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  1. #1
    Ro13's Avatar
    Ro13 is offline New Member
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    Tring test for the first time need some advice

    Im 37yrs old 5'10 and 170 with about 14%bf and have been lifting for about 10yrs.. Eat pretty good just cant seem to get the size I want so figuered I would try and get a little extra help. I have some test and winstrol but like I said this is my first time so dont know how much to start with. any help would be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    justo's Avatar
    justo is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ro13
    Im 37yrs old 5'10 and 170 with about 14%bf and have been lifting for about 10yrs.. Eat pretty good just cant seem to get the size I want so figuered I would try and get a little extra help. I have some test and winstrol but like I said this is my first time so dont know how much to start with. any help would be much appreciated!
    There's a section where it shows cycles for beginners. It says to do test e 500mgs a week for 12 weeks along with your pct hcg and ai

  3. #3
    Ro13's Avatar
    Ro13 is offline New Member
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    South Carolina
    Thanks man!.. So should I do the test with the winstrol or wait to do it? I've never had a problem getting lean.. just cant put on any weight. would like to be around 190-200 but dont wanna loose my speed.

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Welcome to the Forums Ro13.

    First cycle should be Test only to determine what sides or effects will happen in your body, and how you will respond physically and mentally.

    This thread will show you the mechanics of a cycle, but its up to you to set up a proper diet to compliant the cycle otherwise your hard work and money will be out the window. Diet is KEY to growing and maintaining new mucsle. It all begins in the kitchen, not the needle.

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

  5. #5
    m_donnelly is offline Associate Member
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    1. Run hCG and an AI on cycle.
    2. Have PCT in place; Nolvadex AND Clomid.
    3. Drop the Winstrol seeing as its your first cycle. On a side note, I wouldn't run Winny on a second cycle either as it can be hard on your joints. I'd go with D-Bol or Anavar .

  6. #6
    Ro13's Avatar
    Ro13 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    South Carolina
    Thanks guys!! I will keep you posted on my progress.

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