Hey everyone
I'm 20 y/o and around 180lbs (Skinny) lol.
I've been hitting the gym for just over a year now and haven't seen much gains; I'm alot stronger and slightly more ripped, but other than that? I ain't happy about being skinny as ****.
I'm no 'steroid entrepreneur', labels/brand names don't mean shit to me (as of yet)... But a source I have has done Roids, HGH & Test himself - And the dude is a beast; So I know his products are legit.
So due to my body being like an incinerator, burning every calorie in site, I want to do a 2 month course on Roids (4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off.. This is how I was told to do it) while bulking at the same time - I'm looking to put on around 15-20Lbs and then following it up with a stack of HGH & Test. together (I was told HGH & test. are an awesome combination, but I need more info so if you have some knowledge please share)
Like I said, I'm no steroid entrepreneur, so if what I have said is wrong please no hate - I'm just trying to get info.