age 24
hieght:1.78 c"m
fat %:about 13
weight:92 k"g
im about to test enantathe 500 mg a week
winstrol 50 mg three times a week
proviron twice daily
any suggestions will be welcomed
age 24
hieght:1.78 c"m
fat %:about 13
weight:92 k"g
im about to test enantathe 500 mg a week
winstrol 50 mg three times a week
proviron twice daily
any suggestions will be welcomed
First cycle is recommended just test e only broOriginally Posted by gantz3000
Keep it simple for your first cycle. When you start to get really bad estrogen related sides how will you know what is causing them?
Arimidex is an AI's not a SERM! And you really should not be messing with tamox on your first cycle because you can tank your estrogen levels easily. I think you need to do allot more research before you hurt yourself.
Last edited by Iron-56; 04-27-2013 at 11:49 PM.
I agree. I was soo close to just doing a cycle until I spoke to the lads on here and they gave me the best advise everOriginally Posted by Iron-56
**Most Common Beginners Cycles**
i know that the best thing to do is to keep it simple with test only,but i want to be cut at the ent of the cycle not only with more muscle mass....what should i do about that?
Tamoxifen is the trade name for Nolvadex. They are both the same thing and is a SERM, not an AI.
I would have to agree with Mickey, best of luck bro
Oh sorry my apologizes! I was thinking of letrozole
^^^read this.Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
There is no need for secondary compound in first cycle.
Agreed read Mickeys thread it's exactly what you need.
thanks for the replies guys....i thinkis i'll go with test e only....few more questions:
1)is hcg really necasery for the first cycle?
2)this question is a little bit off but still i really need to know-can i use retalin while on cycle?
Personally, I don't think HCG is necessary a first cycle. How else would you know how sensitive your body is to HTPA suppression? Or even if it will undergo?
thanks "iron",can someone answer the second question?,thanks/
I believe hCG should be use on all cycles for all the reason previously discussed on this Forum. 500mg of exogenous testosterone administered for anything longer than a few wks will shut you down. Period.
hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.
hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.
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