im curious is there any possible waythat when you do an injection it doesn't absorb so u wont get the steroid? Even injecting into fat will absorb I realise that? but say ur injecting into ur quad and you check diagrams etc b ut seeing as everyones legs are different, what if you inject say a few centimetres away from diagrams, or to the left or right, or further down etc. I have tried injecting all over my quad, sometimes nicked a vein/bloodvessel, but I asprate airbubbles come in and then I inject, if I ever had a lump its from doing b12 with my shots but the lump goes after a little while. is there any way the oil will not absorb? even if I don't do it in the same spot as the diagrams, ive checked spot injections/videos etc and all of them do it in all different spots, im sure ive hit the same spots but just curios? if its in me, will it absorb no matter where its injected?