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Thread: Donating blood

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Donating blood

    Should I or can I donate while on cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Yep you're fine . Been answered a bunch. Search button my friend

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles

  4. #4
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    Why not?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Doest hurt to get the oil changed every now n then. I feel good afterwards. Some say its becouse ur body is producing fresh blood which may be why ya feel better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    ethically, its wrong.
    Some poor woman is going to get your high testosterone dosages and grow a beard

    But I guess if you can't stomach doing a phlebotomy on yourself, go for it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    ethically, its wrong.
    Some poor woman is going to get your high testosterone dosages and grow a beard

    But I guess if you can't stomach doing a phlebotomy on yourself, go for it.
    I'm sure thats not that simple...

    and even if it were the quantity of blood transfused were not enought to no anything...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Say you run 1g test/wk.
    1000/6 (6 liters of blood in the body...or so)...

    Figure half a liter in a transfusion.


    You just gave the person a whopping 85mg of test all of the sudden.

    If Its a woman...that's a lot of test.

    Or maybe I am mistaken in my understanding...if I am, someone please chime in.

  9. #9
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    When a person is on table in the ER after a car wreck or somethings wrong in their body and the doctors can't figure out what it is I can't think that putting another factor into the equation could be a good thing.
    Also, when you donate blood aren't you wasting a little of the stuff that you are trying to utilize? I mean if you are counting every last gram of carbs. Or, the amount of time you spent making love to in order to determine metabolic requirements for that day...why would you want to have to figure out how much more substance to take in order to make up for what you lose by giving blood. And being that we are trying to be that precise, shouldn't we have a little more consideration for the precision that others (doctors) bring to their jobs (saving lives).
    No monkey wrenches!

  10. #10
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    I agree that it is good for the donator, I donate regularly because I think it is good for me and good for the recipient. I donate to organizations that don't sell it. It bothers me to think that some suit is making a profit off my blood. Exceptions: when I can't for a year because I've been in a Malarial zone or when my blood is not pure, such as, Pharmaceuticals, or strong herbs like valerian or st johns wart.

    ABC=America's Blood Centers, they are not profit.
    The Red Cross is a not for profit company that profits from your blood but uses that profit for other not for profit actions. Among other things, those actions support our servicemen here, and overseas, definitely a good thing and I personally benefitted from this when I was on active duty. Later, I was in Huntsville, Alabama after the tornadoes a few years ago and they were handing out lunches to anybody, even people who didn't need it, in cars they drove to all of the neighborhoods. Yes it was a good thing but, maybe not the most efficient use of resources. The biggest thing you have to look for in a non-profit is operating cost and percent of money actually given to those in need. Additionally, the head of the red cross makes a few million a year. That isn't exactly altruism.

    I pasted a good guide below:

    5 reviews
    by Michael Organ and Beth Hering

    As a blood donor, you can help save up to 18 lives per year.

    That's because you can donate blood 6 times annually and each blood donation is processed into components (e.g., red blood cells, plasma, and platelets) that can save the lives of 3 different people with different needs.

    About 38 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, yet only 5 percent of eligible donors across the nation actually give blood.

    Why do so many eligible people fail to become blood donors? The most common excuse is, "Because nobody asked me."

    So, we're asking... please become a blood donor. And then, please continue donating blood as soon as you become re-eligible, every 8 weeks (56 days).

    After registering during your first trip to a blood donor center, subsequent visits will be shorter. You'll breeze through a few questions and a quick check of your temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and blood count. Then, after a brief needle prick, it's just a matter of sitting quietly for about 10 minutes while your blood donation is collected. You can use that time to imagine the 3 people your blood donation will save: perhaps a mother suffering complications during childbirth, a child struck by a car, and a grandfather undergoing heart surgery.

    As soon as you're ready after your blood donation, feel free to help yourself to orange juice and cookies on the way out.

    Check the blood donor eligibility guidelines. If you're eligible to donate blood...

    Schedule a blood donation appointment online or call the American Red Cross at 1-800-GIVELIFE. Alternatively, find an America's Blood Center or United Blood Services Center near you.
    Set-up blood donor reminders via email to keep track of your blood donation schedule.
    Forward this article to the editors of local high school and college newspapers with a note urging them to let their readers know that the minimum age for blood donation is only 17.
    Since blood donations are usually low during the winter holidays, include a red heart in your seasonal cards urging friends and family to give the gift of life by donating blood.
    If you have a little more time, please consider organizing a blood drive. If you're expecting a child, please consider cord blood donation
    Last edited by Quester; 04-27-2013 at 08:25 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Give blood save a life.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I donate, but I feel bad while on cycle so I don't do when I'm on... I'm donating on weds..

