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  1. #1
    Uiopjkl888 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

    New to forums. Need advice on first cycle.

    New to forum. Need advice on first cycle.
    Hi everyone. I'm new to all this so bear with me. Inhope I came to the right place. I wan to start my first cycle of something. I really don't know what so I figured I'd post what I wan my goals to be and you can tell me what I should use.

    First off. I'm in very decet shape and very strong. I am currently 185-190 lbs at 12% or so body fat. I can see my abs and when flexing they are defined. I squat 495, bench 330, and dead lift 450. These are all 1rms. I am currently all natural except for a pre work out usually c4 and a post workout usually whey waxy maize and creatine.

    So now that you have my basics. I suppose I just want to put on a little size. Maybe 10 to 15 lbs and lean up to 5-8% body fat. So my goals are realistic. I'd really only like to do one cycle and have somewhat permanent results. I do not have an addicted personality so I can do one cycle and get off if the results are lasting. I really don't want to do anything too crazy because I don't want to be much over 200 lbs at 5-8% bf. I did get my testosterone levels check through blood work not too long ago. I'm 29 years old and my test level was 666 (the scale was like 329-1200 or so for normal range) which seemed lower then it should be for someone who exercises as I do.

    So I guess my question is what products should I look into. What would be the best cycle for me to start for a month or 2 and have the results I want. Maybe even a example cycle would be nice. A stack perhaps?

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Welcome, search beginner cycles. Most first cycle is test only. With proper ai, and pct after. Just read sticks here and learn before doing any cycle cause you need to know what your putting in your body. Educate before medicate. Good luck

  3. #3
    Uiopjkl888 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    Yes that's what I am trying to do. Educate. Thanks for the advice. Ill do SMS searches. I figure

  4. #4
    Uiopjkl888 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Uiopjkl888
    Yes that's what I am trying to do. Educate. Thanks for the advice. Ill do SMS searches. I figure
    Wow this phone sucks. Posted it pre finished lol. Anyway. Ill do some searches. I figured this has been asked several times. Any posts would be great so if you wanna chime in with your first experience and what you maybe would have changed if you knew before what ou know now. Thanks!

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Go to the sticky at the top of page labels link database. It's got everything you need to know under beginner cycles

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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  7. #7
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    ^ or the human library will post it for you lol

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Haha ^^

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