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Thread: Just Got HCG...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Need More HCG Help...!!!

    Just got my HCG today... but it came as...

    " HCG (HUCOG-10000 HP)
    Manufacturer: Bharat Serums & Vaccines Limited
    Pack: 1 vial (10000iu reconstituted) "

    So it is in Liquid form... now how much BAC should I add to it ? Because the little bottle it came in isnt enough for for 12 weeks So I gotta add BAC water or ?

    I have 30 ml worth of BAC water and another vial of the 30 ml BAC water for standby just in case...

    Should I separate the 1 vial (10000iu reconstituted) HCG into the Two 30 ml BAC water vials i have or ??? making it 5000iu's in 2 30ml bac vials...???

    This little Vial has me confused...

    I want to start my cycle tomorrow so i was going to inject the HCG tonight...

    Any help would be appreciated ...

    Thank you very much...
    Last edited by Ism; 04-25-2013 at 12:12 AM. Reason: Wrong title

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Didn't you have a similar thread tis morning?

    If its already in a liquid it's already been reconstituted. How many ml is the vial you have right now. Or is it an amp with just powder in it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yeah I did but i am about to Inject and I just realized that the 1 vial (10000iu reconstituted) is only 1ml...

    WTF ?

    im like wtf do I do Now ???

    add some bac water maybe to the 1 vial (10000iu reconstituted) or what ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Ugh the amount of people who can't do math on this forum is amazing.

    Put the 1ml of reconstituted HCG in a empty (and sterile) 10ml vial. Add 9ml of BAC water to that vial. So you'll have 10,000iu of HCG in 10ml of water, so 1000iu/ml.

    If you are taking 250iu per shot, draw 1/4ml. If its 500iu, draw 1/2ml.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    OR, you could add 3ml Bac Water into your reconstituted 1ml of 10K IU of Hucog and use .10 on the slin pin for 250iu. Same results as Super Chump, but I like to enjoy the minimum amount of compounds and volume into my body whenever i can. But again, both ways will work fine.

    "The least amount of volume that performs the intended job and produces the same outcome." That's my quote btw, feel free to use it.

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