I am not due to go get blood panels for another 3 weeks but I am sure something is off. This is my 5th cycle( dbol-50mg ed/ 500mg sust wk/ 300mg deca wk/ HCG 250 iu e3rd/ prami .25 ed/ liquidex .25 eod. I have never had so much bloat before on cycle and it just came out of no where 2 days ago. acne is out of control also but that's not uncommon for me at all on cycle. Should I be starting to adjust my liquidex dose now? I feel like going to go get a panel done but my regular endro is gone for the next week and I know that this other B%#$h in that office will look at my charts and see that I was just in there 3 1/2 weeks ago for a full panel and start asking dumb questions. Everything was in check before I started, test a little lower then my normal but E2 was spot on. I don't have the print out of the last work on hand but i'm sure I could get them when he returns. Thanks for any of you that will answer this in any way.