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  • 2 Post By Drahcir_snave
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Thread: To The Youngsters

  1. #1
    Drahcir_snave's Avatar
    Drahcir_snave is offline Junior Member
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    To The Youngsters

    Sup? I come to you as a humbled man. Have you tried AAS before? If not im here to lecture anyone just to inform you... Ask questions do you research. Trust in the experience of these vets. I was a young know-it-all hoping AAS would be a super serum and would make me Arnold big over night. It doesnt do that... and although the vets here gave me solid advice, I chose to ignore it... Im not going to go into detail but lets just say because of my arrogance I am fighting to see 30. AAS is like any other drug; if abused can lead to serious health risks, and despite being warned this by numerous vets on here I decided to do my own thing. So in conclusion what I am attempting to say is AAS doesnt have to be a bad thing, its people like myself who fuel the critics need to label it as such. Trust in these vets and do the research, it may save your life. Im still a supporter so hit the gym and heed my words.

    EDIT: BTW fighting to see 30 is the words from the ER doctors not my own...
    Last edited by Drahcir_snave; 04-27-2013 at 11:28 AM. Reason: To not sound like a drama king
    Java Man and panntastic like this.

  2. #2
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Damn! That sounds really serious.
    I assume we´re taking cardiovascular.

    Your message is clear!

    However would you care to shed light on the size of the abuse? Number of years, types/amounts of compounds?
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  3. #3
    justo's Avatar
    justo is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier
    Damn! That sounds really serious.
    I assume we´re taking cardiovascular.

    Your message is clear!

    However would you care to shed light on the size of the abuse? Number of years, types/amounts of compounds?
    Very good question

  4. #4
    Zoey101Fan is offline Banned
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    What did you use, and what parts of your body are failing?

  5. #5
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    My god! Please shed some light on this matter. I Hope everything goes well for you!

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    This is a terrific warning and should be taken seriously by everyone. If you abuse AAS you will increase your odds of developing irreversible sides effects that can be life threatening. Pay attention to this caution.

    Having said that, i hope your see 90 bro!!

    Note: a copy of this belongs in Marcus's thread, imho.
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  7. #7
    RaW InStiNcTz's Avatar
    RaW InStiNcTz is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome post D, I see a lot of young guys looking to jump on gear in hopes of a short cut. I to would be interested in here your story bro

  8. #8
    Zoey101Fan is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    This is a terrific warning and should be taken seriously by everyone. If you abuse AAS you will increase your odds of developing irreversible sides effects that can be life threatening. Pay attention to this caution.

    Having said that, i hope your see 90 bro!!

    Note: a copy of this belongs in Marcus's thread, imho.
    It doesn't seem like much of a warning when he doesn't give details.

    when did he start? 15? 20? 25? 28?

    did he do something stupid? high dose orals without coming off?

    what exactly is wrong with him? liver? heart?

    this post basically said "i am dying because of steroids "

  9. #9
    djjohnnied is offline Junior Member
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    yeah in for details

  10. #10
    timezone is offline Banned
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    Mate. why pot a thread if your not going to go into SOME form of detail. I find it extremely hard to believe aas is causing you to fight for your life. Yes abused it can have negative effects. BUT in saying that you are the ONLY person in which i have ever heard AAS is killing you! I know people who are running 125mg eod of tren for 12 months straigh and are healthy as anything! I also know many people who started at 19-20 and are absolutely fine! You sure you have abused any other form of narcotics

    SORRY just find this very hard to believe

  11. #11
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by timezone
    Mate. why pot a thread if your not going to go into SOME form of detail. I find it extremely hard to believe aas is causing you to fight for your life. Yes abused it can have negative effects. BUT in saying that you are the ONLY person in which i have ever heard AAS is killing you! I know people who are running 125mg eod of tren for 12 months straigh and are healthy as anything! I also know many people who started at 19-20 and are absolutely fine! You sure you have abused any other form of narcotics

    SORRY just find this very hard to believe
    You are not in a position to be handing out advice leatherdaddy..

  12. #12
    tigerspawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drahcir_snave View Post
    Sup? I come to you as a humbled man. Have you tried AAS before? If not im here to lecture anyone just to inform you... Ask questions do you research. Trust in the experience of these vets. I was a young know-it-all hoping AAS would be a super serum and would make me Arnold big over night. It doesnt do that... and although the vets here gave me solid advice, I chose to ignore it... Im not going to go into detail but lets just say because of my arrogance I am fighting to see 30. AAS is like any other drug; if abused can lead to serious health risks, and despite being warned this by numerous vets on here I decided to do my own thing. So in conclusion what I am attempting to say is AAS doesnt have to be a bad thing, its people like myself who fuel the critics need to label it as such. Trust in these vets and do the research, it may save your life. Im still a supporter so hit the gym and heed my words.

    EDIT: BTW fighting to see 30 is the words from the ER doctors not my own...
    More information please.

