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  1. #1
    ret is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012

    Need some input on 4th cycle.

    24 years old
    95kg (210 pounds)
    12% bodyfat

    I've done 3 cycles in the past, 2 of which was fast esters, and 1 which was slow. I hated the slow esters so:
    150mg Testo prop
    100mg NPP
    100mg Masteron Propionate
    inject EOD, thinking 10-12 weeks (probably until I run out unless you have some input).

    PCT and if I need anything during cycle confuses me, since I know masteron kinda works like an AI, but I've never used it before. Do I need HCG , during cycle or after? How much and how often? I've never used HCG before, though I think I really really should've used it on my slower ester cycle, since I felt a much bigger crash from it. Only used a standard 4 week clomid/nolvadex PCT, do I need that on this one as well? Some threads said only comid was needed but, wanted to make sure.

    Don't know if it matters, but I don't work out or use steroids because I want to be big or strong, I do it because I love to train hard. That's why I started a bit early (2,5 years ago). I didn't really have anything else, I've never done alcohol or partying, and I wanted to enhance my training and so far I love it. This will most likely be my last cycle for like 15 years or something since I promised my family and girlfriend I would stop after 4 cycles. I also promised them I will never use Tren (My gf did some research and found it to be scary).

    I tried searching for info around PCT for a cycle like this but couldn't find it, sorry if it already exist. Thank you for reading and thank you for your input, I would not have had such great times in my life if it wasn't for great serious communities like this.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    AI and hCG on cycle.

    Clomid 75/50/50/50 <---- if using tabs, 100mg first wk is fine.
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    hCG 250iu 2/wk on cycle.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Here are some links to help you understand the importance of both SERM's and AI's on cycle.

    hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.

    hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.

    Why It's Important To Run An AI

    Why is it important to run an AI when on cycle? - Swifto

    SERM, AI Definition

    SERM/AI Definition

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    You can obtain all your PCT and AI needs from the site sponsor. Welcome to!

  5. #5
    ret is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    AI and hCG on cycle.

    Clomid 75/50/50/50 <---- if using tabs, 100mg first wk is fine.
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    hCG 250iu 2/wk on cycle.
    Thanks a lot, very helpful. But I thought masteron worked so well that AI wasn't really needed? I've never really had any side effects from steroids , like ever. I've even ran out of AI during cycles, because it was really really hard to find, and still not had gyno or anything. I guess I can get some on hand, anything specific? So I do hcg from the first week of steroids, and end it the same week I end my steroids? And start my pct 3 days after last injection?

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    No. hCG is used on cycle to prevent Testicular Atrophy and provide benefits in other areas like your brain. Prevention, not treatment, is the key to a healthy body.

    Mast is not an effective AI unless you are running very low doses of Testosterone .

    Take a look at the following information and ask yourself if its worth not including an AI on cycle. I think you'll agree its a wise choice to have a solid AI included with every cycle that includes supraphysical amounts of exogenous testosterone - unless your decision is supported by bloodwork.

    Cardiovascular Dangers of Excess Estrogen

    Conventional medical dogma states that estrogen is cardio-protective while androgens are pro-atherogenic. This fallacy is based on the mere fact that men have higher levels of heart disease than women.

    Excess estrogen in males has many harmful effects, and is definitely not cardio-protective. The following are just a few of the many research studies demonstrating the harmful cardiovascular effects of excess estrogen in males:

    1) Increases Risk of Stroke.
    After adjustment for age, hypertension, diabetes, adiposity, cholesterol, atrial fibrillation, and other characteristics were made in a group of 2,197 men aged 71 to 93 years of age, men with the highest blood levels of estradiol had a 2.2-fold greater risk of stroke, compared with those whose estradiol levels were lower. www

    2) Increases carotid artery thickness.
    In a study of 313 men whose average age was 58, carotid artery intima-media thickness was measured at baseline and then three years later. After adjusting for other confounding risk factors, higher levels of estradiol were associated with thickening of the carotid artery wall. Researchers concluded, “Circulating estradiol is a predictor of progression of carotid artery intima-media thickness in middle-aged men.”

    3) Negatively affects lipids and other risk factors for CAD.
    In an angiographic trial of coronary atherosclerosis in a group of men with stable coronary artery disease, significant positive correlations between estradiol levels and other known atherosclerotic risk factors was observed. Researchers concluded, “Our results indicate a possible role of estradiol in promoting the development of atherogenic lipid milieu in men with coronary artery disease.”

    4) Promotes coronary atherosclerosis.
    In another angiographic trial of coronary atherosclerosis in men aged 40-60 years, compared with healthy age-matched controls, men with coronary atherosclerosis had higher levels of estrone and a low level of testosterone in the presence of a high level of estradiol. Researchers concluded, “Low levels of total testosterone, testosterone/estradiol ratio and free androgen index and higher levels of estrone in men with coronary artery disease appear together with many features of metabolic syndrome and may be involved in the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis.”

    5) Associated with heart attacks.
    In a study of men having suffered an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), a prior heart attack, and patients with normal coronary arteries, the results showed significantly higher levels of estradiol in both groups of heart attack patients compared with those without coronary disease.

    6) Increases Blood Pressure
    Excessively high levels of estrogen cause production of superoxide, a potent free radical which damages cell structures and increases blood pressure.

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