    They called me and wanted me to start to donate playlets ( damn spell correct) ...since I'm A positive and they stated they where low. Well the one where I have to sit for 2 hours.. I was like damn 2 hours .. And I can give every 2 weeks

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    When a person is on table in the ER after a car wreck or somethings wrong in their body and the doctors can't figure out what it is I can't think that putting another factor into the equation could be a good thing.
    Also, when you donate blood aren't you wasting a little of the stuff that you are trying to utilize? I mean if you are counting every last gram of carbs. Or, the amount of time you spent making love to in order to determine metabolic requirements for that day...why would you want to have to figure out how much more substance to take in order to make up for what you lose by giving blood. And being that we are trying to be that precise, shouldn't we have a little more consideration for the precision that others (doctors) bring to their jobs (saving lives).
    No monkey wrenches!
    Most donated blood goes to anemic old people and trauma victims. A hormonal spike isn't going to be a huge deal (and it certainly beats no blood at all). If you're worried about it, do a double RBC donation. They keep mainly just RBC, which isn't where hormones and most drugs are found (they are bound in plasma).

  14. #14
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    I think they screen the blood before giving it to someone else....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320
    I think they screen the blood before giving it to someone else....
    I wouldn't think they would check for testosterone would they?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    I wouldn't think they would check for testosterone would they?
    No. They just check for the main blood-borne diseases.

  17. #17
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    Also, if your hemaglobin or hematocrit is too high they will reject you before they even start. This would then require a prescription in the US for a phlebotomy(same process as donating really), however they destroy the blood.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Most donated blood goes to anemic old people and trauma victims. A hormonal spike isn't going to be a huge deal (and it certainly beats no blood at all). If you're worried about it, do a double RBC donation. They keep mainly just RBC, which isn't where hormones and most drugs are found (they are bound in plasma).
    This is what I need to do. My RBC is always high when I do BW. Fvcking Thailand doesn't make it easy to give blood though. A lot of hospital's don't take it. Ironically they're constantly whining about short blood supplies.

    I've thought about draining blood myself but the obvious risk of ending up winning the Darwin Award for the year has kept me from it.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I've thought about draining blood myself but the obvious risk of ending up winning the Darwin Award for the year has kept me from it.
    You can't hurt yourself unless you use a dirty needle or something obvious. It's not like you could accidentally draw enough blood to hurt yourself (since it comes out really slow).

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You can't hurt yourself unless you use a dirty needle or something obvious. It's not like you could accidentally draw enough blood to hurt yourself (since it comes out really slow).
    I was afraid I might pass out and accidentally die. Marginally less embarrassing than auto erotic acxfictiation.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I was afraid I might pass out and accidentally die. Marginally less embarrassing than auto erotic acxfictiation.
    That would be tough to do so long as you're otherwise healthy.
    At your size, 1 pint should barely touch you. I've done two without any issue, and I'm much smaller.
    You'll start to feel lightheaded long before completely losing consciousness, at which point you just pull the needle out.
    But if you're really that worried, just have someone else supervise you.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    That would be tough to do so long as you're otherwise healthy.
    At your size, 1 pint should barely touch you. I've done two without any issue, and I'm much smaller.
    You'll start to feel lightheaded long before completely losing consciousness, at which point you just pull the needle out.
    But if you're really that worried, just have someone else supervise you.
    That's good news. I just started a cycle. Does it matter if I do it now or should I wait until after?

  23. #23
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    I used to donate blood plasma at 880ml 2x a week in college for months at a time. You get all your blood back, paid pretty well (75$/wk), and all you needed to do was drink some water afterwards. Haven't donated blood in a while but ill probably do it after my next cycle

  24. #24
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    Thread revival -

    When donating blood. They ask what RX and OTC meds you are taking. Would you guys inform them of anastrozole, test or HCG? I don't want to make myself ineligible because of these.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    Thread revival -

    When donating blood. They ask what RX and OTC meds you are taking. Would you guys inform them of anastrozole, test or HCG? I don't want to make myself ineligible because of these.
    Why would you admit to using illegal drugs? That will have you out of the chair as fast as you sit in it.

  26. #26
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    They aren't illegal if it is for TRT.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    They aren't illegal if it is for TRT.
    Correct, that is an exception, however, the donor clinic may need to confirm that the therapy is ordered and supervised by an MD or similar HCP.

  28. #28
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    Thanks, guess it would just be less complicated to just omit the fact then.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N
    Thanks, guess it would just be less complicated to just omit the fact then.
    In general, yes. If the therapy is provided by a clinic or HCP, then I would acknowledge the treatment, otherwise I wouldn't mention it.

  30. #30
    kelkel's Avatar
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    They're not gonna ask you about TRT. Just if you have used any illegal substances, etc. TRT's not illegal and it's none of their business.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    They're not gonna ask you about TRT. Just if you have used any illegal substances, etc. TRT's not illegal and it's none of their business.
    Agreed, but weed/morphine can also be prescribed but are still illegal to use...

    many things can be prescribed while being illegal to citizen...

    so we could basicly say that for a bunch of drugs...

    so what do they mean by illegal subtance then?? "stronger" drugs like narcotics??

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