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Thread: Water retention and Gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Water retention and Gyno

    SO when on any steroid that converts to estrogen your muscle will retain water.
    SO what is the difference between retaining water in your chest muscles and getting gyno?

    Also my nipples seem a little puffy but I have no other estrogen related sides and even when I took my AI they looked a little puffy, yet I took it to the extent where it was obvious my estrogen was too low. Can steroids cause temporary puffy nipples and not be gyno?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    check out the links provided in the article. They explain the difference and also describe in detail what Gynecomastia is.

    I have Gyno, What Should I do?

    **I have Gyno? What should I do? Look here.**

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