I have never done a cycle before, but wanted to try tren a and test prop. My questions are:
1. how long should I cycle for
2. what doses
3. do i need pct with these
4. what should I expect in gains
I have never done a cycle before, but wanted to try tren a and test prop. My questions are:
1. how long should I cycle for
2. what doses
3. do i need pct with these
4. what should I expect in gains
Also wanted to add im 35 yoa, 210lbs and been working out for 14yrs.
If you are 35 then you are adult enough to take critisizm. Do some homework and learn what you are considering putting in your body vs taking some spoon fed info from someone on the internet that could be a damn cop for all you know!
Read the stickys and the steroid profiles, then use the search function at the top right
I had to look twice...I for sure thought Mickey posted this...Originally Posted by Gaspaco
full stats:
5'10 210lbs
15% bf.
is test prop ok or should I run test e.
what doses for it
I'm goint to repost this since you somehow managed to ignore it:
If you are 35 then you are adult enough to take critisizm. Do some homework and learn what you are considering putting in your body vs taking some spoon fed info from someone on the internet that could be a damn cop for all you know!
Read the stickys and the steroid profiles, then use the search function at the top right
Test is test, no matter what ester you use, just keep in mind to have blood lvls steady.Originally Posted by newguy122
Prop ED or EOD pinning schedule.
E or C e3,5d
...and fully agree with lunk on the educational part, these things are not vitamins and can harm you pretty badly.Originally Posted by Lunk1
Get some time to read a bit more before you'll start.
Drop the Tren, aim for 500-600mg a week of test for 10-12weeks to start. Run PCT on every cycle no matter what and have stuff like nolva on hand during the cycle. Check out the main website it has a lot of information on cycles and pct.
Hey newbie how about letting the vets take care of this instead of jumping in as if you know what you are talking about?
Even if you know how to cycle or what should be cycle there is still a pecking order here and it's bad manners to jump in when vets are taking care of it. Stick around and learn a little or know it all and leave.
Not really, I toned it down a lot from usual. lol Do you think it was harsh?
I just find it resumptios that someone with 1 or 2 post would jump in making suggestions on a new site when they have not idea how things are done there/here especially when the vets have been holding back and trying to find out more information first.
I figure it's best to give a little warning before he jumps in with both feet and really gets his head bit off.
True that. Maybe im just reading it worse than it was. We don't want to steer people away from the site or seem like bullies to new guys.
Why is it so incorrect? 500mg test is good for first cycle and he recommended pct. Nolva on hand isn't necessarily wrong since it can be used if Gyno flares up. Just need to incorporate an ai during cycle and lay out the pct. Although and incomplete recommendation, it wasn't wrong or incorrect.
It was vague and slightly misguided
He should say
Test and length
Hcg should be run
Use an ai during cycle (adex, arom)
Have pct of nolva and clomid ready for pct
2 weeks after last pin start pct.
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