the responses, guys. I will be sure to run an AI and do more reading into hcg.
    Good to hear. Good luck bro.

    hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.

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    Why HCG is So Important

    hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.

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