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Thread: Some help.....

  1. #1
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Some help.....

    Looking at doing a basic cycle. Main goal all year round is to stay very lean (abs all year round) which I do anyway. But aiming to add on some more size. Was planning on running test/mast and maybe some var. Im currently on TRT anyway of 250mg test e every 10 days or so.

    Was looking at either!

    250mg sustanon OR test e per week
    masteron 300-400mg per week.


    test prop 300mg per week (1ml eod)
    mast prop 450mg per week (1.5ml eod).

    Obviously the first would be far more easier for me, but is there any other modifications? Currently sitting at 220lbs lean.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish-Muscle View Post
    Looking at doing a basic cycle. Main goal all year round is to stay very lean (abs all year round) which I do anyway. But aiming to add on some more size. Was planning on running test/mast and maybe some var. Im currently on TRT anyway of 250mg test e every 10 days or so.

    Was looking at either!

    250mg sustanon OR test e per week
    masteron 300-400mg per week.


    test prop 300mg per week (1ml eod)
    mast prop 450mg per week (1.5ml eod).

    Obviously the first would be far more easier for me, but is there any other modifications? Currently sitting at 220lbs lean.
    Wouldnt the EASIEST just be to bump your test dose to a higher cyle range of 500mg EW?

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Lunk will square you away.

    But i just want to add if you have a choice between a blend and single ester, roll with the single ester bro.

  4. #4
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Only reason I had said sustanon is that I have plenty of it lol.
    Tbh I could run 500 but I grow pretty well so was only going to start with 250/300 a week?

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish-Muscle View Post
    Only reason I had said sustanon is that I have plenty of it lol.
    Tbh I could run 500 but I grow pretty well so was only going to start with 250/300 a week?
    You said you are already using 250mg E10D. A bump by another 250-300mg would be perfect and inject 2X per week to stay more stable.

    250 is on the quite high side of TRT if taken EW so bumping another 250 is not a huge's more of a standard begginer dose for newer AAS users, but still VERY effective

  6. #6
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    You said you are already using 250mg E10D. A bump by another 250-300mg would be perfect and inject 2X per week to stay more stable.

    250 is on the quite high side of TRT if taken EW so bumping another 250 is not a huge's more of a standard begginer dose for newer AAS users, but still VERY effective
    Good point thx. What AI dosing? Currently taking aromasin 12.5mg eod? Plus if using test e, better to switch use mast e rather then p in that case?

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I'm not saying use Mast...I am saying just run a true Test cycle!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I ever mention mast?

  8. #8
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I'm not saying use Mast...I am saying just run a true Test cycle!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I ever mention mast?
    No but I did, I was going to add it in.

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish-Muscle View Post
    No but I did, I was going to add it in.

  10. #10
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Want to try it and for it's results. As said I aim to be very lean & hard all year round.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish-Muscle View Post
    Want to try it and for it's results. As said I aim to be very lean & hard all year round.

    Ok...well mast is a nice (lovely) compound when you are lean but really needs to be run at high dosages to "shine".

    I would run Test E @ 500mg EW and Mast E @ 600-800mg EW for 12 weeks!
    Leave your AI where is is and adjust if neceesary.

  12. #12
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Ok...well mast is a nice (lovely) compound when you are lean but really needs to be run at high dosages to "shine".

    I would run Test E @ 500mg EW and Mast E @ 600-800mg EW for 12 weeks!
    Leave your AI where is is and adjust if neceesary.
    This looks good however is there any leverage for a shorter cycle? I go on vacation mid June for 2 weeks and wouldn't risk taking stuff with me tbh. Would I be better just starting afterwards or for now run a short say prop course?

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish-Muscle View Post
    This looks good however is there any leverage for a shorter cycle? I go on vacation mid June for 2 weeks and wouldn't risk taking stuff with me tbh. Would I be better just starting afterwards or for now run a short say prop course?
    Short cycles are fine too. Are you on self prescribed TRT or doctor care?

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