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Thread: do injections always absorb?

  1. #1

    do injections always absorb?

    im curious is there any possible waythat when you do an injection it doesn't absorb so u wont get the steroid? Even injecting into fat will absorb I realise that? but say ur injecting into ur quad and you check diagrams etc b ut seeing as everyones legs are different, what if you inject say a few centimetres away from diagrams, or to the left or right, or further down etc. I have tried injecting all over my quad, sometimes nicked a vein/bloodvessel, but I asprate airbubbles come in and then I inject, if I ever had a lump its from doing b12 with my shots but the lump goes after a little while. is there any way the oil will not absorb? even if I don't do it in the same spot as the diagrams, ive checked spot injections/videos etc and all of them do it in all different spots, im sure ive hit the same spots but just curios? if its in me, will it absorb no matter where its injected?


  2. #2

    so no matter where i inject it and airbubbles come into the syringe will it absorb>?

  3. #3
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    I would not suggest injecting into your fingers or toes but basically yes.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    I would not suggest injecting into your fingers or toes but basically yes.
    Or tally wacker

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  5. #5
    haha yeh i know that. but say u look at a diagram on spot injections that has you injecting in the side of the quad, what if you go 5-10cm away from it and inject? Still works right? as long as u dont nick a vein, aspirate and air bubbles come in?

  6. #6
    so is there no possible way for the gear to just sit at the injection site unless a lump is there. i never get lumps besiodes maybe 2 times as i said and they have always gone away. or the oil leaks out with blood if u pull needle out to fast etc

  7. #7
    Lunk? Atomoni?

  8. #8
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    Basically as LovByts and tron have said.

    As long as you inject it into either SQ fat, or IntraMuscularly, then yes, it will absorb. Those diagrams are there to help you pick an easy spot, deviating from these spots may mean that you get closer to arteries, veins or nerves.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Basically as LovByts and tron have said.

    As long as you inject it into either SQ fat, or IntraMuscularly, then yes, it will absorb. Those diagrams are there to help you pick an easy spot, deviating from these spots may mean that you get closer to arteries, veins or nerves.
    what else could u inject into lol? besides fat or muscle? Does airbubbles when u aspirate mean your in a muscle?

    besides injecting into a vein/bloodvessel some nasty part.

    so what else could u inject into?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by timezone View Post
    what else could u inject into lol? besides fat or muscle? Does airbubbles when u aspirate mean your in a muscle?

    besides injecting into a vein/bloodvessel some nasty part.

    so what else could u inject into?
    There isnt much else unless you go too deep, beyond the muscle. You kept asking the same question over and over, even after being answered. So I dumbed it down a little.

    When you aspirate you arent drawing airbubbles. Its a vacuum, it may look like airbubbles being drawn into the syringe, we do this to check we
    dont draw blood, if we draw blood then we are in a vein or artery. If no blood is drawn when you aspirate then you are good to go.

    If you still have questions, go and read the many threads we have covering injection techniques.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You really are over thinking this just inject into the muscle and make sure you aspirate, if no blood shoot it in.
    Go with glutes, delts and quads

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You really are over thinking this just inject into the muscle and make sure you aspirate, if no blood shoot it in.
    Go with glutes, delts and quads
    haha thanks kruger. Thanks marcus.

    yeh was just wondering its still going to work the same weather i shoot all over the quad and dont hit a vein or vessel etc

  13. #13
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    How many times do you need to hear it. YES, Yes, yes it will work even if you do hit a vein it will still work you will just get hot flashes and high heart beat for a while.

    The charts is only a guide line of the most common locations and easiest but you can do it most anywhere.

  14. #14
    cheers fellas

  15. #15
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    I kind of hate to get in on the tail of a beating a dead horse thread but question is relevant to injections.

    I have used Quads for years and I have just got some NPP for joint pain and used a 1 in 25 gauged pin . I have a hip implant and don't have flabby fat legs just not hard Quad muscle . The pat two Injection have hurt to the point of even with my high pain meds I take they hurt so bad I limped when I walked ?

    Would this be the pin to long or is NPP just a bit more painful than Cypionate and prop ? In cotton seed oil and I know the recipe IMO from what I have read the NPP should not be hurting so could someone please share a thought as to if I possible should use a 5/8 pin ?

  16. #16
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    Bump please ? Has been painful last about 3 days ?

  17. #17
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    You probably injected close to or hit a nerve. I've done it a couple of times and it's sore for a week or more.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper
    Bump please ? Has been painful last about 3 days ?
    Npp should be 100% pain free mate even at high doses

  19. #19
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    the ONLY way it would not absorb is if it somehow became inert, and the likelyhood of that happening is approaching zero

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    You probably injected close to or hit a nerve. I've done it a couple of times and it's sore for a week or more.
    Thank you ! lol still hurts like a MF !

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Npp should be 100% pain free mate even at high doses
    Agreed ! I put 1 mL in my delt and no pain but this is a MF and I promise I do know what pain is . . . . . lol !

    Thank you for your time !

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    the ONLY way it would not absorb is if it somehow became inert, and the likelyhood of that happening is approaching zero
    Thanks TR is inert like saturation ? If so no where close ! I just thought possibly the 1 in may be to long ? Thank you !

  23. #23
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    oh NPP gave me Deca Dick in 1 day and since it is NPP 2 days off and wood returns and at .50 EOD no Deca Dick ?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Thanks TR is inert like saturation ? If so no where close ! I just thought possibly the 1 in may be to long ? Thank you !
    inert means that it doesn't react/interact with anythying, and it doesn't change chemically.

    Helium is the lightest of the inert elements. doesn't interact with any other atom/molecule/chemical. A million years from now, that helium atom will remain unchanged. Forget about the half life principle for now.......

