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  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Can someone help with my VAR, TREN, TEST, clen/t3 cycle?

    I haven't cycled in about 18 months and I'm going to be running this cycle below. Can I get some feedback on how I have my cycle lined up (when I'm starting my tren and var is what I am mainly looking for)

    Weeks 1-12 test e 500mg ew
    weeks 4-12 tren a 150mg eod &
    weeks 4-12 anavar 100mg ed

    I will be running clen / t3 throughout the cycle but will sub black wall for the clen every 3rd week for 2 weeks then back on clen.

    I am just looking for feedback on the tren and var doses / times I have added into my cycle. Thank you for your time!

  2. #2
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Oh and I wish I got my hands on test prop before I got the enanthate but I am going to have to run the enanthate for this cycle... oh well, test is test so I figured I would be fine

  3. #3
    Alright john's Avatar
    Alright john is offline Junior Member
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    Is that 600mg of tren a week

  4. #4
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alright john View Post
    Is that 600mg of tren a week
    150mg every other day.... so yeah... 600mg treen ew

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Stats and experience brah

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    tripmachine's Avatar
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    32 6'2 210 lbs. 17%bf

    I have cycled on and off since 2003 anywhere from DBOL ONLY (dumb I know) to test e only for 10 weeks 500mg ew I have ran test/tren /mast. I have run methyl tren, winny, test, tren. I've done deca , dbol, test. abombs and i'm sure other stuff too. Hope that helps. 80% of my cycles followed by PCT, I started using gear the wrong way

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Are you still using PCT post cycle?

    Have you ever run low test protocol w/tren ?

  8. #8
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Are you still using PCT post cycle?

    Have you ever run low test protocol w/tren?
    Yes I will be running a PCT after this cycle... You know what I haven't tried the low test while running tren yet. I already started the test e... i've been on it for 2 weeks. (1st week front loaded at 1,000mg) Can I drop the test dose NOW if I wanted to try to do the low test with the tren? Do you recommend that protocol?

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I prefer it because it helps me manage E2 easier with less excess test. Yes you could drop the test at any time. I am not in anyway saying this is the only method, many prefer higher test and both ways work.

    Other than that I would not run the Var over 6 weeks and run it as a bridge right up to PCT. (Thats my preference)

  10. #10
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Dude I just ran a similar cycle, and All I can say it's been my favorite combo.

  11. #11
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I prefer it because it helps me manage E2 easier with less excess test. Yes you could drop the test at any time. I am not in anyway saying this is the only method, many prefer higher test and both ways work.

    What is E2? I'm guessing it helps you manage your estrogen levels? I may just start doing 1/2 cc 2x a week which would put my test down to 300mg ew is that low enough? I am currently running 600mg ew In first post I put 500mg but it is actually 600mg.

    Other than that I would not run the Var over 6 weeks and run it as a bridge right up to PCT. (Thats my preference)
    Why no var more than 6 weeks? Also are you saying I should run the Var from weeks 8-14? Thanks for your help and input!

  12. #12
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    Dude I just ran a similar cycle, and All I can say it's been my favorite combo.
    Awesome!! glad to hear! Can you give me your cycle details please?? I'd like to know what exactly you ran and when you ran them... what sort of results? What were some things that you noticed on this cycle that made you love it? thanks!

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Why no var more than 6 weeks? Also are you saying I should run the Var from weeks 8-14? Thanks for your help and input!
    All orals are toxic to a degree and your dose is high (not too high). I prefer to run orals only short bursts to put less stress on the liver.

    Yes..if you run Var right up to PCT your it keeps you anobolic through the 2 weeks before your PCT starts. Var is a great bridge for this purpose.

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Don't forget HCG on cycle and maybe liver support.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  15. #15
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Awesome!! glad to hear! Can you give me your cycle details please?? I'd like to know what exactly you ran and when you ran them... what sort of results? What were some things that you noticed on this cycle that made you love it? thanks!
    6weeks BLAST
    trt of prop/Test E 1200 ew I weened of prop for two weks until test e was stable
    tren a 300 eod
    var 100ed

    letro about 1mg eod/ hgc 250 x2 ew
    just the usual, lost some fat gained a few lbs of muscle but the vasularity with veins was unbelievable my veins where having babies...

  16. #16
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    All orals are toxic to a degree and your dose is high (not too high). I prefer to run orals only short bursts to put less stress on the liver.

    Yes..if you run Var right up to PCT your it keeps you anobolic through the 2 weeks before your PCT starts. Var is a great bridge for this purpose.
    sweet!! Thanks for the help and replies! I will save it til later in my cycle so i can use it as a bridge. Thanks again!!

  17. #17
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Don't forget HCG on cycle and maybe liver support.
    ohh My supplier gave me 3 bottles of HCG so I forgot to mention I have that as well... When would you suggest using it? Wait til pct?? Or during cycle and post?

  18. #18
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    6weeks BLAST
    trt of prop/Test E 1200 ew I weened of prop for two weks until test e was stable
    tren a 300 eod
    var 100ed

    letro about 1mg eod/ hgc 250 x2 ew
    just the usual, lost some fat gained a few lbs of muscle but the vasularity with veins was unbelievable my veins where having babies...

    sweet deal! so you were running 300mg eod of tren ace??? so 1200mg ew?? That's a lot it seems! damn.. lol i can't wait til my veins have more babies... i'm already good at having really veiny forearms and legs... :b

  19. #19
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    ohh My supplier gave me 3 bottles of HCG so I forgot to mention I have that as well... When would you suggest using it? Wait til pct?? Or during cycle and post?
    Use the HCG through will help aid recovery

  20. #20
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine

    ohh My supplier gave me 3 bottles of HCG so I forgot to mention I have that as well... When would you suggest using it? Wait til pct?? Or during cycle and post?
    Run hcg during your cycle to maintain testicular function. Makes transitioning to pct and recovery much easier

  21. #21
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    sweet deal! so you were running 300mg eod of tren ace??? so 1200mg ew?? That's a lot it seems! damn.. lol i can't wait til my veins have more babies... i'm already good at having really veiny forearms and legs... :b
    Yes, but I don't recommend this for anyone, this is about the 7th time I've ran tren a and its for a short period. I have veins where I didn't know I had them if that makes sense....I'm always catching ppl staring at my arms at work. I guess I still have some vanity left lol

  22. #22
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone!!! Appreciate your help and words.. ^ I've ran tren ace and enanthate quite a few times for as long as 10 weeks a cycle... I should be good on this cycle, I'm excited!

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