  13. #13
    Drahcir_snave's Avatar
    Drahcir_snave is offline Junior Member
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    Okay we'll let me start by saying my health was never perfect I am 25 with diabetes... As for what I did to abuse AAS I was doing a 4mL pin of supertest 450 (I was told by vets not to) 2x a week... I was taking 60mg of dbol every day non stop for the past 4 1/2 months. 20mg of nolvadex everyday... As for fighting for my life as I said that's what the ER Nurses told me... They informed me that based on my blood test in January my kidney function has gone completely out of wack and they believe that I will have to do dialysis in the near future if I don't change whatever I'm doing... Am i 100% it's the AAS and not the diabetes... No... Btw I really didn't have a true cycle or pct... I am/were too immature for AAS... Nobody will react the same to any drug

    Age 25 height 6ft weight 203 bf 13% experience n00b
    Last edited by Drahcir_snave; 04-27-2013 at 08:42 PM.

  14. #14
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    So, you were injecting 3,600 mg of Test, per week???!!

  15. #15
    Zoey101Fan is offline Banned
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    ummmm I don't think the steroids are your whole problem. The oral would have been hard on your system, but I know pros do doses higher than 3.6 grams of test and don't get immediate kidney failure.

    It sucks that you have diabetes, but I wouldn't start blaming the juice yet. It could very well be a combo of the juice + the disease.

  16. #16
    Scottyb13's Avatar
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    I think the huge factor here is how long the dbol was taken.. Even ibuprofen effects the kidney/lung so can you imagine taking 60mg of dbol or 4 1/2 months?!? No offense to noob guys/girls but I don't think they really realize how much you have to increase your water intake so dbol is not so hard on your kidney/liver.. At that dose you really have to be drinking tons of water to minimize the effects it has on your system

  17. #17
    kwabby6 is offline New Member
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    ....all i'm seeing is somebody who abused and is warning people. Your experience is an outlier and not representative of the majority. I would say despite you being a diabetic, alot of your problem stems from the dosage and duration you were using D-bol.

  18. #18
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Regardless of what he has done, has or hasn't taken your all missing the message he's giving.
    He's saying the advice given here by senior members/ staff/ vets and knowledgable members is given to newer members because its proven tried and tested.

    He headed the warnings and is paying the consequences.

    It doesn't matter if what he took was more than your average man
    He's telling you to listen to the advice you are asking for.

    I'm glad you could come back OP and share this with the board even if some members are taking it lightly.

    Steroids regardless of how much you take and for how long, do cause problems not only for the young but for everyone.

    He should not be mocked or flamed for his poor choices he has come to share his story.
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  19. #19
    nondescript is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic
    Regardless of what he has done, has or hasn't taken your all missing the message he's giving.
    He's saying the advice given here by senior members/ staff/ vets and knowledgable members is given to newer members because its proven tried and tested.

    He headed the warnings and is paying the consequences.

    It doesn't matter if what he took was more than your average man
    He's telling you to listen to the advice you are asking for.

    I'm glad you could come back OP and share this with the board even if some members are taking it lightly.

    Steroids regardless of how much you take and for how long, do cause problems not only for the young but for everyone.

    He should not be mocked or flamed for his poor choices he has come to share his story.
    THIS!! He is just warning young people to listen to the solid advice given by the vets. Take that for what it's worth.

  20. #20
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Wish you well bro!

  21. #21
    Java Man's Avatar
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    OP: I hope everything works out for you and you get many more years.

    Whatever the cause in this particular case, I read this as a warning to young people to listen to the advice they're given. Must of my knowledge on AAS came from books. I read all I could find before taking the plunge. Nobody talked about it back then (late 80's - early 90's) unless you were already in an elite circle, you were on your own.

    There are no shortcuts. Roids put your body in an anabolic state that's more favorable than baseline would be - if used correctly. They can also lead you to a catabolic state that's much worse than it would be at baseline if not used correctly plus damage you permanently.

    You still have to do all of the things natural muscle growth requires. It's a performance enhancer. Garbage in, garbage out. If your diet sucks sand you don't know what you're doing, don't do it. It's not magic and it takes years to build the foundation whether youre on AAS or not. Without the foundation, you can't build. That's why the vets etc. all say you need to have a few years of training under your belt before even considering enhancements.
    Last edited by Java Man; 04-28-2013 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Typos
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  22. #22
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Regardless of what he has done, has or hasn't taken your all missing the message he's giving.
    He's saying the advice given here by senior members/ staff/ vets and knowledgable members is given to newer members because its proven tried and tested.

    He headed the warnings and is paying the consequences.

    It doesn't matter if what he took was more than your average man
    He's telling you to listen to the advice you are asking for.

    I'm glad you could come back OP and share this with the board even if some members are taking it lightly.

    Steroids regardless of how much you take and for how long, do cause problems not only for the young but for everyone.

    He should not be mocked or flamed for his poor choices he has come to share his story.

  23. #23
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    I'm bumping this for the newer members and so his message gets seen

  24. #24
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  25. #25
    free is offline New Member
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    I'm playing college football. Scouts are looking at me. I want to get bigger over the i am considering a steroid for three months. Any suggestions

  26. #26
    Scottyb13's Avatar
    Scottyb13 is offline Associate Member
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    College football at 46 years old huh? Ya, open your own thread please don't turn this one into a completely different thread. This is a good example thread. #1 state your stats... #2 if you have no idea, on anything, start doing homework homie!

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