first cycle was 7yrs ago...12weeks testE 500mg. good gains.
second cycle 5yrs ago...12 weeks testE 750mg/eq 500mg/dbol 40mg first 4 weeks. 20lb gain.

ive been trying to find good quality gear but all i could find was OMEGA, and after doing some research i decided no to go thru with it (after i had boughten 16weeks worth)
so now im going for 16 weeks of TESTOPRIM at 500mgs with deca at 300mg. i decided not to take dbol again since i bloated up like a pelican. Is 300 of deca enough? i know deca shuts u down pretty hard and ive been scared to try it since the EQ shut me down too. as far as pct, last time nolva at 60/40/20 worked well. im going for 16 weeks because both times i noticed my body blew up at around week 10 so i figure ill try to extend it out a bit more to see how i respond.