weeks 1-4
400 mgs of test 400
300 mgs deca
40mgs od dbol eod
1mg Arimidex ED
I am currently at week 5
Weeks 1-4 was taking 1mg of Arimedex EOD when I started noticing a bump. THe bump went down once I started nolvadex. Now doing Nolvadex ED and 1mg of Arimidex EOD
weeks 5-11
600mgs of test 400
450mgs of DECA 300
40mgs of DBOL ED
50 mgs of Winny PIlls ED
1mg arimidex EOD
20mgs of nolvadex ED
Weeks 12-17
50 mgs Anavar ED
50 mgs Turinbol ED
20 mgs of Nolvadex EOD
I also have a bottle of 10 CC Mastabol Depot 200 mg that I was going to start week 8 to week 12.
2 CCs a week.
THoughts please