Marcus300? mickey? LUNK KELKEL?
what are ur favourite compounds for putting on muscle? Besides diet lol
Marcus300? mickey? LUNK KELKEL?
what are ur favourite compounds for putting on muscle? Besides diet lol
Hands down I'm a Tren junkie...with that being said Test will and should always win. It's the base for everything that good and holy
Trt for a year and a half. Been on and off blasting cycles in between. MOSTLY trying to cut lol. But diet always seems to go off track. Bulked to over 100kg then cut down to 84kg now sitting around 88 at 14%. Used deca, tren, test, prop. anavar. Used a lot of things.
As far as Im concerned you cant beat Tren for bulking but some ppl have a difficult time eating enough. In that case Deca is always a great option.
Or consider a straight 1G test blast. I'm loving it!
hmmm 1g test? id be ashamed if i didnt look like i lifted after that. and i know some ppl who use that and look like shit! lol.
hows 600mg? maybe 900mg? lol
cant exactly remember sorry mate. But never really gone of 500mg of test. my blast and cruises were not typical blast and cruises more slingshot. where i went for 2-3 weeks and then tried different compounds. Have had blood tests done and luckily i did no damage! But i will get one done before this bulk! Just figuring stuff out
See if i ran 1000mg of test and somehow slacked off on my training or diet and didnt get the results i like i wouldnt really be pleased with myself or looking at myself and thinking do i even lift or some shit like that haha or someone else knowing i blasted 1000mg and still no real great changes. Only thing holding me back
altho 1000mg of test is fairly cheap so maybe i might try it?
I adore Test, it builds muscle tissue for me like no other, I feel so good on it and my over all performance when using it goes through the roof so I would have to say Test. Tren is very powerful and test and tren together is probably the best combo for me. Tren can be very harsh for some users but if your one who responds well to it your going to see some serious developments. I don't use tren anymore because it doesn't really make me feel that good while using it but in my early days ive used buckets of this stuff but at all times along side my favourite king hormone Test.
BEST 10 Week cycle
2 blue Smarties ed 1-10
1 brown Smartie ed 1-10
3 red Smarties ed 2-8
4 yellow Smarties ed 8-10
3 bowels of Chocolate Coco Pops ed 1-10
2 green M&M's eod 10-12
1 orange M&M ed 11-14
THIS is a schweet cycle bro and you will put on some good permanent gains!!
Let me know.
Test and Deca.
Tren is now off my list forever.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Why no tren buddy?Originally Posted by austinite
Test and a solid diet and training schedule is difficult to beat.
But my favorite is EQ.
I'm far from being a vet but I'm not going to be using 19-nors anymore. God knows Id love to run 800 milligrams tren for about 12 weeks. Fuk Deca.
I'd just stick with test, then the dht derivatives like primo, anvar, Winnie. And there's always tbol, ment, and hgh
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