Okay my name is josh i am 22 year old almost 23 i weigh 245 pounds with a football player build my body fat im not sure of and im 6' tall...i am ordering a stack in a few day and need to know what you think of it and if it will work and how to use properly as to avoid dangerous effects...


Deca -bolin injections
Somatropin 6x injections
Testosterone capsules
triple xxx anabolic compound
and possibly hgh injections if i get them or need them

I currently stack the following supplements
All are six star pro nutrition

creatine x3
Testosterone booster

I am aware of all effects of anbolic steroids . What i m needing to know is what is the safest way to use and how to use them. Should i be eating a lot more protein and carbs and i work out two times a du already for too hours before work and two hours after work

Thank you in advance for any helpful post