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Thread: Roids, Cycle, HGH & Test

  1. #1

    Roids, Cycle, HGH & Test

    Hey everyone

    I'm 20 y/o and around 180lbs (Skinny) lol.

    I've been hitting the gym for just over a year now and haven't seen much gains; I'm alot stronger and slightly more ripped, but other than that? I ain't happy about being skinny as ****.

    I'm no 'steroid entrepreneur', labels/brand names don't mean shit to me (as of yet)... But a source I have has done Roids, HGH & Test himself - And the dude is a beast; So I know his products are legit.

    So due to my body being like an incinerator, burning every calorie in site, I want to do a 2 month course on Roids (4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off.. This is how I was told to do it) while bulking at the same time - I'm looking to put on around 15-20Lbs and then following it up with a stack of HGH & Test. together (I was told HGH & test. are an awesome combination, but I need more info so if you have some knowledge please share)

    Like I said, I'm no steroid entrepreneur, so if what I have said is wrong please no hate - I'm just trying to get info.


  2. #2
    What do you recommend?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wasaga Ontario
    Education is power

  4. #4
    Then please, educate...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    4week on/off is a waste of time and money except if you are in trt and use suspension...

    It's not because the stuff he use is legit that what he will sell to you is...
    He just want to make money out of you nd you are putting yourself in danger...

    You won't get spoon feeded here. Look at the stickies you will learn more than enough.

    20 is young you could cause serious damage to your endocrine system and have a lifetime of problem...

    You don't even know how to train, 1 years or training is nothing... train another 2-3 years and learn about nutrition and training.
    You will certainly gain some precious mass.

    You are not ready...

    And again if you take your info from your supplier you are sure to be wrong. They just want to sell their crap and leave you with health problem for the rest of your life...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Garden of England
    Read the educational threads theres good stuff to assorb there

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