  25. #25
    If your injecting correctly,,,YES,,,they will totally absorb.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    inert means that it doesn't react/interact with anythying, and it doesn't change chemically.

    Helium is the lightest of the inert elements. doesn't interact with any other atom/molecule/chemical. A million years from now, that helium atom will remain unchanged. Forget about the half life principle for now.......
    My concern was pain and thought it might be the 1 in pin ? I have 5/8 pins ? Another member said I probably hit a nerve but I injected 2 x's in that Quad and lasting pain both times with 1 in and I read in a previous thread to use a 1 in in Quad due to fat but my Quads are not fat not huge ? wondering if the 1 in is a bit to long ?

  27. #27
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    Where in the quads are you pinning?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Where in the quads are you pinning?
    When sitting in a hard back kitchen chair top middle of the wider part kind of center top ?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper

    When sitting in a hard back kitchen chair top middle of the wider part kind of center top ?
    Try the same place but the side of the quad trust me you won't go back to tops of quads

  30. #30
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    Wow Thanks ? I think that sure does seem like a tender spot ? But if you use it and say no pain ; i am all about less pain !

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper
    Wow Thanks ? I think that sure does seem like a tender spot ? But if you use it and say no pain ; i am all about less pain !
    I used to do tops of quads and always hit veins or nerves or was tender but then a friend mentioned use the side and nothing since
    Hope this helps

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I used to do tops of quads and always hit veins or nerves or was tender but then a friend mentioned use the side and nothing since
    Hope this helps
    I agree ^^^^^^. Sides of the quads are much better than the top. I've had some very painful pins in the top (front) of the quad. You can get about 3 pin sites per quad. Upper, middle and lower. It'll give more areas to rotate pin sites. Also the vastus medialis on the lower inner quad will give you another pin location.

  33. #33
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    Wow did you guys miss me ? lol ! My laptop is being repaired and I just got my 7 year old desktop out and fired it up ! lol so slow , even a lag between key strokes ! lol Thanks for the info , but I hate to be as slow as I am but I can't for the life of me picture pinning the side of my Quad ? Now I do have some feel for my Quads and the thought of pinning from the side hurts and my delts are getting tuff to pin they are really getting scared and I hate to do Glutes my self !

    When I do Gluts with a 25 gauged pin I get off balance waiting for the oil to all squeeze out !

  34. #34
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    OH, NOOOO. should dare go here again. Different details but same topic and basic Question.
    Diagrams are just show good spots and some smart parameters. A guide if you will. A few centimeters here or there, when I don't want to be redundant but the nurses don't aspirate nor the doctors for IM. If you nick a vein, hell you just NICKED A VEIN and the oil doen't get sucked up into your blood stream. You couldn't stay in it, in one side out the other OR NICK ? L If you can get poisoned by getting your body scrapped , or nicked or cut by a serum (poison) or something bacterial, then how. It got absorbed and that's on the out side. What do ya think if you jamb the bacteria, poison in by 1-1/2 inches. Huh ya think it might get absorbed in some time interval. If you draw and it is air, it could still be a vacuum. Holy crap, do the nurses measure to the centimeters. Well that's enough ...crazy mike, enough

    I didn't quote but this is from the post from OP #1
    Last edited by crazy mike; 04-30-2013 at 09:37 PM.

  35. #35
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    I just have to say again. I challenge anyone to hit a vein and push that crap into the blood steam. Most all of you couldn't stay in the vein if you were trying and on the surface. If the compound get's trapped in a pocket of some sort it will dissipate into the body. It will be absorbed !!!
    I get so upset with some of you that you can't sit down and reason this out. Most, I say MOST of this is just plain common sense.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    I agree ^^^^^^. Sides of the quads are much better than the top. I've had some very painful pins in the top (front) of the quad. You can get about 3 pin sites per quad. Upper, middle and lower. It'll give more areas to rotate pin sites. Also the vastus medialis on the lower inner quad will give you another pin location.
    Thanks for the input on proper Quad injection , but I just can't pictirue pinning a 1 in. pin in the side of my Quad ? Could I trouble you for a little more detail on proper injection method ?

    I have never been concerned with it being saturated or straight mainlining that oily gear ! I have been trying to get some input as to proper and a little less painful Quad injection , just to give my Delts a few weeks off ?

    Rhanks Again !

  37. #37
    from my experience i only do quad injections in the vastus intermedius mid top thigh slightly to the right i havnt had a problem at all at that spot now the outside quads vastus lateralis sometimes its smooth as butter other times i nick some nerves which is completely acceptable and i still use them with short ester compounds def stay away from the vastus medialis in my opinion its quite painful and last time i pin'd that i had way more blood coming out than usually probably nicked a vein pretty good but i dont like pulling a pin out and blood gush like i just got stabbed with a 4 inch blade thats my .2 cents maybe some vets can chime in some more

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper

    Thanks for the input on proper Quad injection , but I just can't pictirue pinning a 1 in. pin in the side of my Quad ? Could I trouble you for a little more detail on proper injection method ?

    I have never been concerned with it being saturated or straight mainlining that oily gear ! I have been trying to get some input as to proper and a little less painful Quad injection , just to give my Delts a few weeks off ?

    Rhanks Again !
    Imagine sitting in the toilet
    The leg will be bent in front of you and the top of the quad facing the ceiling
    Now move around to the side of the quad 90° and you will be ok
    Check the pic
    Its not best but you should get the idea
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-541392560.jpg 
Views:	9127 
Size:	80.1 KB 
ID:	138241  

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Thanks for pic, I was about to do same thing

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588
    Thanks for pic, I was about to do same thing
    Hope it helps

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