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Thread: Test Flu

  1. #1

    Test Flu

    Hey guys i'm getting up to my fifth injection today of test enth but i'm a hurtin unit, experiencing test flu as well as serious pain at my last injection site(previous injections have been flawless)... but there isn't any kind of discoloring, bruising or anything that I can see at injection site looks fine. My test is supposed to be pharm grade, is this happening because I have crap gear? or because this is my first cycle? any tips on getting through the test flu?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Zoogbuild View Post
    Hey guys i'm getting up to my fifth injection today of test enth but i'm a hurtin unit, experiencing test flu as well as serious pain at my last injection site(previous injections have been flawless)... but there isn't any kind of discoloring, bruising or anything that I can see at injection site looks fine. My test is supposed to be pharm grade, is this happening because I have crap gear? or because this is my first cycle? any tips on getting through the test flu?
    Many of the heavy androgens suppress the immune system and make you more vulnerable to catching a cold or flu. Some do boost immune function like deca, hence use in HIV+ patients.

    As for pain and swelling, unfortunately this is common today from UGLs. It is mainly because of high alcohol BA and BB content in the oil. It was so bad with test propinate preparations parroting about how painful prop is persist on the internet. Nothing is painful about prop itself, it was the way UGLs brewed it. Now, if it persists and the injection site pusses or anything other than swell and minor pain and you start getting ill we must consider the possibility that the injection was not sterile. In that case you must see a doctor immediately for a bacteria or possible fungal infection.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2012
    Hey OP, I was in your shoes last year while doing a Test C cycle. All was well until week 7 or 8 when I began feeling extremely ill after each injection (2x week). The effects started about 8 hrs after an injection and lasted up to 14 hrs. Cold sweats, chills, extreme aches, loss of appetite and soreness which then lead to painful injections (probably because I knew what was going to come shortly after). At first all I could do was lay in bed but after the second week or so I just toughed it out and forced myself to eat and stay out of bed.
    Not sure if there is an easy way of dealing with it. Good Luck

  4. #4
    hey guys thanks for taking the time to write back, just got a little worried because it's my first cycle, I slept for about 14 hours and I am good as new back in the gym today lol inject pains went away flu went away. should I expect this again before cycle is over?

  5. #5
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    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Start taking Zinc.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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